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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Two more Test Shots..... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  2. Another Test Shot....... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  3. Lighted NF-2 WIP........ FLOLS Landing System.... 331KillerBee
  4. Stay Tuned for the "PMBR". I sent Ravenclaw the info on them. He said he'd see what he could do........ 331KillerBee
  5. Sneek Peek....... Dash 60 A's..... Navy style Air Start Units...... General Perpose ASU's......... NF-2 Light Units..... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  6. I guess what Russo was getting at Stary is that no matter what Mue does, You'll never shake the Title of....... "Grandaddy of the Green Hell" BTW, Could You pass Me some more of that "Green Salad" this way, Please.......... 331KillerBee
  7. This is for Ravenclaw, I loaded this once....... 6 Mk. 82's with "Four Footers" with Ogives and Mk 433 Tail TDD's..... The ultimate "Lawn Darts".... 331KB
  8. The use of " Hernia Bars" for Bomb Extentions goes back to the U.S. Army Air Corps Weapons Development in the PTO durning WWII. With Tropical Enviroments with soft Soil, The AN Series Bombs had a bad Habit of Skipping at different Angles of Attack when released. This proved hazardous to Troops in contact, for there was no gurantee where the Bombs would land. So, Groundcrews devised away for the Bombs to stick in the Ground via leaving the Manual Lift Bar Tool called the "Hernia Bar" installed on the Bomb. The Bar threaded in the Nose Cavity of the Bomb where the Fuse would thread in for guiding Ordnance Crews in Loading Bombs to the Parent Racks. The Crew surrmized that it would be a large "Pub Dart". First used in the Philipines in 1945, The Army had good results with it and adopted it use, only to be shelved for 20 Years...... In 1965, The U.S. Air Force brought back the use of "Hernia Bars" for AN Series Bombs because of the same tropical Conditions causing the same Problem with Bomb Skip with Troops in contact. Especially the A-1's and F-100 Squadrons. So they brought back the Bars with a new Improvment. They extended the Bar to bottom ot the Fuze Well and welded the threaded Ring to allow for this. The old way of having the threaded Ring welded to the end of the Bar would lead to the Bars snapping on occasion. The Mechanical Tail fuzing was still retained. The Air Force had good results with this. It solved the Bomb skipping. But the Problem here was that the Bomb would burry about 75% to 100% of itself in the Ground. Still not ideal.... Beginning with the Mk.117 Series Bombs and the Mk.80's, The Air Force started developing a Mechanical Booster Extension to except M904 Mechanical Fuzes. Thus the "Daisy Cutter" was born. The most common that was used was what We called the "Four Footer". it was about 4 Feet long to allow for atleast 2/3 of the Bomb to be detonated above Ground. This is the Extension most seen in Pictures from the Vietnam Period and beyond, Now there was a "Eight Footer" that I'm looking for Pictures of. So if anybody sees one, send Me a Copy Please. The "Eight Footer" was developed for the Mk.83 and Mk.84 Bombs. The extra 4 Feet gave the Weapon the ability to denoate around 3 Feet above the Ground.......... Thought Yall' would like to know....... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  9. I wish we had a "True" COD.........
  10. It's YEYE's Mil-24P with some .Lod's added to the Nose via "Fake Pilot"......... The things sticking out the Sides of the Nose is of a UH-1 Gun Mount Rack. The Nose FLIR is off one of the UH-60 Mods....... That's why it's in the "What If" Section.....
  11. Your Attention to Detail is something to behold. Comming from somebody that spent 20 Years in the Avation Ordnance Field, Everytime I see Your Work, I say....Yep. That's what it looks like. From Your M904's with arming Wire in Your GPB's to Your current Work. Always most Excellent. 331KillerBee
  12. Daz 3d

    Looks as if it would be cool for Groundcrew too........
  13. Hawks....... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  14. It's a Marine Thing........ Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  15. WSB, Could I put in for a Request for the Future that is not on Your List......? LCAC That's all.... 331KillerBee
  16. Its Silverbolt's birthday!

    Yes, Happy Birthday and many more..... 331KillerBee
  17. Clocks

    Miller Time! (Damn, I just wish My Doctor would cut Me loose once in awhile )
  18. Swambast, I was hoping the both of You would get in contact with each other at some Point. Both of You two share vast amount of Knowledge in this Area only Us basic Users would love to Know. When Mue showed this, I thought of You right off........ 331KillerBee
  19. Yep......Hey, Wrench. Look up how many Thai Harriers they got. You'll laugh when I tell You this........Half were down because they didn't have enough qualified Pilots trained to fly them...... Anyways, Keep in mind what I just said and then go see how many were delivered to them......... It's a good laugh. Not knocking the Thai's or anything..... It is pretty funny once You think about it for a moment...... Yhea, I won't forget those either...... I'm doing all of them..........Well, Our Team is. " Team Hawker Siddney Harrier". We'll be graduating to "Team McDonnell Douglas Harrier" before long.......
  20. Cool. I forgot about the Italians.......Carlo, PM Me......We'll work that out.

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