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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. I second that WOOOOOT--Looking great Erwin!
  2. Never mind, I decided to try the update one more time and it finally worked. Now I can add carriers in WOV
  3. I've never been able to get LM to update (result of my crappy dial up I assume), so I guess I will work on a Groundobjectsdata.ini unless there is a way to update LM without running it, like a patch I could download.
  4. LOL...learn something new every day
  5. Great site, thanks for the link!
  6. I was flying MiG-21s a lot until the Flanker, MF F-16s and the F/A-18F showed up. In WOV I still like flying the Thud.
  7. Carrier Fire

    I certainly hope so Dave. Luckily no one was killed this time.
  8. F/A-18F

    I've been having a blast with this bird the last 2 days! I've been waiting for this one for a long time. Thank you!
  9. Welcome back C5! This is indeed good news.
  10. Excellent skin as all of 'em are. Thanks for all your work!
  11. Ok Like I'm the only one!

    Oh man, I remember "The Quad"--only went there once (and not for SW) but yeah, it was a big deal back then, lol.
  12. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    Thanks for the heads up Dave. I had heard about this sim on Joe Kudrna's Dornier Do-17 site (http://web.wt.net/~kikuko/Do17depot/Do17index.htm) and was wondering where to get this.
  13. Times Sure Are Hard...

    Jeeze, what did people do with that stimulus check? Spend it on something stupid like a wide screen TV? Oh yeah, they spent it on internet porn! Link Guess we need another one for the ladies
  14. Worked on the second d/l, and now I have this excellent mod -- thanks MF!
  15. Glad to see it wasn't only me! Redownloading......
  16. George Carlin Dead At 71

    Glad I got to see him in '96 an '04. I've been a fan of his stuff for so long it's kind of like losing an old friend. No one will ever be able to find humor in the English language like he could.
  17. Which is why the only Linebacker campaigns I've ever survived were flying A-7's on the deck.
  18. Sometimes I'll fire two radar guided missiles at the target, in hopes the second one will hit. It seems to work 50% of the time.
  19. F-4S VMFA-232

    May I second Icarus' praise! Hope you continue adding skins to this underrepresented model.
  20. BF2 Shuts Down Modded Servers

    I've never cared for the Battlefield series since BF2 came out. EA really killed it.
  21. Glad to see the GR7 and GR9 will be out in the near future. Having just D/L the B+ and love flying it (even got the carrier to go with it) I'm looking forward to these as well as the B. Thanks for all your work on this bobrock!
  22. Richthofen's Skies

    Not to my knowledge, I think you can only practice offline. Though maybe things have changed by now, I haven't flown in the RS arena in a LONG time. I seemed to spend a lot of time flying alone there.
  23. how many of you were even born...

    I remember the original G.I. Joe. In 1968 I had one of the talking versions which I wish I still had today just for the collectors value. That and all my comics.
  24. Indeed Wrench, a proper bis would be a wonderful addition for MiG-21 fans... And, if templates come out, I'd love this skin.... Nice for WOE or the EAWEuro terrain.
  25. Infidel of the week

    Aw, that's too bad, I was hoping you'd do a cover of "Chemical Warfare" by the Dead Kennedys...

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