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About Momba

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  1. Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1

    Eric j,, just a simple question. How to activate the gun, plz answer me ASAP
  2. Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1

    The gun is missing from the loadout menu,, pplz how to fix
  3. FA-18 Series Update by The Hornet Team

    HI Dave,I'm having a serious problem with the mods.I put every folder in it's places and overwrited when asked, when I start the game the cockpit is not shown and the plane also,only the HUD infos without the frame, sorry please help ASAP...much appreciated
  4. F-35AE EuroLightning II

    Thnx alot friend , but I don't get any sounds from the jet and BTW what is Klsvs81
  5. Hi Res Runways 2014 (Pack 1)

    Looks amazing my friend thnx alot

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