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About stovall

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  1. USAFMTL, That is what I like about you. Pushy is not the right word, I call it giving me inspiration. I also need some help with direction because of all the great projects to be done associated with LockOn. Regards, you are a great moderator and a big help to me. Regards as always, Tom
  2. Here is a representation of one of several Soviet Navy Mig29's. This is a Mig 29A with the flag of the former Soviet Navy. Download at www.shasta.com/stovall/TomsFlightSims.htm. The zip is in LoMan format ready to add to your Addons folder. Regards, Tom
  3. Thanks MadJeff!! She is the brainchild of Dave Slavens. He gave me the pictures and the idea to paint her. He even helped motivate me by asking when she would be done. What fun!!! Regards, Tom
  4. Thanks MadJeff for to opportunity to add the to LockOn sim world. Here is my F-15C Ferric Colors addon inspired by Dave Slavens. She can be found for download on my website www.shasta.com/stovall/TomsFlightSims.htm . She was fun to make and is in the colors of the 33rd TFW at Elgin AFB Regards, Tom
  5. Good to hear from you Cool Hand. This is a really great sim. It will even be better with the upcoming patch. I am working on a new F-15C for David Slavens. Should be out pretty soon. Take care. Tom :P
  6. Sorry, I wrote to soon. Found the new sounds at Bio Haz Central. Installing now. Regards, Tom
  7. Archer, just where are the new sound files. I check Lock On downloads. Does not seem to be there. Will check Bio Hazard next. Regards, Tom
  8. Howdy everyone. I have had Lock On for about 3 days now. So far I have only done a couple of F-15C repaints. I noticed a large number of post wanting to know how to use any textures repainted. (How to insert them into the sim) I put together a pdf file to explain the use of my Oregon ANG F-15C skin. This would also include some instruction for painters to include the tools needed. I look forward to all your creations and hope to add a few myself. Toms Flight Sims Regards, Tom Stovall www.shasta.com/stovall/TomsFlightSims.htm stovall@shasta.com

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