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Everything posted by Tomb

  1. how do i remove the 20mm cannon effects and/or restore the old one back to stock ?it only occured after i applied the new suez mod (previous suez mod was fine) i would prefer not to do a full reinstall if possible (its all 4+suez addon merged)
  2. thanks eburger for your hard work, been away a while but now had a chance to take a quick look whats GOOD the campaign seems to be working nicely, cyprus takes part and the other items as discussed seem to be working adding rockets to the F84F ..hurrah whats BAD F84 flaps dont work (i fixed them form myself a small change in the data.ini file) the Seahawk is the old model with wrong wieghts/weapons/handling/wing drop etc (easy fix just replace with the relevent files i uploaded earlier) whats UGLY all 20mm cannon flashes are now borked, some horrible square thing instead of the gun flash, tested seahawk /F8J/F100D/F15/F4E/F105 no idea how to fix that..caused by the new 20mm fire effects ? regards Tomb
  3. any news from those hard working folks of the SUEZ mod to fix the cyprus airfields from "enemy" to friendly ? be nice to see the RAF/ADA take part. Flying RAF is bad for your health as your own airfields will shoot you down on take off Lol no discrimination here though they also shoot the french airforce down as well really looking forward to this one being fully operational
  4. na the FAQ does not appear to hold the information i require or at least i could not find it to change the F84F, no worries i will figure it out eventually.
  5. yup but if you check thier are 6 defined stations 2 fuel and 4 bomb, you can load 4 bombs or 2xbomb and 2xFT i took them out orignally but this caused other problems if you look carefully thier is another pylon "doubled up" both inboards and outboards, inboards fuel or bomb, outboards bomb or rocket. not too elegant but it did allow the 3D weapon objects to work otherwise they hung "in space" with no visable means of support i have also added 2xextra rocket pylons thier is madness in the method :) for the F84F it could be i have the weapon name wrong or perhaps nationality of a weapon is not defined correctly...knowing thier is no 4th file helps me not look for one for example in single mission you can load weapons not defined in the loadout.ini, can i assume that is down to what you put in the aircraft data.ini? BOMB/RP/FT etc, and nationaility which ones ? whats available in the campaign is clearly the data.ini held thier and can differ from and overides the single mission case (up to a point) i will tinker a bit more
  6. dont think its a border issue think thier is something wrong with HMS albion will try the line you suggest... just tried it that makes a dramatic difference all the missing Sqns appear and look like they are getting tasked with missions, i see hunters and venoms in the air...all three carriers seem to be playing as well i could give you a kiss let me be the first to say Yeuuuch here is another one for you i must be missing a file The F84F now has been given rocket pylons i have changes the loadout.ini/data.ini/campaign data.ini thier is obviously a 4th file that single mission use's... or an allowable weapons list..whats it called and where is it ? regards
  7. ok looked over the F84F no flap control...now fixed (human pilot) no weapons...now fixed weapons showing in the wrong place...now fixed a few problems with the EAF aircraft i notice...will get to them in due course
  8. been flying it from various cyprus sqns for a while now i also restored the AAAn (from oilbarrel1) you can fly fine from Cyprus over several missions BUT Cyprus based aircraft are not really in play i notice no cyprus based aircraft fly except my mission is this because it is "neutral" and thier fore the AI wont assign missions from here ? i suspect so, since when i am allocated an escort to my canberra or RF84...it comes from israel..not much use as they run out of fuel just as they get to cyprus and have to head home again..be nice the have the Cyprus venoms/hunters/canberra's/F84's in play i also notice no other units show on cyprus map as they do on the carriers/israel/egypt..i suspect the cyprus units are not in play (for the AI) i supect HMS Albion cannot or launch aircraft, they just sit thier HMS eagle definatly does launch it's sqns i think HMS Bulwark launches..could not swear to just yet though all the Israeli airfields seem fine. on the Egyption side i have yet to see IL28s fly..but its early days yet what do i need to do to remove the "neutrality" from Cyprus ? think i would like to see what happens and if those planes come into play regards
  9. thanks eburger, i fly a few hops in a few hours it sure is tough being a canberra B2 pilot Lol need to figure out how to get me some escorts
