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Posts posted by Southernap

  1. Moved to the General discussion forum.


    There is an F-14 avilable as a 3rd party download for the game. I don't know about the online play, but I would assume from seeing some screen shots that you fly any of the aircraft that are avilable for download here online against other people. To my understanding most people use Hyperlobby to fly online.

  2. For the time frame you are talking about the modex (the #'s on the nose of aircraft) assignment would look like this:


    100 - Strike Fighter sqaudron (F-18E's)

    200 - Strike Fighter squadron (F-18F's)

    300 - Strike Fighter Squdron (F-18C')

    400 - Strike Fighter squadron (F-18C's)

    500 - ECM aircraft (EA-6B's)

    600 - AEW/COD aircraft (E-2's and C-2's)

    700 - ASW Helicopter (SH-60F's)



    During the late 70's and early 80's a typical carrier air wing would of looked like this:


    100 - Fighter Squadron (F-14 or F-4)

    200 - Fighte Squadron (F-14 or F-4)

    300 - Attack squadron (A-7)

    400 - Attack Squadron (A-7)

    500 - Attack Squadron (A-6)

    510 - Medium Tanker Aircraft (KA-6)

    600 - AEW Aircraft (E-2)

    610 - ECM Aircraft (EA-6B)

    620 - COD aircraft (C-2)

    700 - ASW Fixed Wing (S-3)

    720 - ASW Rotary Wing (SH-3)

    900 - Special Mission aircraft (EA-3B, RF-8G)

    Later in the 80's as the F-18 came online it would replaced the A-7 and the 300 and 400 series number would of been assigned to strike fighter squadrons. Post 1997 with the removal of the A-6 the EA-6B's would move up to take the 500 series numbers.

  3. I just took a look at it and found out what the issue was.

    This the information that the game uses to put the pilot in the F-84F. It is located in the aircraft's data.ini file.








    MaxExtentPosition= 0.25,4.83, 1.09



    it is missing a line you need to change it to this,




    PilotModelName=PilotN1 <-------------------- Add this line right here at this point





    MaxExtentPosition= 0.25,4.83, 1.09



    that should give you a visable pilot.

  4. I would add Captain Hook by Wynn Foster. It is about the Skipper of VA-164 and his combat operations off both the USS Oriskany and the USS Forrestall until he lost his arm to a 37mm shell and was flown home before the 67 fire. Then his trials to get back into the cockpit.


    Mig Master by Barrett Tillman- Talks about the history of the F-8 and there is a big chapter about combat ops over Vietnam with the F-8


    Eleven Days of Christmas- by M. L Michel- Talks about the use of SAC bombers during the height of Linebacker II and what is now called the Christmas bombing.


    THere are a slew of personal story books talking about pilots individual perceptions of the war, take a look at those.


    Some of the authors that I like and I would recommend that present a very good historical overview of either an aircraft or of a squadron; that would be Barrett Tillman and Robert Dorr. THere is another author I would recommend, but his name escapes me right now.

  5. Delta wing aircraft are really configured well to travel fast in a straight line. The will bleed thier speed (and energy) rapidly as they manuver. The easy way that I have found to fight with them is to use zoom and boom tactics. That is zoom in on a (or two) targets, engage them and then roll away picking up engery for another engagement on another target. It is a pretty old tactic but it works well with delta wing aircraft.

  6. Good to hear Pratch. Like I said I think the weapons_data.ini got corrupted somehow. It happened to me once with just Strike Fighters Gold. I had installed the F-106A and had installed the weapons like it said then I couldn't load a large amount of the weapons on any aircraft. I had to do a clean install and then found out that I was also operating under an older verison of the weapons pack. So d/l'd the latest and greatest and was happy as clam. I also learned something from that event as well. Before installing a new bird/mod/tool/whatever, back up what I have. Install the new toy. If it causes problems then I know what exactly caused the problems and will remove it. If not then when I do have to do a clean install then at least all the stuff from before I don't have to re-install all over again (it can eat up a couple of hours pretty quick)

  7. I have not done the static target thing either and think it is a shame that TK missed out placing them as targets of the runways. However, I would take the wild guess that if you wanted to create MiG's and Yak's as targets then take the same data that gives you the static blue forces and create some static red forces. Play around with how those are placed in the single mission generator and or the terrian itself and see what would happen.

  8. As far as I know the B-1A and B-1B are WIP's. They are on someone's list to build for SF/WOV/WOE but no one has gotten around to it completely yet. If you want please check out the following thread SFP1/WOV/WOE Work in Progress and Filling in the Blanks thread it currently lists all the aircraft that have been released or being worked and the ones that still need to be built. Along with paying attention to the WOE/WOV/SF/FE Files announcements, you might see the thread appear annoucing the release of a Bone.

  9. I know the following ones:


    #7- is the North American AJ-2P Savage

    #8 is a French bomber from the 30 and early 40's

    #14 looks very much Avro Manchester

    #17 is a B-45A Tornado

    #18 is a T.4 Lighting

    #19 looks like a Beriev Be-10 which was a Soviet built seaplane bomber. Something developed in the same vein as the failed P6M SeaMaster

    #20 is the Bell FM-1 Airacuda. It was designed as a bomber killer. The engine nacelles would of held turrets for a trainable 37mm gun.

