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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. 02' VMA-542 AV-8Bplus



    This is VMA-542 from 2002. ReadMe is included. Added more detail to Pylons and Gun Pods. Have Fun! SEMPER FI! 331KillerBee
  2. I'm Flight Testing Her.......An AV-8B "Plus"... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  3. Here's another Pic..... 331KB
  4. Here's alittle Update for Yall'.......My Health has slowed Me down some, But I've just got a little more .INI Dancing to do......... SEMPER FI! 331KillerBee
  5. File Name: AV-8A WOE Enhanced Pack File Submitter: 331Killerbee File Submitted: 2 Jul 2006 File Updated: 11 Feb 2007 File Category: AV-8 Harrier This is a Enhancement of the AV-8A in WOE. It includes six Skins utilizing the Squadron.INI and the Decal System of WOE. Also a Loading Screen is included and a Updated Data_INI for LHA Operations and with Chaff/Flares and Landing Lights installed. This reflects All Three Combat Squadrons that operated AV-8A's in the Marine Corps from 1972 to 1984. Read Me.txt is included. Enjoy! Semper Fi! 331KillerBee Click here to download this file
  6. Sorry Guys, There's a Typo in the Data.ini. Change the Numbers accordingly under Fuselage for the Chaff/Flares Systems..... SystemName[022]=Chaff_Station SystemName[023]=Flare_Station Be sure to renumber them to 22 and 23 respectfully. 331Killerbee
  7. AV-8A WOE Enhanced Pack



    This is a Enhancement of the AV-8A in WOE. It includes six Skins utilizing the Squadron.INI and the Decal System of WOE. Also a Loading Screen is included and a Updated Data_INI for LHA Operations and with Chaff/Flares and Landing Lights installed. This reflects All Three Combat Squadrons that operated AV-8A's in the Marine Corps from 1972 to 1984. Read Me.txt is included. Enjoy! Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  8. What are Your FireBases going to look like? Something like these? SEMPER FI! 331KillerBee
  9. Drop Tanks

    It really depends on the situation. During normal operations, They are kept as best they can. They do cost Money. They are only Dropped durning Combat Operations......ie. On the Attack. Normally in A2A Situations. Jettisoned on the Attack. In other situations, It depends. Durning Emergencies, They are jettisoned. But in all other Cases, They are retained for futher use. Fuel is transferred from the Tanks first. That's to insure the Tanks are empty for Landings. I loaded My share of Drop Tanks in My Military Carrer. I hope this helps some.... 331KillerBee
  10. Paul, I have....My Reply keeps getting bounced back. May I suggest that You clean out Your Mail Box and let Me know....I'll resend... 331KB
  11. Over the Years, I've been messing with it..... 331KillerBee
  12. Happy Birthday Marine Corps!!

    331KillerBee VMFA-235 VMFA-333 VMA-331 (A-4's) VMA-223 VMA-231 VMA-542 VMAT-203 VX-5 VMA-331 (AV-8B's) Retired 1992 after 20 Years as a E-8, Master Gunnery Sargent. MOS 6535, Avation Ordnanceman. Platoon 2065 "D" Co. Recruit Training Depot, Parris Island, SC. Graduated Sept. 2 1972. SEMPER FI! to all My Marine Brothers and Happy 230th.
  13. I'm pretty sure it's a conflict with the .hfd and .tfd files. These two files control Hight and Long. Lat. of the Game world. The DRV .hfd and .tfd Files might have different Scales than the Scales in the WOV .hfd and .tfd files which are located in the vietnamSEA.cat. I'm not too sure about this, But it might be the trouble. Besides, DRV 1.4 is a Vietnam Terrain. You already have a Vietnam Terrain in WOV. Every thing you can do in the DRV Terrain, You can do in the WOV terrain. The Ground Object Add-Ons that are to be used in DRV, can be used in WOV. I hope this helps you out some.
  14. One thing I might add, Is that the Add-On Pilot .Bmp's are Aircraft Specfic. You can only add a new Pilot to Aircraft Type. Not to the Squadron Level. Something I wish would change. I would love to have Pilot .Bmp's assigned to Squadrons that you choose.
  15. No. It would be called VietnamSEA.cat in WOV. Just copy it to your new Terrain that you downloaded, and Rename it (The Name of the new Terrain) i.e. AE, range,Korea,SCal,DBS.......ect. Be sure the new Terrain Folder(AE for example) is in your "Terrains" Folder in WOV.
  16. Is the MissileObject.ini that is included in the latest Weapons Pack, In your Objects Folder? It needs to. It makes Effects works too. It's what ties the Weapon to the Effect.
  17. RAAF F18 Super Hornet

    Ah yes, My first Bird was the F-4 Phantom in '72. A-4's in the early eighties. Speaking from a Marine Ordnanceman perspective, Those "Mickey D" Birds were Real Men Aircraft. Real Mud Movers. Hard wire systems and all. Now, They've got those new fangled Computerized Jobs. Man, Those were the days. :yes:

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