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Posts posted by Tappedops

  1. Thanks for chiming in Caesar...and no, I didn't mean to bait the Cat pilots...(well, sort of...)... I think a lot of pilots wrote off the 5 because of its stock FM---the MF model is a totally different rig IMHO...don't get me wrong---I love the cat and its brawlability (is that a word) its just got that special something...which ive also found in the 5...I think that's what makes SF2 so cool...so now all I need is a wingie who flies as well as you Caesar... can you hook me up?

  2. Thanks Caesar... I put together a separate install called "Tomcat"...: SF2/NA/Tom121/Olnine-update, just to get my feet wet---I love the Tom, reminds me of the old Janes series. So how can I tell if the 1.21 is in there?


    Edit: Got it---I see the new loading screen---how cool is that---ill be reading through that thread tonight---Thanks to everyone whos helped me re-engage...


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