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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Hi. I'd like to adjust the data ini entries in individual aircraft to get a better chance of more accurate match-ups in the "create mission "option in WOE. Before I start :) does anyone know if these adjustments adversely effect the stock campaign ? Thanks
  2. Hi guys. I'd like to know if anyone has the very fine OTC/Cuba mod fully working in a patched WOE (or patched anything fwiw) ? Based on various posts since October I have-non flickering water for the Cuba terrain but still no joy on carrier operations. A number of posts on this suggest altering deck height and the like in the carrier data ini. I've experimented endlessly raising and lowering heights in CVAN-65(early) and CV-59 class as well. The results still are the same: exploding and bobbing planes on the hangar deck below. Would really like to upgrade this favorite mod and would appreciate any more clues. Bob PS. I do have carriers working fine in patched Korea(SFG) ,Suez(SFG), an Falkands(WOE)
  3. Great news, I'm on it. Appreciate the look.
  4. Well sonfagun that worked for my stuff in a patched KAW mod so I went to a patched Cuba OTC. When going higher in deck height didn't work I went lower to get CVA-62 to work. But a new problem: Take offs were fine but even landings set on easy would put me right into the hangar deck. Hmmm. Any more data to manipulate?
  5. Thanks Panama... I'll start with your suggestions as soon as I leave the office
  6. That's the fix for sure. Thanks for re-posting For the first time the carriers also look right. But is there also a "fix" for floating and exploding planes on the carrier deck? Bob
  7. Bump from the wrong place. sry I have the very fine 62 Cuba mod (OTC ) working well, terrain and all, in a patched fresh WOE install thanks to all the posts above. It would be perfect if I could get the JFK speech in the loading screen to play, but I'll skip that if only those Soviet operated SAM sites would start firing again. I've gotten plenty of flak thrown at me no SA-2 has been launched at me since I've been on the patched version. Weapons packs etc seem normal and the ini's are untouched from the original download. Any thoughts ? I'm at a loss where else to look. Thanks, Bob
  8. Thanks to everyone I have OTC working well in a patched WOE including the terrain. It would be perfect if I could get the JFK speech to play but I'll skip that if only those Soviet operated SAM sites would start firing again. I've gotten plenty of flak thrown at me but not a SAM launched at me since I've been on the patched version. Weapons packs etc seem normal and I'm at a loss where else to look. Bob
  9. A RAF entry for somone, from the "Second to None" Calendar by Lockheed Martin Fantastic Klavs. Really great stuff OT: Dave thanks for all you posts this past week or so. Made patching clear and easy. Bob
  10. Any Race Fanes out there?

    Racing has also let me combine my interest in flying as well. Bob#21
  11. Thank you Kevin for bringing forward the F7U. I must have been in it for at least an hour last night. Wonderful. I have to ask though, where are you guys using these great naval aircraft? Is there a mod or campaign between the end of the Korean War and before the Cuban Missile Crisis that is available somewhere and I should be using ? Thanks, Bob
  12. Thank you, thought that was long gone, I confused it with Taiwan Straits '58
  13. I'm so glad I didn't start fiddling with files and asked a question instead. Whew. Thank you vm. Bob
  14. Hi. Ive looked around for a Libyan Foxbat skin but no luck Might there be one around that I'm overlooking? Thanks.
  15. A lot is still new to me... Thank you. Bob
  16. D'oh. Thank you, I must remember basics.
  17. Hi. Since it appears to work, could you please post what strings and values ? BTW: Is it possible to get the F4B to work in WOI ?
  18. I just cut and pasted the catapult data from the Forrestal (CV-59 data ini) because it had different values than CVA-63 . My launch and flight was finally normal but now my wingman would do a roll on and through the deck before launching and flying normally. Funny, but not. If it worked, I would have posted it for sure, but since it just changed one problem into another I didn't. Off to try Sids fix.
  19. Hi guys. I've been reading this with great interest and had some of the initial same problems. CVA-63 and her sister's finally materialized once I edited the availability line to common (vs. rare) in the data ini. Launch issues remain as above but depending on catapult ratings (cutting and pasting from different CVs) I can get very different results at launch. I'm a noob with all of this stuff so I'm not sure how to decipher catapult data. Thanks to all for this dicussion, I'm looking forward to WOI carrier missions.

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