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Everything posted by TeTeT

  1. Just got an hour in it so far and have to say it's quite tough to just follow the taxi ways or even straight down the run way. When I lift off, the Huey immediately turns right, so I apply left pedal, then it's a constant fight with the controls til it flips over ... Any tips?
  2. I guess I primarily have a x52 for cyclic and collective and g25 racing wheel pedals for rudder. And not much of an idea: It has to be possible to take off in direction of your nose without too much yanking ... just no idea how.
  3. No idea, too busy trying to taxi the Huey on the airfield. Lot's of BOOM... ;)
  4. Arma 3 Alpha Available on Steam

    I have two keys for arma 3 lite on steam to give away, drop me a PM if interested. First come, first serve.
  5. Take on Helicoptors

    The game is out now, sitting on my HD, but haven't played it so far. There's some discussion on the ToH forum at bohemia interactive, stating that the flight model is not overly accurate: rolling tendency when adding collective is wrong, overdone ground effect, rate of descend to low, no torque effect. Given BI's tendency to support their games for a long time, I wouldn't be surprised to see a patch or ten trying to fix the above issues sooner or later. On the civilian nature of the sim, my understanding is that the military side of helo flying is left to modders ... Guess we'll have to wait and see if the arma modder community jumps aboard and delivers that sort of content.
  6. I agree that it is an entertaining game. I picked up the 'combined operations' bundle after Christmas and first played through the single player campaigns. Now I practice for a PvP event and mostly play Gossamer's Warfare mission online. As you said, due to being able to play multiple roles, it's not that repetitive. That being said, I really like the VSS and Metis equipped Russian special ops role best.
  7. I've just got ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead and found a Vietnam addon that claims to have the Patton. I haven't played the addon yet, still to busy with the core missions and campaign. Anyway, here is the link: Vietnam: The Experience
  8. Great to see that the Steel Tiger campaign still gets some developer love :) Great support, Malibu!
  9. A10C

    I've got the open beta version and there are quite a few training missions with it. Walks you through ramp start (broken because of one toggle), through starting, navigation, landing (I believe broken - I never make it back to base ;), weapons deployment. On the missions I almost exclusively play the easy quick mission and manage to kill off four targets, but have not overcome the fifth yet (an armored column protected by SAMs and AAA). As you start the mission airborne there are not too many switches to toggle before starting to deal damage to the first pair of trucks. So the learning curve for that particular mission is not that steep, it just gets more intense from target to target. Compared to the Thirdwire sims (which I like a lot), your workload is definitely heavier. Instead of toggling through targets with T you have to move around your targeting pods sensors and lock them on a target. There are a lot of options for the weapons themselves, and you can manipulate their 'profiles'. However, I've never done this so far and the weapons still do damage. If you have a second computer (laptop, netbook maybe), you can watch one of the training videos on youtube while performing the actions in the sim. This worked fine for me for the on ramp start and flight planning. As there is definitely a learning curve for DCS A-10C I hope that more of these step-by-step guides will appear there, making the curve less steep. Eventually I hope to learn to survive in the A-10 and make a landing :)
  10. Holy #$&!

    Seems you can buy the game as beta now with a free update to the final product becoming available later on. Seems like a new concept to me, though some games are sold finished in a beta state ;)
  11. This pack is only kept for historical reasons. It has been superseded by newer Infantry packs.
  12. Version


