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Everything posted by Tappedops

  1. Im having trouble pinpointing my nape drops...you stated in an earlier thread to "best for practice, would be Armed Recon missions on The Range terrain"...can you point me to a level flight toutorial---I need to work out a formula to try to stick with---btw im using the Freedom Fighter5 for my training---Thanks for your help
  2. correction... 5000 feet down to treetops from 5 miles out...which is usually doable---or in a pinch off a re-run---2500 from 2.5 miles out @400 knots would give the same AOD...
  3. Nice art Trotski...thanks...so im pretty close to having the F-4s approach perfect...and to explain my #s Spuds...500 to treetop level from 5 miles out at 400knots gives me a very flat traj while still keeping the pipper in the box (center-hud) all the way in to the ground...the visual is before I get to it, so that's my trigger...and its working well...Thanks for all your help Guys...my wingie thanks you also, lol...
  4. What ive got so far is: Alt 5000 5 miles out 400 knots Pipper on till positive id, release comments please
  5. As you guys know im a noob... im putting together a F-5 install--- with probably the Early Versions pack, but im not sure what Nam campaign would be the best insert...can you guys give me some ideas here---I know how to insert ships into camps, so that's a plus...any comments please--Thanks Pilots..
  6. Thanks KJakker, for the nice read, and not to sound stupid but it went right over my head cause im not sure of a whole heck of a lot of things that you guys already know... First..i read some background arts about why we used the F-5 in Nam---but whats the truth? Second... how does your read relate to my first question...sorry to noob out on you...
  7. Pretty good overview doc... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMhByYUPfYA
  8. Cool Caesar...I knew in the right hands it would shine...what page is your report in the DACT?
  9. Thanks for chiming in Caesar...and no, I didn't mean to bait the Cat pilots...(well, sort of...)... I think a lot of pilots wrote off the 5 because of its stock FM---the MF model is a totally different rig IMHO...don't get me wrong---I love the cat and its brawlability (is that a word) its just got that special something...which ive also found in the 5...I think that's what makes SF2 so cool...so now all I need is a wingie who flies as well as you Caesar... can you hook me up?
  10. Well after logging a number of Tomcat camps I can tell you the 5 can more than hold its own up against it---the docs ive seen say yes ...fine, but the MF F-5 model more than equals, and in some instances surpasses the (MF)Cat in battle...much as I love the Cat, I feel safer in the 5 even if im down to guns and dogging 4 my life.... comments?
  11. Well..i just stuffed the "Tiger" into the first camp Burnsands...and ill tell ya---this puppy turns-n-burns and takes names bigtime... This addon ship is a must-fly for Nam pilots (F-5 Early Versions Pack) ---kind of a missing piece in the VN disk...the pit is a gem, and the FM is true-blue MF perfection...
  12. F-5E Early Versions Pack

    off the hook good...
  13. Holy jeez...GTX 960 w onboard fire extinguisher... screenshot alert...
  14. I must say the cockpit and radar are probably outdated but very cool---I can fly and fight in it but the screens are all blacked out...meaning, Im missing something? Ive got SF2/NA/Online-update---that's it... Your thoughts and any help with the cockpit...Thanks everyone...
  15. Got up early and started over to try the TMF version (74th Flying tigers) which has a working hook, and got it placed into the Rolling Thunder Camp. Well worth the work to get the A-7D/TMF working ---its a better flight model over stock...plus its got teeth... = )
  16. Thanks but im getting alittle gun-shy of too much "Messing" with files... it took me 4 hours to replace the stock A-7A to the stock A-7D (camo) for campaign use, only to find the "no arresting hook" bug of the D... its a great ship---but with no hook it cant land even on auto-pilot...
  17. Thanks Guys...not a huge fan of how limited the view (even in wide) is on the latest ,buy everything works on it and the skins rock...so be it...
  18. Sidewinder lock tone

    no mistakeing it now---wish it was louder
  19. speech mod (DID)

    never flew f22 but this is refreshing
  20. Top Gun Music Theme for SF2 Series

    well done mav
  21. Guys im still fighting it getting the newest extractor working with windows 8.1---if anyone has it working , can you clue me in or post a how-to. All im trying to do is add a stock tomcat into all the NA campaigns...Thanks for your help Pilots...
  22. Ok got Mues new V0.1.0 working ...so far so good...lets see if I can get my F-14 inserted...
  23. Well Sir, I came from JF15 so the old birds keep me more than happy, and even though ive messed with JFA18 and the SF2nam... SF2 and NA would be my pick---no need to pile on unless you feel you need the whole series...
  24. Its one thing loosing a cherry who wont listen, even when he reads back the orders...its another thing loosing a ship...is there a dll tweak or fix, or should I order RTB after hes 5 nms out... what do you guys do? Thanks

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