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Everything posted by SDirickson

  1. I just hope more people see this and start making cockpits and loading screens for the aircraft.
  2. No problem. I have only flown the aircraft in the Single Missions, you just select them from the drop down menu like the normal ones. I haven't fiddled with the campaigns yet, and I don't think the sim will load them for Instant Action. As for multi-player, well, it'll have to wait for HyperLobby. The loadouts can be changed just like the normal aircraft, and the weapons will all reflect the actual aicraft. MiG-21's will use AA-2 Atolls, and O-1E's can mount HVARs, etc... If you want, I can send you a modifed *.ini so you can directly see the changes, but it is exactly like I described it before. There really aren't any suprises or difficulties.
  3. No, no. You don't have to 'replace' anything. This is modifying the *.ini of each AI aircraft, and changes nothing from the original flyable aicraft. So, when you get done, EVERY SINGLE AIRCRAFT is flyable. It would be a good idea to keep backups, though.

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