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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. That's sad indeed, that's a great pit! I could even see with some tweeks using this for the F-7's (radar being in the right spot).
  2. LOL, no one has said "2 weeks" yet...hehe, oh wait, I just did...
  3. Star Wars Games

  4. Right now I just have one each of SF, WOV, and FE installed, but I am going to install another Iran/Iraq version of SF now that there are some updates for it.
  5. That is one sweet ride gents...
  6. Not to run on Direct X 10 only so I won't have to buy Vista to play it. And a flyable Do-17.
  7. If you only knew the power of the Dark Side...
  8. Star Wars Games

    Where may I find these? :yes:
  9. First Strike Available.

    Impressive...most impressive!
  10. Wow...I may just have to find/make the HD space to do another WW2-SF install! I've always liked the Hawk. With these planes, could a Battle of France campaign be far behind (hint hint). Other planes to add to Heck's list: Amiot 143 and Farman 222--yeah they were antiques by the time the war started but they'd be great for some night bombing over the Ruhr.
  11. Star Wars Games

    No, I'm still playing SWBF2, that and EAW has been the SW games I've been playing the most lately. I even sometimes go back to the original SWBF because of the maps. I have KOTOR2 but have never finished it.
  12. LOL...it will? Learn something new every day!
  13. LOL...that's what I get for having The Empire Strikes Back playing in the background while posting.
  14. Ok, here's some more info: 56FG 61FS (Squadron code: HV), 62FS (LM), 63FS (UV) P-47 (April 43) 78FG 82FS (MX), 83FS (HL), 84FS (WZ) P-47 (April 43) P-51 (Dec. 44) 352FG 328FS (PE), 486th (PZ), 487FS (HO) P-47 (Sept 43) P-51?(April 44--guessing here) 353FG 350FS (LH), 531FS (VJ), 352FS (SX) P-47 (Aug 43) P-51 (Oct 44) 359FG 368FS (CV), 369FS (IV), 370FS (CR) P-47 (Dec 43) P-51 (May 44?) That's all I had in this book, hope it helps.
  15. Rolling Thunder Pt.2

    For some reason the forum won't let me see the pics...grrrrrrrrrrrr.
  16. Highly recommended this mod is. To USAFMTL you listen...lol, like Yoda I sound. Need that I do not...;)
  17. The 56th FG flew it's first mission in April 1943, and flew P-47s until the end of the war (source: "Thunderbolt: The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt in the European Theater" by Ernest R. McDowell, Squadron Signal Publications, 1998). More when I thumb through this volume a bit more. Another site to complement the one Baltika mentioned concerning the RAF can be found here: http://www.rafcommands.com/home.html Good luck!
  18. May I second Viper on this one. <S>!

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