    This Infantry mod has been repackaged for use with SP4. The following guns have to be found in gundata.ini: GunTypeName=40MM_M79 GunTypeName=50CAL_M2 GunTypeName=5.56mm_Assaultrifle GunTypeName=66MM_LAW GunTypeName=7.62MM_M60 GunTypeName=7.62mm_PKB GunTypeName=7.62MM_Rifle GunTypeName=84MM_AT-4 GunTypeName=Bazooka GunTypeName=RPG-7 All of them should be found in the latest weapons pack. The original license of this mod applies. You must not repackage this mod or use it without permission of the original authors. === ORIGINAL Readme.txt === This is an Infantry mod for Strikefighters Project 1 from Thirdwire. This mod is only testet with SFP1 SP, not with WOV, it is not supported by Thirdwire The files made by me are freeware, if you want to use it, name me in the Disclamer. If you want to distribute files made by Pasko Patak, you have to ask him first. You are not free to charge for it or otherwise try to make money with it. 3D-Files in this Pack made by Pasko: Platoon.lod Soldier_AT-3.LOD 3D-Files from me: US_Squad.LOD US_Squad_early.LOD M113_ACAV.LOD VC_Squad.LOD All *.ini's edited and balanced by me, so they should work. All Gundata's are balanced, so they should me work proper ingame (the settings are not realistic so don't wonder, that a Bazooka firing with 800m/s) Installation: 1. Backup folowing files: BulletObject.ini, GroundObjectData.ini, Gundata.ini and Gundata.dat(in \Objects), Weapondata.ini and WeaponData.dat (in \Objects\Weapons) 2. copy BulletObject.ini, GroundObjectData.ini, Gundata.ini and Gundata.dat and all the other Files into \objects copy Weapondata.ini and WeaponData.dat into \Objects\Weapons - latest Weaponpack form 19.Nov04 is included 3. open GroundObjectData.ini (found in \objects or extract it from ObjectData.cat) Merge folowing entrys in it and correct the XXX with continuous numbers: [Objectxxx] ObjectName=M113_ACAV ObjectFullName=M 113 ACAV w. US Special Forces ObjectDataFile=M113_ACAV_Data.INI [Objectxxx] ObjectName=US_Squad ObjectFullName=US Infantry Squad ObjectDataFile=US_Squad_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=US_Squad_early ObjectFullName=US Marines Squad ObjectDataFile=US_Squad_early_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=Soviet_Squad ObjectFullName=OPFOR Infantry Squad ObjectDataFile=Soviet_Squad_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=VC_Squad ObjectFullName=Vietcong Squad ObjectDataFile=VC_Squad_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=NVA_Squad ObjectFullName=North Vietnamese Squad ObjectDataFile=NVA_Squad_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=Soldier_AT-3 ObjectFullName=Soviet AT-3 Sagger ObjectDataFile=Soldier_AT-3_data.INI to use the Units in Campaign, Yuo have to edit the "Campaignname"_Data.ini in this Pack is a Mission for testing the new Groundobjects Have fun Kesselbrut, Munich Germany
  13. File Name: Infantry Service Pack 4 with updated license information File Submitter: TeTeT File Submitted: 28 Jun 2009 File Category: Ground Objects Mods This Infantry mod has been repackaged for use with SP4. The following guns have to be found in gundata.ini: GunTypeName=40MM_M79 GunTypeName=50CAL_M2 GunTypeName=5.56mm_Assaultrifle GunTypeName=66MM_LAW GunTypeName=7.62MM_M60 GunTypeName=7.62mm_PKB GunTypeName=7.62MM_Rifle GunTypeName=84MM_AT-4 GunTypeName=Bazooka GunTypeName=RPG-7 All of them should be found in the latest weapons pack. The original license of this mod applies. You must not repackage this mod or use it without permission of the original authors. === ORIGINAL Readme.txt === This is an Infantry mod for Strikefighters Project 1 from Thirdwire. This mod is only testet with SFP1 SP, not with WOV, it is not supported by Thirdwire The files made by me are freeware, if you want to use it, name me in the Disclamer. If you want to distribute files made by Pasko Patak, you have to ask him first. You are not free to charge for it or otherwise try to make money with it. 3D-Files in this Pack made by Pasko: Platoon.lod Soldier_AT-3.LOD 3D-Files from me: US_Squad.LOD US_Squad_early.LOD M113_ACAV.LOD VC_Squad.LOD All *.ini's edited and balanced by me, so they should work. All Gundata's are balanced, so they should me work proper ingame (the settings are not realistic so don't wonder, that a Bazooka firing with 800m/s) Installation: 1. Backup folowing files: BulletObject.ini, GroundObjectData.ini, Gundata.ini and Gundata.dat(in \Objects), Weapondata.ini and WeaponData.dat (in \Objects\Weapons) 2. copy BulletObject.ini, GroundObjectData.ini, Gundata.ini and Gundata.dat and all the other Files into \objects copy Weapondata.ini and WeaponData.dat into \Objects\Weapons - latest Weaponpack form 19.Nov04 is included 3. open GroundObjectData.ini (found in \objects or extract it from ObjectData.cat) Merge folowing entrys in it and correct the XXX with continuous numbers: [Objectxxx] ObjectName=M113_ACAV ObjectFullName=M 113 ACAV w. US Special Forces ObjectDataFile=M113_ACAV_Data.INI [Objectxxx] ObjectName=US_Squad ObjectFullName=US Infantry Squad ObjectDataFile=US_Squad_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=US_Squad_early ObjectFullName=US Marines Squad ObjectDataFile=US_Squad_early_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=Soviet_Squad ObjectFullName=OPFOR Infantry Squad ObjectDataFile=Soviet_Squad_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=VC_Squad ObjectFullName=Vietcong Squad ObjectDataFile=VC_Squad_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=NVA_Squad ObjectFullName=North Vietnamese Squad ObjectDataFile=NVA_Squad_data.ini [Objectxxx] ObjectName=Soldier_AT-3 ObjectFullName=Soviet AT-3 Sagger ObjectDataFile=Soldier_AT-3_data.INI to use the Units in Campaign, Yuo have to edit the "Campaignname"_Data.ini in this Pack is a Mission for testing the new Groundobjects Have fun Kesselbrut, Munich Germany Click here to download this file
  14. OT: Downtown (Vietnam wargame)

