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Everything posted by BrianRubin

  1. As a guy who runs a thing about space games, that's a good list up there.
  2. Hey y'all, new guy here, about to buy SF2 complete after someone told me that, if I liked EF2000, Jane's Fighter's Anthology and USAF, I'll LOVE this, and it looks like I will. But then I came here and was quite overwhelmed by the amount of mods available. I do plan to start just by playing the vanilla game (though I do want to mod in an A-1 Skyraider, my second favorite plane behind the A-10), but I figured I'd ask: if what I want is more content (missions, campaigns, planes, etc) what should I start with? I looked around the forums and on Google but I can't find a sort of "SF2 for dummies" type of thing, which is why I'm asking directly. ;) Thanks for your help, and it's nice to meet you all. :)
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions guys so far guys! I went through that two-part tutorial video Fetch pointed to, and did the Operation Desert Storm along with the video, and it worked great. Amazing! Now back to the vanilla game to get better at dogfighting because I am reallllly bad right now. ;)
  4. Thanks guys. Just bought the game and did a bunch of missions in an A-10. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED. I don't have time to spend an hour in one mission anymore. That's a young man's game. Just get me there, give me stuff to kill and let me kill it. YAY!
  5. I'm sorry, maybe I didn't phrase my query very well. I was hoping for suggestions on mods to try and install as a new player to the game. Like, a friend suggested NATO Fighters 5, so I'm gonna look into that. But I'm also looking for other suggestions. Thank you.

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