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About ArcherAC3

  1. I'm having a few issues I think are related to the mod itself or the campaigns at play: - Lack of target aircraft / enemies and loiter time during Fighter Sweep and CAP missions: sometimes I just RTB completely after reaching bingo because nothing happens at the CAP zone, bandits are all too far away and don't show as "mission objective" and, during briefing, it states Loitering Time as zero, so I have no idea for how long I must stay in CAP. - Frequent "Mission Failed" during CAS missions; at best I can do two passes before Mission Controls calls mission failed and tells me to RTB, I believe this is due to the friendly troops in contact being wiped out, although it's mostly due to bombers. But this is an issue I do not have on the base game, it seems it doesn't matter how many "mission objetive" enemies my squadron destroys, the friendly troops always get wiped out first and mission fails, I'm totally skipping CAS missions now due to this. - Weak bombs / extremely low blast / damage radius?: Ground 500 lbs GP bombs and AT/GP rockets don't seem to do anything to enemy tanks unless they hit right on top of them. Same for some strategic objetives like Warehouses. I dropped two 1000 lbs not more than 20 meters from the warehouse and, although the warehouse itself how engulfed into flames, it didn't get destroyed. CAS and Strike missions seem to depend on you hitting the target exactly even with huge payloads, even my AI teammates are having a hard time killing enemy troops in this mod; is this a campaign problem? Cheers, thanks!

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