    There's also a new board game on the Arab-Israeli air war 67 to 73 available now: Elusive Victory from http://gmtgames.com/, http://gmtgames.com/p-125-elusive-victory.aspx Disclosure: I refined the Downtown VASSAL module and authored the Elusive Victory VASSAL module and was a play tester for the latter.
  15. Definitely, a welcome simulation of the R2 units missing from the game :)
  16. No arguments on strike missions here, but doing SEAD does involve a bit of cat and mouse game and I believe the first in, last out mode of operation does apply.
  17. Interesting observation, malibu, which I share. In the development version of SteelTiger (slowly moving forward ;) I simply removed all air units and targets in RP5 and 6. However, the ground campaign and truck routes need some spicing up, otherwise it's a bit boring.
  18. SEAD around Hanoi is about the worst. No matter how you ingress, there are just too many targets around. Lingering over Hanoi to pick on them is asking for it. When doing an egress to the nearby hills, I usually have a very low motivation to do another run, even if there's ammo left.
  19. Unless you define hauling ammo on an unsuspecting target as transport, it's probably not a mission an AC130 will be tasked for.
  20. Back to testing with the Steel Tiger campaign. An updated version is available: Steel Tiger Some screenshots as appetizers: Attack on a VC base camp close to Dak To: A suspected artillery site has been detected north of the DMZ. Take out the AA:
  21. I just tried to restrict the action some more and removed all air units and any targets from RP4, 5 and 6. A limited test with a USN A-4 Squadron showed that the result is an endless series of armed recon and close air support, with a strike on Dragon's Jaw being the most dangerous one. It certainly is a bit lightweight as a campaign, but for getting proficient in ground pounding it's probably a great start. If anyone is interested in the data files, please PM me and I send you the updated campaign and target file.
  22. File Name: Steel Tiger Campaign File Submitter: TeTeT File Submitted: 25 Oct 2008 File Category: User Made Campaigns Updated alpha preview release of the Steel Tiger campaign, that adds ground combat and armed recon to the Rolling Thunder WoV campaign. Click here to download this file
  23. I just uploaded a slightly updated version to the download section. When approved feel free to give it a whirl. There seems to be still a lack of ground war going on, though you'll get the occasional armed recon mission. To add some spice to the armed recon some AAA sites close to the interdiction points would be great. There is also a known problem with some truck routes being in the water... Just imagine that the floating trucks are sampans ;)
  24. Version


    Updated alpha preview release of the Steel Tiger campaign, that adds ground combat and armed recon to the Rolling Thunder WoV campaign.

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