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Posts posted by JoeHal11

  1. On 2021-06-29 at 6:26 PM, daddyairplanes said:

    well we have soldiers. and if requested one of our active modelers might be willing to create one if you explain the mission set

    make a large hit box, low armor, and maybe you could set down "on" the pilot to destroy/pick them up

    right up the lane of yakarov's Jolly Greens.........

    would have to be tailor made missions so you dont take off expecting a downed pilot and get a convoy of ZSU-23s instead!

    Hi! I have two ideas. One under the Vietnam war and one under the Afghanistan war. Hope I hope this is easy to understand?  



  2. 6 hours ago, Stratos said:

    What I did long long ago. Create a Armed Recon mission, put the downed pilot as a enemy ground object (so you can have enemy infantry firing at you, but not to the downed pilot), then "kill" the downded pilot (no damaged model on him, to simulate the pick up, get the mission accomplished and get the heck out of there.

    It's fun, but AFAIK the only downed pilot we had was the YAP one. I also got a modded "smoke marker" so it was even more realistic.

    Thank's! I gonna think about that and test.

  3. Hello!

    Has anyone an idea how to create a SAR, Medevac or a Casevac Misson?  My plan is to have a pilot, ground units, helicopter, and a cover airplane. I have checked which type of mission I can have on airplanes and helicopters. The plane can be in CAS or covering the heli. But here is coming my questions:

    1. Whare I can find a pilot or create one as a ground object? 

    2. Can I set up the heli's to pick up the pilot? And how? (If this is possible)

    3.  Whare I can find US soldiers or create this to a ground object?


    Best Regards


  4. 7 minutes ago, EricJ said:

    Did you put the folder in the Objects/Gun folder? That can be the issue with why it's not making a sound, and probably not doing any damage anyways when you fire. OR if you did put the gun folder in the Objects/Gun folder maybe it's not listing the sound. If so then open the 30MM_GAU8_data.ini file and go to GunFireSound= and put the name of the sound after the = sign, so it should look like this:


    602e75dedb54a_Skrmbild2021-02-18151017.png.1b1ed6dc8dd8e0ce5bd96dbaa8caffe0.png602e76aee5309_Skrmbild2021-02-18151423.png.ec1d16ee8a1935622f50435bbaa18ff3.pngEvrything looks like good. Whare is the problem?:stars:

  5. Can anyone help me with a sound problem? When I use my cannon (GAU8) in an A-10 there is no "brrrrrrt" sound. I tested playing the "GAU8.WAV" file and it works. What is the problem? If this can be helpful, I have 180 ".wav" files, but in my "" SOUNDLIST.INI "there are only 112 listed sounds. GAU8 has number 50. (I created a new topic because the title don't have the information my problem contains.)

    Best Regards

  6. I think I've been a little unclear as to what I mean. For what I mean is that I want to choose weapons example Sidewinder and then switch to cannons. I don't want to fire all the weapons at once. All I want is for the cannon to work on selected weapon and not be primary or secondary.

    What I have on my joystic is:


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