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About R33GZ

  1. Thanks Wrench, will check it out
  2. Hi all, just recently got KAW installed and running. All looks mostly good so far... just a couple of questions: - Is there any way to get the correct dates showing? when making a mission, I only have 1970 available as the date - Are the Sabre engine noises supposed to just be a whistling noise? I dont really hear much/any thrust... just turbine - this may be intended, not a major if it is. - I have hueys populating the allied bases... assume this is because of the date issue mentioned above I think I installed everything correctly... any suggestions would be much appreciated
  3. Hi all Im new to the SF2 series and enjoying it much more than I had expected too... I dont think it really deserves the term 'lite sim' I have many hours on IL2 and I think this is certainly on par, but more accesable than IL2, certainly in the Jet Combat aspect. I have installed the SF2:I_israelMe terrain mod and the sarcasm mod as well as the Green Hell_3.5 mod and am so far quite impressed with the ease of installuing mods - once I got my head around the file hierachy/locations Im sure Ive just not searched hard enough, but is there a mod than makes all AI aircraft flyable? Would be great to fly migs in the ME and Vietnam theatres... not to mention some of the prop driven aircaft such as IDF spits and USMC Skyraiders... And another one than I am almost certain exists... is there a Korean airwar theatre and aircraft mod? cant seem to find it yet One more question... I held off installing SF2:NA as it caused intial setup problems - I didnt realise at the time that the series had to be installed chronologically... woudl you guys recommend adding the installation? or does it have a tendancy to mess with other modded installs? Currently running seperate installs, but am quickly seeing that Ill need to probably sort out a merged install... already loosing track of what mods are in what folders. Any tips or advise woud be very much welcome :-) Ive reached and bequethed my download limit, so guess Ill be doing some more extensive reading till I go again lol :-D

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