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Everything posted by 331Killerbee

  1. That's Looking Great! Just as I remembered.... Good Work Colmack! 331KillerBee
  2. Have a nice Strike Fighters Day and...... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  3. Happy Birthday Dave

    Have a Cold One on Me for this Day! Happy Birthday Dave.
  4. Any News From Ravenclaw_007?

    Dear Phantom Modder, You know My Sentiments My Friend. You have all My upmost best Wishes and Hopes for better days...... Your Friend Always, 331KillerBee (Phormer Phantom Phixer')
  5. http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/org10-8.htm They are in .pdf format. http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/ordbat.htm As far as Escort Ships go, You might have to look up OOB for Task Force 77 Vietnam War.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Vietnam_War_aircraft_carriers_of_the_United_States&oldid=391990241 Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  7. Happy Birthday?

    So True. So very True indeed.
  8. Merry Christmas..........

    Marry Christmas! 331KillerBee
  9. The "Twelve Days of Christmas", 1972..... SF! 331KB
  10. THE RED RIVER SHOWBOAT, F-105F (63-8351), Major Bob Huntley and Capt Ralph Stearman flew over 100 Wild Weasel SAM Suppression Missions with the 334th TFS and 1 MiG-17 to their credit. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  11. Other than ArmourDave's Korat, All other Bases are Stock. I might do a F-100 Pack if there's enough interests.........It'll take some time though to get it together. Here's two more...... Semper Fidelis ! 331KillerBee
  12. This one is in the Smithsonian. "SNOOPER" 3rd TFW, 90th TFS "Pair O' Dice" Bien Hoa AB, RVN 1970 Flown by Maj. H. Stewart 331KillerBee
  13. HUN...... 35th TFW, 352nd TFS "Yellow Jackets", Phan Rang AB, RVN 1970 Semper Fidelis! 331KillerBee
  14. Haulin' to Route Package Six.......... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  15. CombatACE Spotlight: Interview with 331 Killerbee

    Man, Back in the day. It was Karns, Bearden and Oak Ridge was our Rivals. But I've noticed we've struck up a series with the DB Indians. And I also see We haven't faired so well........
  16. Update of my Situation

    Falcon, You have been a Friend and long time Community Member here. I have had the Privilege and Honor to have been able to have got to known You over the Years. It's with a Heavy Heart that I've learned You going through this. Of course, I will hold You in My Thoughts and will save a special Prayer for You on the 8th. Hang in there. You have My Ear here anytime. Don't be afraid to PM Me if You need to. I'm here for You Buddy. Take it easy and take care of what You need to. Your Health and well being is Foremost. And We look forward to You getting back and well to do the wonderful Work like You've been contributing these last few Years. SEMPER FI! 331KillerBee
  17. WOW! -Coming from a Old Ordnanceman, That as is High Definition and as detailed as it gets. Thanks for sharing Ravenclaw_007.,........
  18. Feelin' Mean.......... Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  19. Soulfreak is right. Around 60 to 80% is where the Terrain is being loaded in the Process. At around there also, Strategic Nodes from the CampaignData .INI is loaded up. If You have a bad one, It'll lock it up also. Did You back up any prior .INI's before making any Changes so You can undo, compare any changes You've might made? If You are going to Mod in this series, It has been My experience over the Years is that Back'ing Up Your work is the Number One thing You can do in this Series. That way, You can always go back to the Conditions that last worked, And pinpoint the Problem from there. I can't stess this enough. Migbuster and Soulfreak are long time Members that I'm sure would agree with Me on this. You've got to back up. I've seen over the past that even one little Typo can be a Pain in the Back Side and lock it up. My suggestion would to be is to set the Conditions back to where the Game was working and loading correctly. Then placing the Elements of the Modded .INI's, One at a Time, Then seeing what the Offending .INI is. Narrow it down to each individual Entries.and go from there. Pay special attention to Typos in Entries or Mis-labeled .INI's. But it's most definitely Terrain/Campaign related. I hope this has been of some Help. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  20. Torpedo Effect I did when SF2 was released. This is what it would look like without a .Lod as Fubar has mentioned........ Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  21. Yea, That's it........Uma Thurman and one of those things that blows Your Hair back.
  22. Dear Santa, Please send Me (PLEASE) One of those things that will blow My Ole' Lady's Hair Back! Then she'll stop bothering Me and I can play more Strike Fighters. Besides, I'm running out of Viagra for the Month. Be My Luck, I'll just get a chunk of Coal.........

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