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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. Small maps BFV

    If you like co-op maps, try this link, they also host servers for BFV, along with others: http://www.wccsquad.com/ They also have maps for the Desert Combat mod for BF'42
  2. You can try Amazon too, I just picked up WOV for $19.95 there.
  3. As I'm finding out, lol. Thanks for all the suggestions so far.
  4. Hehe, go collect your commission...I just ordered it. I've been wanting to do some of those 3rd party campaigns for it for awhile anyway.
  5. Anyone know of any free USAF stencil fonts out there? I have Amarillo USAF but I was looking for something to match the stenciling on the F-105D-31.
  6. Sweet...been looking forward to newer versions of this bird.
  7. A Long Overdue Medal of Honor

    Boy it sure is long overdue! Thanks for the article!
  8. The R-77 Adder is I think the best radar missile, for heat seeking the R-73 Archer, with a caviat...as it is currently in the weapons pack some feel it, along with the R-27 Alamo are not quite like RL and have changed the values in the weapons data.ini. There's a thread at SimHQ here that deals with it.
  9. Sounds like a good idea, I'll try it. and thanks for all the help guys.
  10. Welcome to the Dark Side....
  11. The major problem for me is the correct angle when I'm just lifting off, I would think if the nozzles were pointing straight down that would do it. Maybe I'll go back to normal mode and try it that way.
  12. Brittiny spears

    Only in our celebrity-worshiping media would this even be newsworthy.
  13. LOL...was flying this bird head to head against the F-16NDC and was watching all my missiles fly past my prey (I'm sounding like the Dogfights show now) so I know just what you mean on the missiles thang. However my 30mm didn't let me down.
  14. LOL...1 minute too late...never mind.
  15. I just had this problem a while ago. Like Lexx said, just take the Radar.tga in the cockpit folder and convert it to a .bmp file (using Paint Shop Pro for instance), and you'll get rid of the green screen.
  16. Just downloaded the effects pack, for those who haven't, do it, you won't be disappointed. The dirty exhaust effect gets better frame rates on my PC, which surprised me. Now to see how this works on those nasty SAMs on Gephard's DRV terrain, as this comes as I am trying to finish just one campaign without being rear ended by one. If anything it makes you appreciate what the airmen went though over 'Nam.
  17. That's music to my ears Fubar! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. See I'm not the only one waiting for a truely flyable B-52, lol. I tried the B-52G AI sympathetic roll rate mod and it still pitches up and down too much to want to fly it. Guess I'll just wait for Prowler's model.
  19. Ok, not to sound like a broken record today, but...can this also be used in SPF1?
  20. Is this aircraft compatable with SFP1?
  21. Yeah, finally figured that out...not to mention I finally saw the B-52 thread in the mods forum :blush2:
  22. NM...think it's WOV only.
  23. Since now the Mirage Factory's F-13 and the new flight model for the MF both have the afterburner starting at 90% throttle, I'd like to do the same for the PFM (assuming that's the accurate model for the PFM). Looking at the data files gave me no clue as what to do...any suggestions?

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