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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. File Name: VMA-513 CO's Special File Submitter: 331Killerbee File Submitted: 18 Mar 2009 File Category: AV-8 Harrier Skins This is 3rd with two missing Decals.....Sorry. Same as before. README Included. ENJOY! 331KillerBee Click here to download this file
  2. Sundowner, If You are still here.....I just ran another Test doing the NotePad Instructions above.....Did 4 Merges in one Minute .....But be sure to re-save back to Uni-code in NotePad....It works... When saving back to Uni-code, It'll ask if You want to overwrite......click "Yes"...
  3. As stated before, TK has announced that he'll be releasing a new Gun Editor. Also, He has announced the ThirdWire will be releasing a .CAT Extractor of their own.
  4. You can Re-locate it anywhere as long as the Options.ini remains in the UserName/Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Folder. Xp is My Documents/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Folder. Any Modded File or Folder must go into there and can be located anywhere as long as the Options.INI is where I've stated. You can change in the Options.ini, ModsEnabled=FALSE to play the Game unmodded. Please leave the "StrikeFighters2" Folder in "Programs" of Your C: Drive alone. That's the Engine's "Core". You mess with that at Your own risk. It's best to copy over .CATs to a temporary Folder then extract with the new Cat Pack.
  5. Here's an Example to Re-Locate a "Modded StrikeFighters2" Folder....My Main Drive is C:... [Pilot] LastName=Pilot FirstName=Ace Callsign=Phantom Service=USAF [Options] Section=3 [GameplayOptions] MissionStart=2 CockpitView=0 DisplayUnit=0 EnemySkill=1 Simulation=1 FlightModel=1 WeaponEffectiveness=1 Avionics=1 Targeting=1 HUDDisplay=1 Landing=1 Collision=1 Blackout=1 AmmoUsage=1 FuelUsage=1 [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1024 DisplayHeight=768 DisplayDepth=32 AspectRatio=1.777778 AntiAliasing=0 LensFlare=0 DetailLevel=4 ObjectDetail=2 ObjectTexture=3 CockpitTexture=3 CockpitMirrors=1 CockpitReflection=0 EffectsDetail=2 TerrainDetail=2 TerrainTexture=2 HorizonDistance=2 GroundObjectDensity=3 WaterDetail=2 CloudsDetail=2 Shadow=3 UseAdvancedShaders=0 [soundOptions] SoundVolume=100 SpeechVolume=100 MusicVolume=75 NumChannels=16 ReverseStereo=0 SpeechSubtitles=1 [ControlOptions] ControlMap=Killerbee's.INI Sensitivity=75 DeadZone=20 ForceFeedback=1 TrackIR=1 [MultiplayerOptions] LobbyLaunched=FALSE [MiscOptions] HUDDisplay=1 ForceAIPilot=FALSE [instantAction] AircraftType=F-4E MissionMap=DESERT StartTime=16:30:00 StartDate=09/18/1968 StartTimeDeviation=120 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 [singleMission] AircraftType=F-4B_67 Service=USAF MissionMap=DESERT MissionType=STRIKE MissionTime=NOON MissionWeather=CLEAR AirActivity=RANDOM AirDefenseActivity=RANDOM LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=F:\STrikeFighters2 MODS\Missions\A-4F_ALPHASTRIKE!.MSN MissionYear=1979 StartYear=0 EndYear=0 [Campaign] CampaignName=Jay Test PlayerService=USMC PlayerUnit=VMA-121 Green Knights Difficulty=NORMAL Length=NORMAL AircraftSupply=NORMAL WeaponSupply=NORMAL LoadCampaign=FALSE CampaignSavename= [Multiplayer] Connection=0 PlayerColor=0 SessionType=0 GameType=0 Password=MyPassword MaxPlayers=8 IPAddress= [DogfightHost] MissionMap=DESERT MissionYear=1968 Loadout=0 StartTime=10:30:00 StartTimeDeviation=240 RespawnTime=60 RespawnDistance=4000.000000 MinHeight=5000.000000 MaxHeight=12000.000000 HeightDeviation=5000.000000 ContrailAlt=7000.000000 ScreenshotsDelay=60 StartYear=0 EndYear=0 WeatherType=SCATTERED [DogfightPlayer] AircraftType=F-4E TextureSet=DefaultTextureSet PlayerService=USAF Squadron=DefaultTextureSet [CoopMission] MissionMap=DESERT MissionYear=1968 ContrailAlt=7000.000000 Service1=USAF Service2=SOVIET Mission1=SWEEP AircraftType1=F-4E AircraftType2=F-4E AircraftType3=MiG-21PFM AircraftType4=MiG-21PFM ScreenshotsDelay=60 StartYear=0 EndYear=0 WeatherType=SCATTERED [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Directory=F:\STrikeFighters2 MODS\ <<<<<<<<<<<<<< I changed the name to this, just for Me. [Version] BuildDate=Feb 2009
  6. And if You are adding Sounds, be sure that You have created a "Sounds" Folder in Your "StrikeFighters2" folder of SF2 with the new Sounds in it. Ya' know.....UserName/Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 XP would be My Documents/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2
  7. BTW.....You can save it back to Unicode this way.
  8. Sundowner..... Convert the SF2 Gundata.ini with Notepad first from Unicode to ASCII (ASNI). To do this in Notepad, Open with Notepad and re-save it as ASCII Format with the Drop-down in NotePad.(It says "Encoding Type" hint!) Then merge the both.... Then take the .DAT and Saved-Merged new GunData.ini to the Objects Folder of SF2.