  10. Mustafa Shalabi al-Hinnawi has provided the pictures of the aircraft he was flying 8044 looks like a MiG17F this chap was the commander of ...you guessed it EAF's first MiG17 sqn the others serials cant be see but they are all Mig17F's not seen a single picture of a mig17 other than the mig17F in EAF colours...care to point me at one ? November the 1st was when the french F84F(199sqn) and mystere(200sqn) ground crews (re)painted the french cockade replacing the morgan david (star)the previous night because and i quote "the need for secrecy having passed" 201sqn mysteres kept the morgan david as they were IDF aircraft flown by french pilots regards dont worry dude these are all things i have or am or in the process of correcting or learning to in the relevent .ini files no work from you guys req'd...you get the map sorted, definatly no1 priority "grin"
  11. first things first the cunning plan of removing the AAAn and using oilbarrel1 only works for 1 mission after that you are relocated to LOD (F84/Canberra tried so far) other Mig 17 does not have an afterburner pictures from the time clearly show EAF 1sqn mig17's taking off in afterburner from Almazza it also shows them on the ramp and taxing out with the cutback rear fusalage so thats a mig17F i would suggest acig.org show a mig17 but it has a cutback rear fuslage to allow for the varible nozzle=mig17F a mig17 looks a lot like the mig 15 (ie no cutback) however the big flame coming out the back in the pictures during takeoff, coupled with the clearly visable cutback in what few pictures thier are indicates Mig17F. according to wings over suez...when the shooting started the french regained thier national insignia on french owned planes but not the israli owned mysteres they were flying. in fact it would appear they used the same markings on many aircraft being ferried to israel via italy/greece "returning from repair" was the reason given..the more astute noted these serials never flew out...only in...so they had a lot more aircraft than they were "supposed" to have. again picures from the same book clearly show the F84's from the akrotiri wing in french markings for both EC1/1 and EC1/3 Mysteres in israel of "199sqn" (EC1/2)in french markings as to how long the nominal 200 sqn kept thier markings, hard to say, some pictures show no national marking but a painted out square, covering the french roundel or the star of david...hard to say. however Suez period pictures of the ramp of the akrotiri wing do not show any F84's in other than french marking the reason why that might be so is explained in the book regards
  12. ok...makes drowning noises..say what...glugg...glug better learn to swim real quick found the file...made the change (oiltank1)it workd fine the RAF and french are almost in the war ok next problem canbarra's and F84's pretty much taking off unarmed because whats allocated in the campaign munitions availblity file and what the aircraft will load up with are not aligned so i have made the changes to get things moving...i am going to have to take a look at the F-84 soon sundry changes to missing files for the hunter and F84 aircraft egygpt 1 sqn aircraft update corrected from MiG17 to Mig17F at some point i am going to change the order of battle in cyprus so that all the F84's fly in french makings (not Israli for some) also the canberra's should be flying from paphos,bomber base (Nicosia stand in i presume)and the hunter/venom/F84 from Akrotori fighter base will attempt to add a few more canberra sqns have an inkling to create a canberra PR7 using the B2 since it had the short B2 fusalage with the B6 wet wing and engines so i will just need to create the data.ini file hopefully if anyone fancys skinning a B2 with 13 sqn markings i'll use that...otherwise default will have to do...tails numbers available ..just ask me ok thier is a F84F with my name on it time to bomb stuff then i will be back in the seahawk Lol regards
  13. ok i cant seem to post a screenie so i have uploaded it under suezmapbug for you guys to take a look at it it shows cyprus in enemy territory very clearly
  14. if start as say a canberra unit for example 10sqn then go to the load out screen then check the mission map you will be on your home airfield but it will be coloured red instead of blue you will see the border is drawn around israel then over the sea BUT passes on the west side of cyprus then you check the east border syria way and sea the border passes east of cyprus this places cyprus firmly in enemy territory (and the airfields get coloured red and show as such) i suspect its a border issue rather than an airfield or unit issue something gone wrong with the border definition perhaps ?
