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Files posted by Tomb

  1. SeaHawks over Suez update

    what started out as a flightmodel tweak soon took on a life of its own and
    became a lot more
    basically what we have here is changes in the flight model so the Seahawk FB3/FGA4/FGA6 aircraft
    handling is a lot closer to whats described in the aircrew manual part 3
    (handling) and while we had the book open part 6 (operating data) and one
    thing led to another and you have the result before you
    i have adjusted the load out to be "realistic" and as in the manual so they
    respect the wieght limits, you can maually oveload if you wish but if you
    wish to fly "realistically" take fuel out to compensate for the extra
    with a full load of rockets and fuel tanks...you cant partially fill them
    so if you drop your internal fuel to 75% the wieghts (and fuel) you will be
    the bomb/fuel pylons should be jettionable but i dont know the code for
    this yet so your aircraft state is pre-mod N.247 so you cant, so you keep the
    pylons on jettison for now
    others major changes are the FB3 has no rockets
    the FGA4/6 rockets and load out now work correctly though visually the
    inner pair will appear too far inboard...this is a visual model thing and i
    may revisit this later to see if i can move them...unless someone beats me
    to it, hint hint
    thier are signifcant changes to the handling but the most usefull advice i
    will give is 110kts clean in landing config on the approach to put here on
    the carrier deck..heck even the AI can land it...
    last but not least the hunter cockpit is used instead of the meteor cockpit
    you must have the SUEZ mod installed or at least the SEAhawks with thier
    default names from it
    Simply drop the objects folder into your Mods folder in my documents or
    wherever you put your strikefighter mods (SF2merged+exp1 for suez)
    and hopefully the relevent update files will install in the right place
    otherwise just go to the update folder, remove the 3 files for each aircraft you need and
    manually place them
    as always back your files up FIRST before applying..if you dont like what i
    have done you can then revert
    as always credit goes to the original creators of the SEAhawk, all i have
    done is alter some files...an update of the seahawk if you will


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