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About Mortuus

  1. Pilot Log Editor

    I've had some trouble with the "transfer" function of the Pilot Log Editor as downloaded from this thread; I've got the placeholder pilot all set for my original pilot to transfer into, and selected it in the dropdown menu, but when I click 'confirm transfer' nothing happens. Have any of you used this feature recently, and if so do you have any tips as to what I might be doing wrong? EDIT: I've just realised how absurd it is to include so little detail while asking for help. To clarify: I'm trying to transfer a pilot from 54 RFC on 31 March, 1917, to 56 RFC on April 1st. I also tried transferring him to a French squadron, also April 1st, just to see if the issue was that I was trying to keep him in the RFC.
  2. Not the most dramatic or exciting screenshot, but I thought I'd share my first foray into making my own skin to celebrate my first pilot to make it more than 4 months (mid-October 1916 to March 1917 and going strong). I followed the cue of my squadron's Ace skins and put my pilot's initials on the upper-left wing and both sides of the fuselage below the cockpit. Wanted to make it a little more unique by including a name for the plane, and thought something dog-related made sense for a Pup squadron. Thanks to Mr. Rawlings for the skinning tutorial thread on the other forum!
  3. My Flying Checklist

    RAF_Louvert's Map, open on monitor 2 in GIMP with my flight path traced out Headtracking set up Stick and throttle plugged in (won't make that mistake again!) Pipe handy for clenching between teeth or gesturing dramatically, as appropriate Chocolate bar sitting in the freezer downstairs, to be retrieved when I'm at altitude
  4. Well, that's excellent to know! I've actually encountered the dreaded semicolon purgatory myself, and had been restraining my burned hands from touching the stove of mucking about any further. I'll have to give manually typing in extra names a try! My first BHaH II pilot met an unfortunate, tree-related demise* just after I posted my original reply, so I have a nice clean slate to test it on! *what silly !@$^@#& put all those trees right at the edge of the aerodrome where they can remove my undercarriage?
  5. I'm absolutely certain I'm not the first person to ask for this, but I would love the option to list different witnesses for each victory on the form, especially in BHaH II. This may be a coincidence or some kind of error in my perception, but I've found since picking up the new expansion that my AI flight leaders and flightmates are much more willing to continue a patrol after a scrap, rather than flying home every time. As a result, I've had a few flights with multiple encounters, and the best witness for one may not be the best witness for another.

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