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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. That makes sense, I'll try that.
  2. LOL...really trying to avoid that since I suck at it...anyway the AI won't do it and will all crash, if that happens I'll run out of pilots PDQ. I have been just hitting Escape as I near the carrier, guess I'll keep doing that.
  3. I've always had a fondness for the F-8, but I as well have been mostly flying the Thud along with the A-4 on the deck in WOV just to evade the SAMs (and taking my chances with the AA). Every time I try a campaign with the F-8 or F-4 it ends up being a short one, and that's even with the speech mod added to warn me when a SAM is coming for me.
  4. Star Wars day

    The only combo I though of was Star Wars/ Pulp Fiction since Samuel Jackson was in both... just think how different the scene would be in Ep3 when Windu has Palpatine down for the kill and suddenly says..."Does Yoda look like a b****?"
  5. Star Wars Games

    Never did the Jango Fett Game, but I agree the Obi Wan game is lame. Glad I didn't pay much for it. What's really missing is an up to date SW flight sim...the old ones just don't do it for me anymore
  6. Done Deal!

    Having just got FE I'm glad I'm not missing out on all of Bort's cool stuff. <S> Bort!
  7. Man 12 Hours Day Shifts

    Try 16hr shifts several days a week...needless to say I'm looking for another job.
  8. Ok Like I'm the only one!

    The Empire Strikes Back was the only one of the original 3 I saw in the theater, I really didn't get into SW until around the time Ep. 1 came out and I made sure to see all of the second trilogy on the big screen. ESB is still my fave though, although ROTS is close behind.
  9. Star Wars Games

    I have been playing Empire at War on PC and have SW Battlefront 1 and 2 on the X-box, though I often often play them with some of the 3rd party maps on my friends LAN. I also own Knights of the Old Republic 2, Republic Commando and SW Obi-Wan, but rarely play those.
  10. Monty Python Quotes

    I wasn't expecting a Spanish Inquisition...
  11. Russian Jets

    Fubar, was that for all three planes (MiG 23/25/29)?
  12. Yes it has, great work kelvin!
  13. Yes, this is a welcome tool. Thank you!
  14. LOL! Not only that, All my friends never call any more because chances are the phone lines are tied up...downloading said models
  15. Cool, I didn't have those last two links. Thanks.
  16. Ah yes...what I like to call the "Flanker Dilemma" since it wasn't until Marc released it some of us noticed the undermodeling of the R-27 and R-73 as opposed to what various sources said about these weapons. This is what tflash at SimHQ suggests changing in the weapons pack (using weapons editor): Current values in Weaponspack: weapon---Accuracy--Lock-on-Noise re-CM rej---Seeker----turn rate AIM-9L---95------- 85------- 95------- 95------- 2,5------ 32 AIM-9M--- 95------- 90------- 95------- 95-------2,5------ 32 AIM-7F--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 6-------- 16 AIM-7M--- 90------- 90------- 90------- 85------- 6-------- 21 R-27R---- 80------- 80------- 90------- 40------- 5,6------ 24,5 R-27ER--- 80------- 80------- 90------- 40------- 5,6------ 24,5 R-27T1--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27 R-27TE--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27 R-73M1--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 30------- 2,5------ 48 R-73M2--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 30------- 2,5------ 48 change to: weapon---Accuracy--Lock-on-Noise re-CM rej---Seeker----turn rate AIM-9L---95------- 85------- 95------- 95------- 2,5------ 32 AIM-9M--- 95------- 90------- 95------- 95-------2,5------ 32 AIM-7F--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 6-------- 16 AIM-7M--- 90------- 90------- 90------- 85------- 6-------- 21 R-27R---- 90------- 85------- 90------- 75------- 5,6------ 24,5 R-27ER--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 80------- 5,6------ 24,5 R-27T1--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27 R-27TE--- 85------- 80------- 90------- 30------- 3,5------ 27 R-73M1--- 90------- 85------- 90------- 90------- 2,5------ 48 R-73M2--- 95------- 90------- 90------- 90------- 2,5------ 48 I think you'll like this set up better :) The SimHQ discussion is at http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...e=4&fpart=1
  17. Are many flying there these days? I used to but I got tired of flying by myself most of the time.
  18. So far I haven't been able to find a detailed tutorial on this(except for mapping the thrust vectoring keys, which I have done), anyone out there got any suggestions? BTW, it says in the WIP sticky that there is an AV-8B out? Was this a mistake?
  19. Only if you have the WOV B-52D. You need the .lod files from it.
  20. This is Wretch's fix for the "hump": This should get you going! I propose this should be added to the Knowledge Base, as a lot have been asking about this problem lately.
  21. Cool, Ive been wanting an update that uses the avionics70dll...thanks for the link!
  22. True, maybe new wasn't the right word, but it looks like a nice update to the stock model, plus those skins will be nice for an early Rolling Thunder mission.
  23. Welcome back Mark. I just got a copy of WOV at Amazon for $19.95 new, I'm sure there are other places as well. Bunyap's site is here...http://bunyap2w1.com/
  24. Over 300mb...too much for my dial up. Guess I'll keep tweeking.

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