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Everything posted by PhatNerd

  1. Haha ok. Sounds like some people take this a little too seriously. Thanks for explaining the logic behind it. But you don't know anything about me or what I can do. I did make a Baja Scorpion F-117 and lost it on my hard drive along with everything else I had. I don't care if you believe me or not. It was a easy plane to start with because of the straight angles of the craft. Think about the shape.. not exactly hard to model compered to other things. That's why I choose the F-117. I actually was most bummed out about it losing it more than anything else. I did want to put it up here for everyone to use. I even made a fictitious F-117B Super Nighthawk that had rotatory missile chambers and afterburners. I have also created apps, games, mods and custom roms before. So with all due respect, no I have not contributed as much as you. But that doesn't give you the right to assume I am pretty much a liar... And NO not everyone is like you and gets upset about people using their work. That's not me. I would only be upset if someone where making money off it somehow. I already said this. Giving credit for work is a common curiosity so that would be nice. But I wouldn't get bent out of shape over it either. Especially if it was not malicious and it was just some guy trying to improve it for the community. I understand I am not everyone and that's fine. I can understand why people would get upset about getting no credit for their work. But don't assume how you feel is how it is for everyone else, that's just ignorant. Again thanks for explaining why there is a limit to the downloads. Still don't understand why some packs are missing files? Was not sure if this was because of some rules with certain files or just a mistake? like are sound files and effects copyrighted too or something? That is why I was asking. Not to complain... Couldn't find that Vulcan model either.. Must not be looking in the right places on here. Like I said I had one before, maybe I got it here? Its been awhile. Anyway thanks for all your contributions, sorry I have not done my part. Now that I am getting back into it maybe I will build something again. Takes me a minute to remember everything. If I don't mod something for awhile, I forget and feel like I have to learn all over again.
  2. I joined this place about 5 or 6 years ago and have never said anything until now. If I were to get banned for asking a questions? That would seem pretty petty to me. All asked is why these are the rules. Sorry for calling them stupid. That was more or less the frustration of seeing this conversion about this Su 47 model being out there but you can have it kinda thing. I personally wouldn't care if someone used my F-117. In fact I be happy to see it being used. But I understand I am not everyone. I can understand people being protective of their work if they are actively into it and are making it available to people. My point was that if some guy left some project and didn't finish it and vanished years ago, it sounds like a dead project that he has no interest in. It is a shame that its just wasted and no one can use it. Thousands of people download this stuff. I see models that have all this work done but no LOD? I mean what is the difference? Obviously the lod is required and was used to make the package anyway?? I get packages with jet effects, decals, or sounds missing? I fix a lot of them myself. I hope that's not against the rules.. I don't understand some of these things. Like when I lost all my models on my HDD I knew I have to come here and download only 5 files a day? Another thing I don't understand. What difference does it make if get them in a day or a month? I don't have a problem with the rules. I really just don't understand the logic behind them and would like to. Also someone mentioned a Su-47 model is on here but I couldn't find it. Its not listed under the normal download stuff. I lost my stuff like a year ago. But I had a bunch of stuff that I can't get any more like a Vulcan. I may have got it form A team but it seems like you cant get nothing form those guys with out giving them money or something. So I don't know how I did it before. Said something like even if you have an account you need password permission for each download now. At least combat ace is not that ridiculous.
  3. I never understand these stupid no share rules. As long as someone is not selling them it shouldn't matter. Especially when they are models or sites that are no longer supported. Obviously if they don't support it anymore, they don't care. Like that skunk work sites you cant even get in there to get those models. Or I hate when I download a pack and there is no freaking model included. I actually had almost everything at one point and my hard drive went bad. So I lost it all. I also lost my own build of the Baja Scorpions F-117. I made it since I couldn't find one. I put a lot of time in it and it was going to be the on thing I would contribute. Also I could care less what people did with. As long as people got to use it I would have been happy. I mean this game is also pretty old. So why do people care? I was never able to get this Su-47 anywhere either.

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