    #21 is the Bell X-5 swing wing test platform

    #30 is the Blackburn Firebrand TF.5 variant it looks like

    #31 is the Blackburn Blackburn. A FAA spotter and scout aircraft.

    #43 is a Sikorsky CH-37 Mojave one of the first heavy life helos that Sikorsky developed

    #45 is a R3Y Tradewind. This was designed to fly to an enemy beach and land USMC Raiders or Army Rangers and then fly away. The Plane didn't last long because of poorly designed engines. They used the Allison T40 Turboprops, there were a couple of stupendous accidents in this aircraft using those engines.

    #65 and #69 is of the same aircraft the A2D Skyshark. They took the standard AD-4 airframe and stuck a turboprop into it.

    #80 is the XF-85 Goblin. Which was supposed to be the protection fighter of the B-36. It was going to carry one in its aft bomb bay to protect it from Soviet fighters. They could never get the trapezze system to work right.

    #76 is a FMA IAe 33 Pulqui II. Argentinean fighter

    #81 is the Grumman XF5F Skyrocket

    #97 is a Xian JH-7 PLAAF Fighter Bomber

    #100 is a B-45 Tornado

    #105 is a B-50 Superfortress

    #122 apprears to be a B-36 where they tested strapping F-84F's and F-84C's onto the wingtips as protection fighters. This was tried after the XF-85 failed

    #126 is the Lockheed XFV Vertical Take-off fighter.

    #132 is the Martin AM-1 Mauler. The better plane when compared to the Douglas Skyraider, but it was more complex and more expensive. Only a couple hundred were bought and most of those went to USNR units

    #133 is the P4M Mercator a replacement for the PB4Y-2 and the PV-2 in the long range patrol and ASW aircraft. A large number of these aircraft were used by VQ-1 and VQ-2 for intelligence operations and a number of these aircraft never returned home from off the CHinese and Soviet coast.

    #134 is the Martin P6M SeaMaster seaplane strategtic bomber. It was built to be refueled by submarine or a seaplane tender and while sitting in some Fjord or Atoll be ready to cross the beach with a nuclear weapon. Only 6 were built. The plan was dropped in favor of Polaris SLBM

    #144 if the MiG 1.42 advance prototype aircraft

    #154 is the YA2F-1 Intruder

    #156 and 157 is the Northrup YA-9. The competator to the Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II

    #221 is the XSB2C-1 Helldiver

    #232 is a F3D Skynight

    #246 is a Russian Ekranoplan Wing in Ground effect aircraft.

    #268 is a Aircraft fire fighting dummy

    #279 and 280 are of a Boeing 767 that is used to test new wing shapes. a scale model is put up on top of the cabin and the nose has air data collection equipment.

    #283 is the YF-107 Ultra Sabre.

    #285 is a Rockwell XFV-12A. It was an attempt by the US Navy to build a supersonic VTOL fighter. However it was found to have an smaller range then the AV-8A at the time and was very hard to control in both level and vertical flight.

    #298 is the Vought F8U-3 Crusader III.

    #299 is the Vought F7U Cutlass

    #316 is the Rockwell X-31

    #323 is the Douglas XB-19

    #335 is the North American FJ Fury. The plane that the F-86 Sabre was based off of

    #336 is the XFV-12A again

    #350 is the Yak-141 Freestyle. A supersonic capable VTOL fighter.

    #355 and 358 are shots of the Yak-36 VTOL demostrator


    That is about all I can ID just off the top of my head and using my references on my bookshelves.

  10. He could mean Sweden and Switzerland.


    Both these countries were involved in WW2 defending thier neturality. The Swiss were a little more aggressive about it then the Swedes. Reports from the Allied Nations and from the Axis talk about aircraft flying into thier terrority and then being engaged by the Swiss Air Force and AAA, sometimes with deadly resoultions. The Swedes meanwhile would escort anyone who had strayed into the first airfield that was large enough and then proceed to intern them as required by international aggreement.

  11. Pratch,

    I have been thinking about the issues you have. I would try this and see what would happen.

    1. Uninstall the game
    2. Copy out the aircraft/terrain/menu/sound mods you have to a seperate directory. Big thing here don't save the weapons directory.
    3. Delete the game's directory. Since the uninstall feature just removes the files in the directory
    4. Then reinstall the game
    5. Copy over your aircraft/terrain/menu/sound mods that you had saved
    6. Finally taking the latest weapon pack you have and install that.

    It is starting to sound more and more like something in the weapon_data.ini is corrupted. That might also fix your issues with the CBU-72 as well.

  12. One of the things you can do to try and help an older program to work on WinXP is after installing it bring up the shortcut and right click on it and then select the "Properties" line. That will then bring up the properties dialog box, there is a tab there called compatability and you can then select to have the program run under either Win95, Win98, WinNT 4.0, Win2k. That has worked for me in the past with games such as iF-16, and even the good ol Fleet Defender Gold.

