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Posts posted by LegitPilot

  1. I'm running the new GTX 980, and it is almost fully compatible. No big issues, except that terrain flashes sometimes and the aircraft sometimes flicker in and out, although I can run everything at max graphics and 120 FPS. As for a flickering issue you might encounter, that could probably be fixed with some graphics settings in the game folder on your hard drive. Hopefully, it works out for you. SF2, I am already learning, doesn't get along well with newer cards, and there really isn't any other option if you want good graphics and FPS, especially if you want to run the Green H*ll mod. Now, I am assuming you meant 2 Gb? If it was a 2 Mb card I would definitely recommend you get a new one. :) But seriously, I don't know if a 2 Gigabyte card will be able to run everything at max settings, let alone get max FPS at any setting. Hopefully you have a good return policy, and are able to return the card if you have issues with it. Otherwise, If I were you, I would ask to send it back and save more money for a better card.

    I am running 7 and 64 bit as well, and it doesn't have any compatibility issues.




    Hope I helped, and I hope it works out for you! - LP

  2. Oh yes, of course, "all modders are idiots producing skins that are worthless to me" is not an insult, indeed... Smeg-head.



    I wonder how long he will last before one of the curmudgeonly trio decides we don't really need your kind around here, I should start taking bets.


    I'd say he doesn't even make it past 10 posts.

    Dude, that is not what I was even close to saying, nor was it implied. I find it hard to believe that you can't correctly read my statement. Make's me almost certain that you in fact are the one provoking me. Please refrain from contacting me further. Thank you.

  3. First: I don't like your attitude and your general tone is inappropriate.


    Second: You rant about the work someone has done for free and in his/her freetime. So if people wouldn't do that, you would have NOTHING at all. Since you aren't a modder and don't want to become one, I guess it's ok to say,that you don't have a clue, what the reasons for painting on things are. Feel free to try to create just one skin....don't panic, you will not become a modder for one skin, but that way, you will see, that there are good reasons for that decision (Gunrunner named some already). But if it's easy, as you say, feel free to change the skins the way you want...nobody will stand in your way.


    Third: Be sure, your idea will not be "considered from now on"...at least by me.


    Forth: I still don't like your attitude.

    Excuse me, but my attitude is fine. I am just making a suggestion on how to please more people. And secondly, I am not ranting, I am expressing my frustration.

    Some decals and insignias are placed directly on skins for various reasons among which :


    - Aesthetics : it's the best way to have panels lines and rivets show up on decorations on planes without normal maps.

    - Geometry : some aircrafts have peculiar shapes or LOD bugs that make using some decorations in some positions as decals impossible or bug-ridden (malformed decal, parts of it appearing on another part of the plane).

    - Decal number limit : there can be only one instance of a decal per orientation per part, and only 4 decals per orientation per part, sometimes that makes things very awkward to setup, or even impossible.


    So, when you say this is "simple stuff" yet declare "I am not a modder, nor do I have the desire to become one", contradicting yourself later with "I would gladly do it myself, but I do not have the first clue in how to accomplish this.", please consider to educate yourself first, then decide whether you intend on actually DOING something, or still plan on opening your big mouth to either insult modders who actually have a clue or alternatively, insert your foot deep in it.


    What you should apologize for is not potentially posting in the wrong section, but declaring that you know nothing about the specifics of the problem, have no intention to learn or do something about it because you know nothing about it (seriously, how dumb, lazy and entitled can you get ?), yet insult the efforts of those who actually know about it and probably had a very good reason to do things the way they did (even though there might have been other ways to do it); In short, you should apologize for being a wilfully ignorant, arrogant and entitled twat, I hope I'm not being too blunt, I'm just trying to get my point across, waste of flesh.


    I'm sure you also have some useful suggestions on how to solve the Israelo-Palestinian conflict, put an end to the Islamic Wars and ease tensions with Russia, I'm sure it's very simple stuff, but since you know nothing about diplomacy, politics and international relations and don't intend to learn or do anything about, you're expecting others to fix it, unfortunately they're all a bunch of idiots aren't they ? After all, it's easy if even a half-wit like you thinks it easy, right ?

    Oi vey, I can't believe I have to explain myself to everyone. Firstly, I am not insulting ANYONE. Period. I am just saying that I "hate the idea." I never pointed towards anyone in general. Secondly, you appear to be the individual who is insulting me. If you are just going to be hostile, then I won't even consider anything you have to say from now on. End of story.

  4. Firstly, I just want to point out that if this is posted in the wrong section, I apologize. Now...


    This is just a waste of a good plane. I HATE how quite a few of the modders have to put squadron insignia DIRECTLY on the aircraft textures themselves. What if I don't want to fly for a squadron? I mean, at least make them decals instead of forcing someone to fly for a squad everytime they fly your aircraft. VFA-1 VFA-2 VFA-3. How about just a plain, generic navy or army or air force skin for once? I am not a modder, nor do I have the desire to become one, but this is simple stuff. Half the planes here people like me can't fly because of stupid simple reasons like this. Some aircraft modders here do make generic skins, but for the aircraft I am looking for specifically, they all seem to have squadron insignia painted directly on the aircraft textures themselves. What a waste of space. I am just fed up. I would gladly do it myself, but I do not have the first clue in how to accomplish this. I apologize for being so blunt, as I am just trying to get my word across. Hopefully my idea is considered from now on. Thanks for your time. - LP


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