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Posts posted by Mawer68

  1. Hi, I had installed Strike Fighter 2 on my PC with last mods and various Airplanes Add-on.

    All ok for alomst 2 years, but now I don't use SF2 for few monyhs, start a mission Today and I had a Black Screen on mission Loading, I hear the usual Jet Engine sound and then Black Screen again with the airplane engine sound and if I press ESC returning  on the End Mission-Debrifing Screen, Mission Failed. Not possible to Fly !!

    What's Happen? How can I recovery my Strike Flighter 2? 

    Some suggestions? Some Ideas? 

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    All the Best

  2. Hi, it's possible to use the Left and Right separated engine Throttle with SF2? 

    For example using a Logitech G940 or a Saitek X-55 or an X-56, wich all have the dub-engine throttles, for left and right engine (an X-55 in picture).

    Or the only possibility is to the press the button for connecting the 2 Throttle handles and use as a single ones?

    Thank you, Best regards !!



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