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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. Having just returned from 4 month break myself, I know what you mean.
  2. Any idea why this is happening? It's with all the planes in the pack.
  3. img00003.jpg

    From the album Posting pics

  4. In the loadout file for the SU-27SM the R-74 is loaded for certain types of missions, but I've checked all the weapons packs and can't find it.
  5. I agree, although once in awhile I still have the urge to go after the MiG's in an F-8
  6. Have Turned to the Dark Side

    LOL...all my Mac friends (graphic designers all of them) told me when I bought my first PC after years of buying Apple thatI was turning to the dark side.
  7. Your first combat flight sim...

    I sure remember Warbirds. I flew WBIII for a bit, I even used to play WB2 before that.
  8. There is a version 4.09 patch too. You can get it at Mission for Today I believe.
  9. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    It's still around Dave but most of the activity is over at Sim Outhouse. There's still 3rd party planes and mods coming out for CFS2, quite amazing when you realize how long it's been out (and what little support MS gave it). In fact it was CFS2 that lead me here in a way. I was adding F-4s to the game and was not satisified on how you could not have missiles that locked, and just happened to come across SF while surfing, and stumbled here as well, especially after seeing all the addons.
  10. I tried to make one a while ago using the tutorial , but didn't get too far. Please go ahead and do it!
  11. O.J. Simpson found guilty

  12. free FPS, have yall seen this?

    People I know who have it really like it, but I understand it is just for online play which with my crappy dialup counts me out. Actually I've been playing a another free FPS called Alien Arena which is more like Unreal Tournament, and there's offline play. Anyone interested check out their site here.
  13. Something I noticed last night after patching a clean install of WOV, I was flying the stock F-4E and noticed that the front slats on the wings kept moving in and out while I was on the runway but stopped once in air. I also noticed the Super Bug did the same thing. Those are the only ones I've flown after I have applied the patch.

    LOL, don't hold back Dave...tell us how you feel.
  15. Get out the ouzo and raki for this one....
  16. Rick is dead...Oh my god.

    What a bummer. RIP Rick, and thanks for all the good times I've had listening to your music. Time to throw "Meddle" on and hit repeat....
  17. Do it your way Sid...us Super Bug fans appreciate your work!
  18. SAM map...

    Yes, A campaign in WOV can be a bit difficult... I have yet to this date finish one in Rolling Thunder, and only have finished one in Linebacker1... but it may be why I keep returning to WOV...maybe I'm a glutton for punishment...but no other sim in this series makes me think what KAHUNAS our boys had to fly these missions over Vietnam. Oh yes, I do have a custom campaign I made myself I did finish in WOV (CVG-16 '67...yes John McCain's tour....and I did it in a A-4!!!) but I have some issues on it to figure out out before I can foist this thing on the public, besides I seem to remember someone was doing this one at some point so if you were and going to tell me other wise stayed tuned...if there's interest I will work further on it. Thank you for your efforts Lt. James Cater!
  19. An addition to my last post..the no.1 reason I got this sim series was the fact I could fly the F-4. So I have to say I will always have a attraction for that bird. For it's time, it just rocks!
  20. F/A-18F

    Not yet, but will post if I do.
  21. You rock SidDogg! Thank you for all your work on this great bird.

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