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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. Thatt's where I thought it was, I just didn't know what to change. Thanks guys!
  2. More MiGs makes Bulldog a happy comrade...great job guys, and THANK YOU!!!!!!

    But now the Lions lost the 1st draft pick :slow(en):
  4. Here's the cockpits of the Lancer C and A: More at: http://www.mig-21.de/english/technicaldataupgrades.htm

    I feel yr pain USAFMTL...so much so I gave up on the Lions years ago...but my version of it now is watching Michigan lose to Ohio State...:(
  6. Man, it's going to be a Happy Holidays for sure now!
  7. I would love either the Stirling, Wellington or Hampton in my ww2 stable. More Brit bombers would round things out a bit. Just my opinion.
  8. From the posts all of you mentioned, this sounds like something worth trying.
  9. I agree with that one. I wish I knew a bit more on making them, I wouldn't mind some real pits for the MiG-15/17, as well as Tu-16/22. But I imagine that the pit is the most difficult part of the model to build.
  10. How can I edit the avionics on this aircraft so the radar doesn't look like the attachment below?
  11. Thanks gents, I'll give that a try. EDIT: Ah, MUCH better! Thanks again!
  12. Progress! I got the carrier to work in the Burning Sands campaign. It seems all I had to do was this in the Campaign.ini file: [CarrierUnit001] CarrierType=CV-59 CarrierNumber=59 UnitName=CVA-59 USS Forrestal<======= change to CV-59 USS Forrestal ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Echo Station NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 I had copied some of the data from this post and it didn't match what was in the CV folder. Now on to DRV! UPDATE: in the "Vietnam Campaign Fictional" Campaign.ini, I made the carrier entries this way: [CarrierUnit001] CarrierType=CV-59<=====This is the change CarrierNumber=62 UnitName=CV-62 USS Independence Nation=USN BaseArea=Yankee Station NumSquadron=3 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=11/1968 Tour[01].End=12/1972 [CarrierUnit002] CarrierType=CV-59<======Ditto! CarrierNumber=61 UnitName=CV-61 USS Ranger ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Zulu Station NumSquadron=3 BaseSize=MEDIUM Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Tour[01].Start=11/1968 Tour[01].End=12/1972 JTIN: it's the Yankee Station that doesn't work, I can get it to work At Zulu Station now.
  13. Well, the carriers work when I create a mission, so I assume it's installed correctly, the only thing I'm wondering is this at the top of the CV.ini file: [GroundObjectData] ; Forrestal Class Carriers ObjectFullName=CV-59 Forrestal Class ObjectDataFile=CV-59_data.ini Should that second line be there? It says in the readme that it was updated for SP4, yet the entry is slightly different that I expected. I was using the "Vietnam Campaign Fictional" which is a modification of Gephard's campaign, and neither station was working. I'll try the original and see what happens.
  14. That's just it, I edited everything to include carriers, and still it's not showing up. There must be something I'm not doing, but right now I can't seem to find it...never can when I'm looking, lol! I haven't tried a scripted mission though, I'll try that and maybe I can isolate the problem a bit. In previous installs I have got that to work. Maybe the next service pack could address adding carriers. PR: I looked at the readme in the CV-59 package and I too did not see anything about making a new folder to extract to. So it wasn't just you.
  15. Sigh...even after reading all of this, and checking it over again and again, I still see no carriers. Bit frustrating it is.
  16. Ex-Michigan coach Schembechler dies at 77

    Having watched Bo's teams as well in the 70's, and as an allumni ('84) and big UM football fan, this is a very, VERY sad day. Hopefully He and Woody have got a scrimmage going wherever they're at...and Bob Ufer's announcing it....
  17. Aces High II

    You have that right! I have flown many sims online and have learned that it certainly helps develop a level of tolerance for the actions of a few players. I have been seeing the AH commercials on the Military channel and am intrested, too bad I have to wait until I can upgrade my PC because it's too much for mine at the moment
  18. Looks great even on my puny PC ;) Your efforts are most appreciated by this humble pilot!
  19. A.I.

    Could this be perhaps a hardware issue? Maybe having a low end PC as I do less is going to power the AI? Not to mention why I've been having so many decal no-shows.
  20. I had a Saitek Cyborg once, and it only lasted 3 months. Never bought a Saitek since.
  21. A.I.

    I feel yr pain...it can be frustrating when your wingman rejoins you and you notice he has all his bombs still! Funny thing is, the rest of the flight seems to be able to attack fine. Maybe that's something to look into for future patches.
  22. Really? I'm in the dark, and I sense a story here. I have a Top Gun Afterburner II because it eliminates the need for getting pedals and throttle. I'd like to get CH but it's way out of my budget right now.
  23. Oh is that why, LOL! I always have been firing right when I hear the tone.
  24. The only place I have found any is at Check-Six, and the file seems to be corrupted. Any one know of any other sites?

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