  13. Playing around trying to figure something else in another thread I put in the following line on the Mirage Factory's F-18A. "2SA" on to a pair of pylons and got the following result


    The loadout screen


    It looks like I can carry dual Sparrows on the same rail.


    In flight with a couple of these selections on myself and my wingmen


    As you can see the program doesn't seem to put the Sparrows on a dual rail like it would have done for a 2IR code



    It did do it for the AMRAAM and also put one underneath sort of like a TER.


    Now for the Coup de grace


    10 'winders MUAHHHH! :biggrin: 2 on the wingtips and 4 on stations two and eight.


    Just thought I would share this little tidbit for your aircraft designers.

  14. The F-18A add-on from Mirage Factory comes already configured to handle AMRAAM's. So I don't know off hand what the problem is there nor with the stock F-4's.
















    I was able to add without a problem the AHM line and my F-4B in WOE was able to carry an AMRAAM in that station with out a problem.

  15. The only thing that I could think off would be that TK wanted to represent the USAF Reserve units and ANG units coming forward at the time of war. Or just to ease the building of the campaigns to represent other operations going on that the B-57 is filling in for. I have noticed that the Campaigns have gotten more and more complex since I started to look at the stock campaigns in SFP1/WOV/WOE. In SFP there was just a couple USAF, a USMC, USN and the merc flying against the red forces. Then in WOV there was a whole slew of USN, USMC, and USAF units going downtown depending on which time period you were playing. I think at the IP on a target one time I counted about 9 or 10 other groups all going downtown on a few other targets in the region and that was just on the US side. In WOE there was something like 15 or 16 groups airborne in the 1979 campaign that I was flying in a couple of nights ago.

    I understand the want to be historically correct, but I would suggest that giving the game a break. The designers cheated a little to represent other actions against Soviet units by putting in those three B-57B squadrons.

  16. Iceland and Malta


    Iceland was initally under the protection of Denmark then it was occupied by the UK after Denmark fell. In 1940 US Marines relieved the UK garrision to free up troops to protect the home islands.


    Malta was under the protection of the UK through out the course of the war.

  17. Remember People: DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD!!! It exists as a listing to help people find things that are available, under construction, or whatever.


    PLEASE read the entire Thread, as the most current listing will be in the posts at the end!!


    Post any questions in the regular Forums, 'Mods and Skinning Chat' -- Wrench 5/4/08




    Since we seem to have lost the original thread someplace on the Internet super highway about what aircraft were WIP's and what needed to be filed in. I felt like starting this here. If any of you modders are working on something please feel free to add what you are working one to this list.


    These are the following websites to try and locate an aircraft for download:


    Column 5

    Avsim file library. Note this one will require a free login to download from their libraries

    Armour Dave's SFP1 site

    Capun's SFP Skunkworks - large number of WW2 and early jet aircraft available

    Check Six - a French language site that had a large number of aircraft and modding tools available. for Thirdwire games

    Dueces Mod's- primarily a site dedicated to updating the landscape and effects of Thidwire games

    Gramps Flight sim page- primarily dedicated to RAAF aircraft and skins

    Pasko's Mostly MiG's page - Has a large number of Soviet aircraft available for download.

    Saganuay's SFP page - He has a link to a large number of the 3rd party modders out there and hosts the SPF1 wiki

    Raz Bam's aircraft - Has built the A-1E and A-1H/J for SFP/WOV. Also this is payware.

    Third Wire productions - home site of SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE


    These are just some of the various websites out there to download extra aircraft/skins/and other mods for your enjoyment. Also note that a large number of these websites replicate themselves. I mean that what might be here at CombatAce for the F-14A might also be hosted at Check-six or at Column 5. So if one site is down try one of the other ones you might be able to find the same aircraft.

    Please note too that if I left any one's website off this list, I am truly sorry. Please PM me and I will add you to the list.


    Now on to the other big thing the WIP list. Note this is in now way complete or current. Just information that I have gathered from other forums and sites. If you have any information about aircraft that are being worked on please feel free to add your information to the bottom. I am picking this up from some one else's work on the WIP/missing listing so there are a large number of holes.


    The most current list will always be on the last page of this thread


    This is broken down by category of nation of origin and then role. I have also tried to arrange these in order of apperance by time line (ie the F-4 should will be before the F-15). When it says "Stock in..." means that it is a stock aircraft in the original game. If it has "AI only" means that the AI is the only one with access to it. "3rd Party Released" means that even though there is a stock verison there is also a third party verision as well.


    This listing is no where near complete but it should give you a general idea of what we already have. I would recommend that you pay attention to the SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE file announcement forum for any new releases.

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  18. If you load a single mission and head over to the loadout page. On the clipboard do you see AIM-120's avilable? Because something else you could try is going back into the weapons editor and checking to make sure that avilability is something other then rare or very rare, also make sure that your export avilablity is something other then rare or very rare as well.


    The biggest thing that would help again is what airplane are you having problems with?


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