  9. Me too. My guess is that function is based on Unicode. 2 Bytes versus 1 Byte....That's the major reason a new Editor would be needed for that function alone....Had to do mine by Hand....
  10. Yhea.....A round about way I tried to explain it.........
  11. Man, Sorry.....Haven't tried it like You are doing. I've never changed the Stock Entries. I'll play with it and see if i can come up with something. If You find a way, Please Post it....
  12. Granted.....But was trying to make it easy to understand. It's a Sim Forum. Not a Computer Programming Forum.
  13. Damn.....Unicode. Use NotePad to open the Extracted GunData.INI and copy in any new Entries. Use the "Old" Gun Editor to help in generating any new Entries. Add any new Entries after Number [GunDataXXX]. The new Entries being next in line after the last "Stock" Entry. Copy and Paste in NotePad or WordPad and "Save". That should do it.....
  14. Maybe this is a good time to tell Ya' my Findings on SF2 testing. Keep in mind that I'm running it on XP. But the findings would apply to Vista as well. SF2 Engine and "Core" was done in Unicode. Unicode is the newest Programming Language. Any .Dll, .CAT and .LOD files can not be revirsed and used in SF1/WOX Games. But the "Original" Format of the Game remained the same. With the Exception of how the Weapons File and Decal File is handled. It's basically the same Game. TK divided the Object.CATs into Groups that pretain to themselves. Such as, All Decals in one .CAT. Ground Objects in another, and so on... SF2 was set up to be Vista ready out of the Box. But will run on XP with no Problems. SF2 takes advantage of DX10 Plug-Ins for Visuals and playability in Vista. Most old Mods will work with SF2. The most that I've found that doesn't relate to Terrains. One can Move all Ones Mods to anywhere on their Computer. But the Option.INI must remain in My Documents/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Folder. For Vista Users, that would be UserName/SavedGames/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2. Be sure that the Options.INI calls out the Path of the relocated Folder. The way that SF2 is set up is brilliant. TK has set it up so each new Addition would be a Module that patches and updates the "Core" Game without disturbing ones Mods while adding new features. So basically doing away with re-installing and mutiple installing as before. Except for most Tree Mods. I've been able to port over most Mods without problems. Some Visual Effects are affected as well. Mainly because of the addition of DX10 Plug-ins. I'm still testing...So stay tuned. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  15. Ultramax and others.... I should clairify Myself. SF2 is in UNICODE. So there is no reason for a .DAT File to be saved. That's what the "Old Gun Editor" did for SF1/WOX Games. Since SF2 didn't add any new Gun Entries. It can still be used. The .DAT File that was generated for the "Old" Format is not required........At least in My testing.... (Disregard this Post. Info is Wrong. You still need the .Dat)
  16. I usually place My Editors and Utilities outside of the "Game's" Folder. But, I see no problem in doing what You suggest. As long as it can open the GunData.ini, all is well. As far as Capability. 98 Mode should work fine........But, I'm not running Vista or 64 Bit of anykind. Just XP.
  17. I'm sorry Ultramax.......Duh! I'm thinking of My own install of SF2. It should go into the UserName/SavedGames/ThireWire/StrikeFighters2/Objects........No MODS Folder.... Sorry for the confusion.... You can Install the Editor anywhere You like. As long as it can read the GunData.ini.....
  18. No Sorry.... Inside Your UserName/Saved Games/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2/Mods......There should be a "Objects" Folder already created. Place Your newly created GunData.ini in that Folder.....The old GunData.DAT Files isn't required (I've been told. But, I still include it just in case.). As far as compatibility, You can run the Editor in any Mode of Your choosing. Besides, since the .Dat isn't required, ( again, second hand) The Editor is just a fancy Notepad Program.
  19. Another one....... Uploaded. Awaiting approval. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  20. File Name: VMA-311 CO's Special File Submitter: 331Killerbee File Submitted: 18 Mar 2009 File Category: AV-8 Harrier Skins Fifth in the Series... README included. Enjoy! Semper Fi! 331KillerBee Click here to download this file
  21. VMA-311 CO's Special



    Fifth in the Series... README included. Enjoy! Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  22. Keep in mind, That the "Modded" GunData.ini would go into Your Objects Folder in Your SF2 "MODS" Folder.....
  23. The Old Gun Editor will still work. There's no .LOD's involved with the GunData.INI. Just Effects....
  24. I can think of two....New Terrain Editor and a Target Placement Tool....My 2 cents... 331KillerBee
  25. VMA-214 CO's. Al Asad Air Base, Iraq 2004. Uploaded.... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee

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