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Everything posted by ALVAROIDEAL

  1. Please someone has a Cobra AH 1 to woi, woe, wov? or where can I get one I will be very grateful!
  2. Cobra AH 1 ?

    I registered there, but he's too complicated and require too much information. why I like it here, for anyone who is a foreigner like me, it is easy to understand and very objective. I'm grateful for the help (I use the translator sometimes is flawed!) ok thank you
  3. Cobra AH 1 ?

    ok thanks for the tip!
  4. File Name: SU-30KN File Submitter: alvatototal File Submitted: 09 May 2014 File Category: Modern Soviet Aircraft Click here to download this file
  5. File Name: Su-30 B-60 File Submitter: alvatototal File Submitted: 09 May 2014 File Category: Modern Soviet Aircraft The Su-30 started out as an internal development project in the Sukhoi Su-27 family by Sukhoi. The design plan was revamped and the name was made official by the Russian Defense Ministry in 1996. Of the Flanker family, only the Su-27, Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 have been ordered into serial production by the Defense Ministry. All the others, such as Su-37, were prototypes. The Su-30 has two distinct version branches, manufactured by competing organisations: KnAAPO and the Irkut Corporation, both of which come under the Sukhoi group's umbrella. KnAAPO manufactures the Su-30MKK and the Su-30MK2, which were designed for and sold to China, and later Indonesia, Venezuela and Vietnam. Due to KnAAPO's involvement from the early stages of developing Su-35, these are basically a two-seat version of the mid-1990s Su-35. The Chinese chose an older but lighter radar so the canards could be omitted in return for increased payload. It is a fighter with both air superiority and attack capabilities, generally similar to the U.S.F-15E.[6] Click here to download this file
  6. ola galera, eu ainda sou mio noob para fazer alterações intermediarias no meu woi, toda vez que eu add armas no meu weapon editor simplismente elas somem quando carrego ojogo e seleciono as armas simplismente nao tem somem ai tenho que reenstalar as armas de no me WP para ter elas de volta, alguem por gentileza me ensina um passo a passo bem detalhado ai..........! agradeço.
  7. Preciso de ajuda, como add armas no meu woi

    hello guys, I'm still a noob mio to make changes in my intermediate woi, every time I add weapons in my weapon editor they simply disappear when I load the game and select the weapons simply have not vanish there have to reenstalar guns at me WP to take them back, someone please teach me step by step very detailed there ..........! thank you.

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