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Everything posted by sparkomatic

  1. Sorry, just ever since that John Kerry comment, well...kind of liking the White Sox after Mrs. Clinton said she was a fan...I know, some people are just that petty
  2. WHAT? How did I miss that?!?!?! Wait...is this to get me back for the Pats comment?
  3. Ooo...that would be awesome!
  4. the new BSG sim sound track

    I admit that was one thing that I liked better about BSG 1.0 the theme music is better in some ways, but then the GINO theme really tells you right away to expect something different
  5. New BSG "game"

    STUPID question inbound: hey do I need freespace 2 to play the mod? Didnt know if since it came out like in 1999 they just took the engine (kind of like how you can play counter strike without ever playing half-life) If so, where do I acquire freespace 2...I mean amazon had it for $34.99 for an 8 year old game...
  6. Have also shot up a train in iL-2 and wham! a flak car opens up! nasty surprise for me, and a walk home...man I love that game... too bad we cant rip those parts out of iL-2 or EAW for that matter and cram them into WOE...that would be awesome
  7. ah, saved me from learning Mandarin (or is that Cantonese? I am too ignorant to tell, no offense)
  8. Ooo...how about a map of Okinawa? Especially for WWII? Man, I would eat that up
  9. I saw that the CVA-63 is in there, but I do not know how to get to it...maybe some one will make it sparky-proof
  10. New BSG "game"

    thanks! I do enjoy strategery...
  11. Sarah Conner Chronicles is on now....

    saw plenty of t-shirts that read "Infidel" on them...didnt really want the "aim here" moniker while I was there
  12. Here is a nice one... notice that the water doesnt look like water though, reference my other post...
  13. Nope...they loaded rockets, then I guess budget cuts prevented them from employing same... here is a series: he tells me... and he continues his circle, not even pointed at them... and there he goes... you will notice a decided lack of rocketry... maybe that YAP mission makes it work, if so, that may be worth it alone
  14. you would be surprised what your drivers can/cannot do sometimes...I know I wrestle with media player every time I install a new card / drivers
  15. battlefield 2142

    man am I the only one playing this game?
  16. battlefield 2142

    awesome! eh...it downloaded but it doesnt look like an application...maybe will have to download again...what luck?
  17. Being lazy and basically incompetent...wait is that redundant...I have not found a water replacement tile for the original SFP1 ocean. It has to be out there. Recently in order to get the carriers into WOE, I followed USAFMTL's steps, but added the desert terrain so I could follow it verbatim (even that was not my idea, someone way smarter than me figured out that step). Now I look at the desert terrain water and go "ugh, water does not look like that". And help? And the search button is way up there...
  18. I also use a 7600, this one is a GT what drivers are you using?
  19. Was wondering if there is a fix for the Su-15 radar. Heard that some changes were made from tga to bmp after a patch, but when I switched the radar.tga for a radar.bmp (a la MiG23) it looked the same. There are some other tga in the Su-15 cockpit folder, are these causing it? Any help would be appreciated cheers
  20. ah ha...missed that step...will give it a try thanks!
  21. Sarah Conner Chronicles is on now....

    do I want to know what that Arabic says on your signature...probably not
  22. Ah...still trying to get it to work...maybe if I order them pizza...of course part of me wants to shoot down one, then maybe the word will get back to the others...but we try not to let that part out :ph34r:
  23. made a mission for it and that new Russian carrier...man that takes talent to land thing thing on a moving ship

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