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Posts posted by Josh275

  1. On 1/19/2019 at 8:22 PM, Geary said:


       You may want to put DirectX 9.0c on your Windows 10 computer to get SF1 generation games to work.  DirectX 9 will not interfere with DirectX 10.  Use the latest DX 9 version. I've attached a copy of directx_June10_redist.7z to this post.

        Then try using FalconC45's HDR mod from here:


    This worked for me.



    alright let me try it. Thanks

  2. On 1/19/2019 at 6:52 PM, UllyB said:

    alright then, now it's clear. Without Direct X 9.0c you are screwed, the game won't work at all. But, if you wanna have both "worlds" scrubb the Win 10 (in my opinion is not better than Win 7 , it's a Win 7 in it's core , NT nucleus and such, and it doesn't do things better than Win 7, it's just a illusion that it does. Trust me I know what I am talking about) and reinstall the Win 7 64x. I also can play ANY new game I like with Win 7, so...why not having it and play the SF1/SF2 series, eh ? Give it try, you won't regret it.

    yeah i give it SF2 series a try. Thanks for the help

  3. Well i'm using windows 10.

    Here's the prove that wings over europe are sell on steam


    I can't install DirectX 9, because im using windows 10.

    • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M Graphics.
    • Windows 10 (64 bit).

    that is my laptop specs. I'm using 4 GB ram.

    Already check that this game run using NVIDIA Processor. Not intel processor.

    My laptop model is rog gl552jx

  4. 1 hour ago, UllyB said:

    are you playing it on a laptop ? If your videocard is just an emulation and not a dedicated (a real one) one, with Direct 3D API, that could explain some of its behaviour.  Check the option.ini file and see what it says when it comes to WIDTH and HEIGHT of the screen, look for this section:

    DisplayWidth=2560 <-------
    DisplayHeight=1440 <-------


    Check what resolution your screen accepts, check if you have no broken graphics drivers installed etc. I also presumed you have the original version, not the pirated one, right ?

    Well i bought it from steam of course. I cursed all pirate games lol. Well my maximum display is 1366x768. I'm using laptop. and as for graphic card, nothing problem (cuz i just replace my rog laptop motherboard last year, around 2 months ago.


  5. Well actually CTD are not happening when you play the game. In-fact i got 60 FPS when I play wings over europe. And then, when i finished my mission, press ESC, the resoulution that should be 1366x768, it revert back to 1024x768, causing freeze. I'm alt+tab, and when alt+tab again, it still freeze, and i'm using task manager to forced quit that game. Well that resolution problem, it happens when you start the game, and the menu show with 1024x768 resolution, only then when i play the game, it use 1366x768 resolution.

    Already edit startup.ini file to change resolution when in menu screen, but nothing happen.

    Anyone had any idea what just happen.


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