  15. File Name: SeaHawks over Suez update File Submitter: Tomb File Submitted: 10 July 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft what started out as a flightmodel tweak soon took on a life of its own and became a lot more basically what we have here is changes in the flight model so the Seahawk FB3/FGA4/FGA6 aircraft handling is a lot closer to whats described in the aircrew manual part 3 (handling) and while we had the book open part 6 (operating data) and one thing led to another and you have the result before you i have adjusted the load out to be "realistic" and as in the manual so they respect the wieght limits, you can maually oveload if you wish but if you wish to fly "realistically" take fuel out to compensate for the extra wieght with a full load of rockets and fuel tanks...you cant partially fill them so if you drop your internal fuel to 75% the wieghts (and fuel) you will be right. the bomb/fuel pylons should be jettionable but i dont know the code for this yet so your aircraft state is pre-mod N.247 so you cant, so you keep the pylons on jettison for now others major changes are the FB3 has no rockets the FGA4/6 rockets and load out now work correctly though visually the inner pair will appear too far inboard...this is a visual model thing and i may revisit this later to see if i can move them...unless someone beats me to it, hint hint thier are signifcant changes to the handling but the most usefull advice i will give is 110kts clean in landing config on the approach to put here on the carrier deck..heck even the AI can land it... last but not least the hunter cockpit is used instead of the meteor cockpit you must have the SUEZ mod installed or at least the SEAhawks with thier default names from it Simply drop the objects folder into your Mods folder in my documents or wherever you put your strikefighter mods (SF2merged+exp1 for suez) and hopefully the relevent update files will install in the right place otherwise just go to the update folder, remove the 3 files for each aircraft you need and manually place them as always back your files up FIRST before applying..if you dont like what i have done you can then revert as always credit goes to the original creators of the SEAhawk, all i have done is alter some files...an update of the seahawk if you will Click here to download this file
  16. SeaHawks over Suez update



    what started out as a flightmodel tweak soon took on a life of its own and became a lot more basically what we have here is changes in the flight model so the Seahawk FB3/FGA4/FGA6 aircraft handling is a lot closer to whats described in the aircrew manual part 3 (handling) and while we had the book open part 6 (operating data) and one thing led to another and you have the result before you i have adjusted the load out to be "realistic" and as in the manual so they respect the wieght limits, you can maually oveload if you wish but if you wish to fly "realistically" take fuel out to compensate for the extra wieght with a full load of rockets and fuel tanks...you cant partially fill them so if you drop your internal fuel to 75% the wieghts (and fuel) you will be right. the bomb/fuel pylons should be jettionable but i dont know the code for this yet so your aircraft state is pre-mod N.247 so you cant, so you keep the pylons on jettison for now others major changes are the FB3 has no rockets the FGA4/6 rockets and load out now work correctly though visually the inner pair will appear too far inboard...this is a visual model thing and i may revisit this later to see if i can move them...unless someone beats me to it, hint hint thier are signifcant changes to the handling but the most usefull advice i will give is 110kts clean in landing config on the approach to put here on the carrier deck..heck even the AI can land it... last but not least the hunter cockpit is used instead of the meteor cockpit you must have the SUEZ mod installed or at least the SEAhawks with thier default names from it Simply drop the objects folder into your Mods folder in my documents or wherever you put your strikefighter mods (SF2merged+exp1 for suez) and hopefully the relevent update files will install in the right place otherwise just go to the update folder, remove the 3 files for each aircraft you need and manually place them as always back your files up FIRST before applying..if you dont like what i have done you can then revert as always credit goes to the original creators of the SEAhawk, all i have done is alter some files...an update of the seahawk if you will
