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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. I just got it last week and I love it! It would be nice if the heavy bombers were flyable, but I am happy with the Pe-2 and He-111. It's going to take some time before I get the hang of the bombsight. Although my connection won't allow my to play online, UberDemon's QMG will make single playing more interesting.
  2. NASA Takes Light Saber

    I'm in agreement with you JM.
  3. You don't know about Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan...shame on you Seriously now, looking forward to this as well.
  4. Ooooh, the Wimpy and the Halibag....sweet!
  5. Are you having the problem where you see the medal but no text to the left? I was too until I discovered this: Check the "medals XXX" files with the pack and see if the path for each medal it has is different from the path you have for your install. Chances are no matter which game you have, you'll have to change it for every medal for every country. A bit time consuming but it will help. I have to do this too with my Iran-Iraq install.
  6. I was under the impression the reason we don't have a real MiG-23 cockpit was the fact having the radar display appear in the HUD was not possible?
  7. Right Wrench, that's what I meant, that if someone's got a workable source file it can be done. Thinking about it Thicko may be the only one that didn't use FSDS (Microsoft's plane designer) on his Stirling, and I'm not sure about that even. It's been awhile since I've been heavy into CFS2, it's been on the backburner since I've been flying these sims.
  8. Wasn't the He-111 avaliable here originally from the Ground Crew's CFS2 source files? What did they do in that instance?
  9. Haven't heard of anything, but I would second that choice. There's I think 2 or 3 models in FS2004 and and CFS2 that could possibly be converted.
  10. When playing WOV I almost always choose the Thud...there's something special about that bird.
  11. I do a little of both, though I have only completed maybe 2 campaigns in the two years I've had this sim.
  12. On the runway/carrier deck, and I try as much as possible to not hit alt-N for more realism.
  13. Whenever I try doing anti-ship missions in SFP1, no matter what plane, as soon as I am on the runway Red Crown tells me the mission is completed! Any one else have/had this problem?
  14. Yes, I have been having to do my Iran/Iraq install with Sp3 and while flying it I realize how much I like the current SP! It will be great to get an upgraded version of this as it is my favorite stand-alone installs out there. It will also light the fire under my a** to get that skin finished I wanted to use for it.
  15. I know once in awhile when I do a single mission ( I don't have the campaigns yet) with the Israel2 terrain it will CTD while it is loading, and I checked the planes to see if they were avaliable for small fields and they were, so I'm not sure what"s up with that. As for the DRV terrain, try the "Vietnam 1968 On... (Fictional)" campaign in the downloads here at CA. It should work better for you.
  16. The Star Wars Galaxy

    Nope. Ah, now the map's visable.
  17. At least now I fixed those old F-7s until these new ones come out...glad I finally looked at the Knowledge Base, lol.
  18. Aw man, someone switch their radar on and find that bird....vee haff vays for making it talk....
  19. Joe Baugher is always a good place to go for US aircraft info :fans:
  20. Ah, much better, thank you. Just went out and wasted 3 f-104s with it :) I love the F-13 for that 30mm cannon... You can't have enough MiG-21s....
  21. The Star Wars Galaxy

    Same here.
  22. Great job gerald14, I'm just having a strange thing going on with the wheels: Otherwise, this bird's a powerhouse. Fast and Bulbous, as Capt. Beefheart would say.
  23. Yup. I'm a bit better at seeing those SAMs now, but the guys who actually flew those missions had in my opinion BIG kahunas.

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