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Everything posted by Inrocket

  1. I tried getting the KAW to run ,it did but some missions never end,nobody helped..Two post no answers.. NOW I am trying the OTC campaign it loaded fine ..MY QUESTION: Why does the HUD not work with this program and how do I get it to work????why was this changed? I am no programming GURU,I just play,please dont alter what works or defaults when you make a new campaign. Sure is a pain to have to ask why the HUD dont work as it should. Who decided to remove the HUD for this add-on?
  2. Thanks..is October long enough:)..My first question was back then regarding KAW(Found that answer myself:))..Question two was asked the other day still no reply:(....I do thank you for answering this one best you could:)..I also found my answer elsewhere seems you have to EXTRACT the Huddata.ini file from the flight folder and delete it...this allows original to default....It did not matter which plane you flew ,none had the displays on bottom left or bottom right of screen...Thanks again
  3. Can someone help me? I finally got the KAW campaign to run but on escort missions there is no end. The flight you escort reaches its target,drops bombs then leaves. You hear the flight say it has reached waypoint 7(where most times you are released from the mission with "Mission Accomplished"). Escort missions in the KAW campaign go to waypoint 8,yet you are still not released,the mission never ends,any reasons why or has anyone else had this problem?
  4. Can someone tell me why strike missions in the korea model wont work? I have tried the install from this site ,followed the instructions and all works except strike missions . THe target amunition dump shows up and you get targeting but there is nothing there you drop your bombs,use rockets and you or the wingman cant hit it. There is nothing in the target box to hit when you fly close just ground. Any Ideas why this is? Korea looks like a fun campaign but I cant get the strike missions to work.

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