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About Tac01

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    Northern New Jersey
  • Interests
    F-16 Flight Sim, and Sports.


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  1. Looking for new pilots all are welcome to join, all armed forces welcome, why not start your own Squadron? TS3 and flight server available. http://afv.flightunlimited.net/ Site is still being worked on** Tac
  2. Falcon 4.0 Allied Force

    Picture collections for both Falcon AF and BMS.
  3. Fighter Pilot Recruiting!

    Hi Yubba, sorry I took long to reply back. I will look into Hyperlobby tomorrow. Check my page out http://afv.flightunlimited.net/
  4. Raptor

    Yes Sir!
  5. Free Falcon 6 Flap Fix

    Good Job there......
  6. Free Falcon 6 B-52 flaps

    Very good, Falcon AF is a lot better.
  7. Free Falcon 6 B-52 flaps

    Try Ctrl+F9 or F10. Server should be up by the weekend...
  8. Free Falcon 6

    On F4AF you will see the where it says battlefield and click on that, then you will see the theaters there. Let me know.
  9. Fighter Pilot Recruiting!

    Hi All, Falcon Allied Force and Falcon BMS server coming soon!!!!
  10. Free Falcon 6

    I am actually working on a Falcon 4 Allied Force server at this time, should be up and running by Friday or the weekend. By the way, go check out Korea 2010 and Balkans 2010 Theater in Allied Force, a lot more nicer Terrain...... https://vimeo.com/groups/337297
  11. Fighter Pilot Recruiting!

    We still have open slots for Falcon AF.
  12. Fighter Pilot Recruiting!

    Worldwide, but I am in USA Eastern time, our site is still being worked on, but the Application section is good to go. www.Simairforce.com TAc
  13. Fighter Pilot Recruiting!

    Alright, I will be on later to give you more Info. about the Squadron. By the way, Both Falcons will work with Windows 7 or 8.
  14. Hello All, We are looking for new pilots to join our Squadron, do you own Falcon 4.0 Allied Force? How about Falcon BMS 4.32? Always wondered if your system is good enough to run Falcon BMS? You don't have to, just hop on Allied Force if you like. Any level of experience is welcome, no need to blow things up right away, just basic handling and learning all the systems at your own pace. You also have the options to file a Pilot repot(PIREP) to keep track of your hours online or offline, as real as it gets. Please post back on here or Pm me if interested. Please Note: Both Sims are fine to use, Its your choice!! Thanks.
  15. Falcon 4.0 Allied Power

    Hi Verdun, are you still interested to fly on Falcon AF?? Let me know, thanks.

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