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  1. [spoiler ALERT] Scenario: The hunt for Red Xia Author: Herman Hum / Claudio Magnatti AAR by: Frans Koenz Side : Russia The story. The counter-offensive is almost ready but, prior to making this move, the Chinese nuclear option must be eliminated first. Thanks to strong co-operation from US intelligence, the defensive arrangement of the two nuclear sites along with the position of the Chinese SSBN has been obtained. A coordinated attack has been prepared and the Xia must be sunk within 30 minutes from the air attack on the missile silos in order to avoid a nuclear response. My orders: Proceed to the reference point and sink the the SSBN Xia in co-ordination with the pre-planned air strike on the Chinese ICBM sites. The air strikes are scheduled for 02:30h June 22. You must destroy the Xia by 03:00h. The SSBN may be sunk earlier if you have the opportunity, but NOT earlier than 01:00h. Otherwise the Chinese could retaliate with their ICBM?s. Destruction of the SSBN is paramount, ALL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ARE SUBSIDIARY??.. Stage 1: Approach. Game start: 21 June 2010, 05:00?. I?m in command of the Gepard, an Akula-II (Project PLA-971M) class nuclear submarine and positioned ±180 miles away from the reference point in the southern part of the Yellow sea at a depth of 60m. Almost immediately my sensors picked up several surface contacts, commercial and military, west and southwest from my position. I realised that a direct course to the reference point could give away my position. So, I first plotted a northerly course to avoid direct contact with Chinese ASW-units. From-time-to-time, I rose to periscope depth for position checks and discovered Chinese ASW-aircraft searching for my submarine. After several hours of manoeuvring, I reached a position northwest of the reference-point, distance: about 25 miles. Stage 2: Attack. It was clear that I had surprised the Chinese, because there were no surface vessels in the area that could prevent me attacking their SSBN. Soon my sensors discovered the SSBN Xia and I closed in very carefully. At this point my submarine was very vulnerable to detection because there was no room for vertical manoeuvres (30m depth). Finally, at 02:00h, 21 hours after game start, I fired 2 USET-80 wired-guided torpedoes and managed to sink the Red Xia, realising that a big part of the Yellow Sea would be polluted for many years. The torpedoes were the only 2 weapons fired in this scenario. Mission Accomplished. I reached Victory Conditions within time. Another exiting scenario to play, thanks to the designers! THIS SCENARIO REQUIRES PDB 5.9.7. You can get it at: SZO file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB FilesOfScenShare HarpGamer.com - Home of the HCDB. www.taitennek.nl
  2. [spoiler ALERT] Scenario: Opening Moves Author: Herman Hum / Claudio Magnatti AAR by: Frans Koenz Side : Russia After an unprovoked attack on Russia by the PRC, Petropavlovsk remained operational and the deployed fleet elements only had the barest of weapons required for self-defense. My orders were to bring back the nuclear submarines to Petropavlovsk for replenishment and re-armament within 80 hours. They have only been loaded with limited munitions in accordance with the restricted training schedule. Only a few air-assets were available at Vladivostok. I was advised to engage only the units that posed an immediate threat. The game: 4 SS(G)N (Tomsk, Tambov, Nerpa and Pskov) must reach the marked Nav zone. 2 KILO-class submarines are located near Vladivostok. After starting the game the 2 Kilo's were surrounded by enemy submarines. I ordered the 2 Helix A helicopters for assistance in my attempt to destroy the submarines. I managed to sink 3 submarines, but lost both helicopters. They were attacked by a Chinese fighter from the mainland. The SSGN Tomsk and SSN Tambov had to pass the Tsugaru Strait. As expected, there was a Chinese blockade with submarines and surface vessels. I managed to pass the strait without any problems and reach the marked zone without problems. The SSGN Tomsk managed to sink 1 submarine. The two other submarines ( SSN Nerpa and SSN Pskov) were located in the East Chinese Sea and nearby the Ryukyu Archipelago and had to pass other Chinese blockades. The SSN Nerpa managed to sink 1 submarine and a Luhu-class (051B) and managed to reach the safe Pacific Ocean after passing a blockade. The PRC did attack the 2 Kilo class submarines with torpedoes, fired by Harbin ASW Aircraft, but could not damage or destroy the submarines. My tactic was to travel with maximum speed at maximum depth through the blockades and I did manage to reach the victory conditions within time. PRC losses: 2 Ming class Subamrines 2 Kilo class Submarines 1 Han class (type 091) Submarine 1 Luhu class (type 051B) Frigate Russian losses: 2 Helix A ASW helicopters 1 Mi-14 Haze helicopter Thanks for this nice scenario! THIS SCENARIO REQUIRES PDB 5.9.7. You can get it at: SZO file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB FilesOfScenShare HarpGamer.com - Home of the HCDB. http://www.taitennek.nl - The PDB Scenario Depot.

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