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Everything posted by Tappedops

  1. Thanks Do335...you may have nailed it...sim/game...for me it was all study and no playground that got to me...SF2 is a do alot, do alittle, or do nothing---until the sams launch...lol... but yes piloting this sim is doable with alittle effort, alittle reading, and alittle help from fellow pilots like yourself... No worries KJ... ive got a clone copy ill mess with as far as the addons... I have a degree in IL2 patcholigy...plus I stayed at a holliday inn express 4 years ago...
  2. Holy Jeez...Thanks KJakker
  3. Thanks for the welcome KJakker... Im happy in my Cair A7c ship-wise...but wasn't there a terrain mod for Nam...I could be wrong...Thanks again, nice hangout here---kicked-back...just what I needed... Here ya go Cl... http://www.live365.com/stations/wanderlust2k3

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