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File Comments posted by Acelevitz

  1. Marcfighters Su-27 Re-Worked

       2161    13

    replacing!! or make a copy of the .exe like this StrikeFighters2 - Su27 ?

    just replace the existent files on the mod folder who is diferent of the main game folder, the main game folder path is:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 <--IT'S NOT ON THIS ONE, DO NOT PLACE ANYTHING HERE
    The mod folder its were the game make copies of the .INI configuration files from the compressed .DAT files on the main game folder
    to recognize the mod folder try to find an original aircraft folder like A-4H_Ahit_73, if you find this folder jus get back to the strike fighters2 main folder who should contain the folders: Coltrols, Effects, Objects, Missions and pilot data and place the su-27 content there
  2. Marcfighters Su-27 Re-Worked

       2161    13

    plz can anyone explain to me how to add this files to the game?

    First you need to decompress the winrar file to a folder and then you need to find the mod folder of your game, the default path it's diferent on every Windows OS. my windows is the 7 so my path is C:\Users\''user name''\Saved games\ThirdWire\Strikefighters2 ''version name''
    once this steps are complete you move or copy the decompressed folder to the mod folder, replacing  the existent ones like the objects folder who contais the aircraft and the weapons

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