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Posts posted by Omega_TAW

  1. In TAW, you will learn how TAW conducts themselves in regards to communications, teamwork, and friendship and adapt yourself to our structure. You will be trained on the above during Boot camp.


    Here are the preliminary tools you will need to get you started as a TAW Recruit.


    I. TAW e-mail


    We are a team that is heavy on communication. Therefore, all TAW members have their own email accounts. Your TAW email will be




    This email account will be a re-direct type of email account. That means that ALL of your email at %tawname@theartofwarfare.net , will be automatically redirected to the email address that you gave us in your application. If you need to update your e-mail, you can do it yourself in the members area (see section IV)


    II. Downloads


    All Members are required to download and use the following:


    Team Speak 2


    Team Speak is TAW's voice communication utility. You will need a Microphone to use this.




    Want a real home? join taw, http://www.theartofwarfare.net where you can always find a friend.


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