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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. Pilot Data

    Hey Snakeman, Check this also.......In Your Install's Main Folder, in the Options.INI, See if these Entries match up with any of the Entries in the PilotData.ini. It'll look something like this at the top.... [Pilot] LastName=Pilot <<<<<< FirstName=Ace <<<<<< Callsign=Eagle <<<<<< Service=USAF <<<<<< See if that might do it. Other than that, I don't know....
  2. Pilot Data

    Then there's something really wrong. The .INI controls the Games Information Inputs....The .PLT File is the generated Saved Information for the Game Engine.....I wish I could help futher, But I've really got to see it......Sorry.
  3. Man, You know, The Desert from SF1 is basically the same as in SF2. SF2 has it's .INI's in Uni-Code and has some DX10 Plug-ins. I think that CA_Stary has done Enhancements to the Desert, Madagascar and Cuba here that will all work in SF2 at CombatAce Terrain Enviroment Download Section....... This is a ScreenShot Thread. We need to take these types of Discussions over to the proper Threads...But good Idea though..
  4. Pilot Data

    Be sure to copy over the Pilot.PLT File too....
  5. anyone think this is a good idea?

    KillerBee's 7 Layer Dip 8x8 Pan Layers 1- 16oz Refried Beans 2- 16oz Sour Cream 3- 16oz Salsa 4- Chopped Onion 5- Sliced Black Olives 6- Shredded Yellow Cheese 7- Shredded White Cheese Add another Layer of Sauteed Ground Beef or Refried Beans. Bake at 350 till hot and Cheese melts.
  6. anyone think this is a good idea?

    Rule #1 No BLT's tho'.......
  7. anyone think this is a good idea?

    I didn't mean that to be insultive. I dig new Chow......But that Zur comment, I just lost My appotite.....LOL Dave and the Newbie's........ROFLMAO!
  8. anyone think this is a good idea?

    The Combat Ace Food Channel......... :yes:
  9. Nope......But I can give You a hint on how it's done......Either buy the eariler ThirdWire Titles, Or wait till TK releases the Modules for SF2..... I have WOV,WOE and WOI in SF2......
  10. No problem Eric_J, I was just glad I could help.......
  11. LOL...........Call Corrosion Control......
  12. Making a Great Mod even better......Thanks much Guys! 331KillerBee
  13. Mr. Shorter, That's a Hellva' nice Paint Jobs Your doing. I'll take as many as You can pump out.... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  14. One more with the SF2 Detail Brush....... Thanks, C5! Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  15. Skin by MyThai01 VMFA-542 65' Seat by ravenclaw_007 Martin Baker Mk.7 Trees by CA_Stary Green Hell 2 ........In Strike Fighters 2.... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  16. Not Really.......Well, You can open the .DAT File in Notepad. But it might take longer to compile all the Entries back, then it would to re-make a new WeponsData.ini....You can open it to look at any "Special" Entries that You might have made though....... 331KillerBee
  17. Yep. Sure can....Maybe TU160AfterBurnerEffect.......Or something like that....
  18. EmissionVolume: Actual Size in X,Y,Z EmissionVelocity: Length it expands or emitts in X,Y,Z BTW, You got to give Deuces credit for giving Me a crash Course years ago.......
  19. Location of the "Effect" (Where it's placed) is controlled be the Aircraft's Data.INI....(Engine Section)
  20. Length would be adjusted in the "Effect" it's using. I'd say, make a custom Effect off the one it's using now and adjust it 's length there. [EmitterType001] Name=AfterburnerEmitter EmissionType=ORIENTED_EMITTER UpdateType=NON_MOVING MaxVisibleDistance=8000.000000 EmissionRate=0.000800 EmissionVolume=0.010000,0.010000,0.010000 EmissionVelocityTableType=CONSTANT EmissionVelocity=0.000000,-120.000000,0.000000 <<<<< Double it to something like -240 in the Y axis to start. HasLightSource=TRUE 331KillerBee
  21. I'd have to agree with Storm's points on IR. I'd like it. But better yet, I'd like to see Pilot.BMP's assigned down to the Squadron Level or to the Aircraft's Skin......
  22. Also tested with High Res .TODs in SF2...... Many Thanks......A Five Star for sure! Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  23. This is what I did.......4 Seasons with Medium .TODs...... StrikeFighters2..... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  24. One last thing and I'll quit "Hyjackin'" this Thread...... If You are changing Sounds or Effects of Guns, Be sure You've created a "Effects" and "Sounds" Folders with the the Modded Files in Your "StrikeFighters2" Folder. Vista- UserName/Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 XP- MyDocuments/ThirdWire/StikeFighters2 ..........Or whever You've got it located......

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