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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. Sopwith Strutter 1A2 - French

    A little late, but I just saw this a few days ago, great work sinbad!
  2. I guess I've been doing DiD from day one and not knowing it. May have to check my settings a bit but I have always brought in a new pilot when my current one gets wasted. Always do my missions all the way through without alt-n. My current campaign is in WOV flying Scooters for VA-163 (pilot Bull Lee...I tend to take names from Jack Kerouac books for some reason) in a campaign I created a while ago (CVW-16 1967) that I have done 6 sorties already. Taking Lt. Cater's advice and ignoring the waypoints...hugging those hills until getting close to the target then letting them have it! So far so good. Any memorable missions I will post.
  3. As previously mentioned in the other thread I dug up, using Wrench's method to set up the decals folder in FE2 worked like a charm for the majority of the planes...but I did come up with a couple that are perplexing me. The first is the skins I'm using with the Strutter (the 512 res versions of the 43 Sq plus "8260 HornblowerCock"). None of the serial numbers show up (didn't when I reinstalled the hi-res skin that came with the Strutter either). Since I am getting everything else I believe I have it all set up right (double checked the decal.ini as well) . Same goes for Quack's 202Sq skin for the DH-4. Wondering if I'm missing something here.
  4. Where is Config.ini

    It does with all versions as far as I know. My install of SFP1 even has it.
  5. I took the Sopwith Pup for a sortie for the first time after installing it in FE2, and found my cockpit to have been redecorated...looks like a dinosaur decided to fossilize in it! Wonder if that can be edited somehow, or is the LOD file not 100% compatible with FE2. Just wondering if anyone else is getting this. I'm running it in XP, if that makes any difference.
  6. Check this one out...

    Manually. I confess I don't even know anything about the Jones Mod Enabler.
  7. Check this one out...

    Try using another pilot model, I just changed it from WWIPilotNew4 (can't remember if that was the one in the original FM, but that's what it is in peter01's latest) to WWIPilot and I got rid of that problem. Some of these pilot models are slightly bigger then others apparently. This is what I'm using now: [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WWIPILOT PilotHeadNodeName=head Position=0.00,-0.578,0.65 MinExtentPosition=-0.38,-0.2,-0.1 MaxExtentPosition= 0.38,-0.7, 0.9 And with Capun's new LOD, the Pup is as good as new! And thanks to one and all for the response! Cheers, Bulldog EDIT Yes, WWIPilot WAS the model used in the original FM that came with the Pup. So if you're using another FM, check to see which model it's using.
  8. Guess I spoke too soon

    Yup Quack, all I had to do is change the DecalMaxLOD to 4 and they show up! Same with the the Strutter skins too Sinbad. All of them were set at 1. I knew it had to be something simple. Thanks to both of you for the response, and for all the work you've done to make the FE experience more fun!
  9. Decal Folders "D" for FE2

    Just came across this post, as I just got FE2 yesterday and was wondering what was up with the decals. Thanks Wrench!
  10. Darth Vader robs bank!

    "I find our lack of cash flow disturbing."
  11. Darth Vader robs bank!

    Must be the bill for the second Death Star came due, and what with all those star systems slipping from their fingers tax revenues must be down.
  12. Free LOD viewer

    Starry, I've been messing with this program and can't figure out how to find a specific mesh name. How did you do it?
  13. Flight Formations

    I think you're right, being the game engine was originally for a jet sim there are limitations. Using the formations mod I got here helped a bit though. Now they weave a bit more in unison Of course if I'd stop looking back at them I'd never notice.
  14. Flight Formations

    Last night while flying a Tripe my lone wing man actually formed up with me perfectly...only to go back to dancing when I changed course! Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
  15. RIP Ed

    If there is a special place for heros to go when they pass on, Ed is there....
  16. Hello Folks, Welcome to the Part of the Show

    "And now folks...it's sock it to me time." But first, how 'bout some Spam Sushi... YUM!!!!
  17. I've noticed for a long time now, that with certain skins, the first time you use them all the planes have the last number on the list, and you have to select a number for each in order to get them to show up. After that it will work ok for some skins, some keep doing it. Then there's others that never have this problem. Not sure what causes this.
  18. Great mod Fubar! I for one like the AAM effects (like Irish said they look cool at night).
  19. Some great tips in this thread, if they're not already part of the tactics thread in the KB, they should be.
  20. I agree bwild, that cockpit is fab! It didn't kill my fps as bad as I feared it would with my so so graphics...in fact it really didn't at all. Outstanding job MF!
  21. Excellent work! Going to get the F model now...
  22. Thanks for all your work on this one Veltro, a great addition to the TW hanger!

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