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Everything posted by CptHrki

  1. Too bad. Well thanks anyway for answering!
  2. So can it be done? If I have the time I could try to learn in but of course I'd like someone experienced with this (unlike me) to try and do this...
  3. EDIT: maybe a better description would be camera shake, not the actual plane shaking. I just want to try and give the guns a little more punch.
  4. So yesterday I edited a file to make my MiG-15bis fire all tracer rounds, but I noticed something - the 37mm seemed to do less damage. So I did an experiment, simple mission, right behind a Sabre, firing at him with the N-37D only. Sure enough, I was consistently doing far less damage with tracer rounds than with non-tracer ones (one time he took 4 shots before he went in to an unrecoverable dive), which raises the question: are tracer rounds only AP-I? If this is the case, would it be possible to fire only high damaging HE tracer rounds?
  5. Certainly is... B29s seem to take far too many shots of any 37mm rounds. These can take up to 4 hits directly to the top of the wing, but Sabres just fall apart completely when hit by it (so satisfying). 37 to the tail usually results in the whole tail falling apart or loss of at least one stabiliser, while a fuselage shot usually does non-fatal damage but completely ruins the plane. 23s to the fuselage, on the other hand, seem to mostly set it on fire (which goes out after a few seconds), but he keeps flying, unless it's more than like 3 shots. Any of these to the wing is 99% fatal, so all in all I'm totally enjoying the damage models, Wings over Korea and the game in general. Great work by you guys on these amazing mods!
  6. So I downloaded and installed the Wings over Korea mod and having loads of fun in what is my favorite plane in general, the Mig-15bis, but currently I'm craving for some 1v1 action against a Sabre bot. I have the built in mission editor, but no matter how close I put the enemy fighter group (consisting of one F-86) and my own group (only me), the enemy always spawns about 25 kilometers away and heading away from me, which shouldn't happen since I also did edit the waypoints to make him fly towards me. For some reason, it just doesn't work. Help appreciated, I need answers.
  7. Disregard the post, sorry :P I found a small program here which geenrates really nice dogfight scenarios, so that's a nice solution.

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