  17. this is true..thanks SUEZ problem thier is a bug with HMS ALBION which does not allow aircraft to sit on the deck, they will slowly roll over HMS BULWARK is fine with the other FGA4 sqn which sits on the deck fine ok all the SEAHAWKS for SUEZ (FB3/FGA4/FGA6 are complete with the new flightmodel/weapons/loadouts which reflect the aircraft SUEZ loadout and actual aircraft performance/handling/ wieght and weapon limits according to the aircraft manual A.P.4382 options here are i can repackage these three and upload them as "seahawks over suez" or if Paulo would like i can easily do the F1/F2/FB5 flightmodel/weapons/loadouts as well and with his textures i think you would easily have the most accurate SEAHAWK range to date i suppose i should put some sort of read me together LoL
  18. Why can't you start new topics? says so in a grey box to the right of "add reply" ok i have solved the rocket problem, you can now have 10 rckts + fuel tanks and they show up in the 3 D model so FGA4/FGA6 to follow shortly after i have tested the aircraft with the new (corrected) wieghts and flight model
  19. sorry i cant start new topics so have to tag this query on here i noticed if you fly a second mission you gain extra wieght thought is was something i had done so checked a few stock aircraft and its the same if you exit the game and re-enter you have the original wieghts again try it, unload all weapons, see what your wieght is...reload them then fly, finish or abort..go for a second mission...unload weapons...ohh look you suddenly ate all the pork pies and your empty wieght has shot up 200-400 pounds depending on aircraft...how wierd...is this known about ?
  20. what started out as a FM tweak has now turned into a major upgrade how the heck did that happen LoL Ok the SeaHawk FB3 is now ready in addition to the FM details mentioned above wieghts have been corrected in accordance with those in the manual A.P 4328 part 6 (operating data) para 104 (typical sevice loads)plus the speeds and general handling are close to whats as described in part 3 (handling) in addition the outer wing stub plyon is 500lbs limit because its 2xfuel tanks OR 2x1000lb's or 4x500lbs to remain within the FB3 wieght limits you can manually overload to 2xfueltanks and 2x500lbs..but its not by much. the default load out in most cases is now 4x500lbs since the carriers are parked just off the coast, thier is no real need for drop tanks and 4x500lbs is more useful for strike/attack missions i shall attempt to upload the three files for you to try, just drop them into your FB3 folder... the FGA4/FGA6 has different wieghts and i will be doing those shortly
  21. "wings over suez" gives 800sqn as FGA4's, the difference between FGA4 and FGA6 was an engine change, the current air display Seahawk is called a FGA6 but started life as a FGA4...it's had the engine change. i understand XE codes were new build FGA6's but have been unable to find pictures of HMS albion during SUEZ but from some personal descriptions they were flying XE codes...FGA6 also 800sqn were nominally FGA4's on Ark Royal..so i have to wonder if during SUEZ, 800 sqn took over another sqn's aircraft on Albion hence the dual set of serials ?
  22. ok tried the new version hmm i think my version flys much nicer...you wont even think its the same plane agree with the hunter cockpit i have gone for that as well with regards to weapons ..you know i had not looked at the wieghts she is 3000lbs over wieght with a full load and 350lbs over wieght clean. this clearly needs looking at ok i will do a new change to the weapons since i have the weapon load chart and wieghts for the F2/FB3/FGA4/FGA6 i will try to make it match that rocket types are 10x60lb or 20x25lb max wieght limit weapon load is 10x60lb rckts + 2xFT which gives 16,200lbs according to the manual inner two wing pylons should be jettisionable and the outer pair also for the FGA4/FGA6 i think the data.ini is in KG's but the in game weapon load screen is in pounds so i will know i am in the right area by checking it i think you have just given me a bit more work to do LoL
  23. hmm conflict with 800sqn here i have two sets of serials one set for the FGA4 and another set for the FGA6 will look into it a bit more
  24. will take a look paulo very soon.... would agree, i only have s/n for 810 sqn with the FGA4 i have the 17x FGA4 aircraft s/n if you wish (i have the FB3 and FGA6 s/n's also for the other units what we really need is a hero to come up with a Sea Venom FAW21 to complete the carrier set

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