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Tu-16 (for modders)

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Brief Tu-16 history (without prototypes)


Total produced on all factories (N22,N1,N64) - 1507 planes first plane in 1953, last in 1963




Tu-16 (Without index) in production 1953-1958 bombs only (250-9000KG), engines RD-3M (AM-3M), 'Rubidium-MM(MM-2)' radar

max loadout - 9000kg, 7 AM-23 guns 294 planes


Tu-16A in production 1954-1958 bombs only + nuclear weapon (250-9000KG), engines RD-3M (AM-3M), 'Rubidium-MM(MM-2)' radar

max loadout - 9000kg, 7 AM-23 guns 394 planes, include Tu-16A(ZA) (in 1960-69 155 Tu-16A were converted to missile carriers)


Tu-16A(ZA) - Tu-16A with refueling system 1957-58 - 59 planes


Torpedo carrier:


Tu-16T in production 1955-1957 two RAT-52 or 6 45-54VT (45-56NT), 2 UB-2F,5F, 12 AMD-4-500 or 4 AMD-4-1000), engines RD-3M (AM-3M), 'Rubidium-MM(MM-2)' radar max loadout - 9000kg, 7 AM-23 guns 76planes


Missile carriers:


Tu-16KS in production 1954-1958 2 KS-1 missiles, «Kobalt-1M » Radar. 107 planes, include Tu-16KS(ZA) (added refueling system)


Tu-16KSR-2 converted Tu-16KS 1961, 2 KSR-2, «KS-PM Rubikon, Rubin-1K» Radars. 50 planes


Tu-16KSR-2A converted Tu-16A, Tu-16A(ZA) 1963, 2 KSR-2 missiles, «KS-PM Rubikon, Rubin-1K» Radars. 155 planes


Tu-16KSR-2 mods:


Tu-16KSR-IS tail gun removed, added ECM SPS-5 & SPS-100 «Rezeda»


Tu-16KSR2-11 with 2 KS-11 or 2 KSR-2, converted 156 planes ( Tu-16A & Tu-16A(ZA), and some Tu-16KSR-2А).


Tu-16K-10 in production 1958, 1961-63 2 K-10 missiles 157 planes


Tu-16K-10 mods:


Tu-16K-10(ZA) - with refueling system


Tu-16K-10-SPS-5 tail gun removed with SPS-5


Tu-16K-10N EN-2-6 Radar K-10N, K10SN missiles


Tu-16K-10D 1966 EN-D Radar


Tu-16K-10SP - 1 K-10SP


Tu-16K-10-26 1969 1 K-10S & 2 KSR-5 converted from Tu-16K-10D - 85 planes


Tu-16K-10-26N 1 K-10N & 2 KSR-5N


Tu-16K-10-26P 1973 "Litsa' Radar 1 K-10S & 2 KSR-5P from Tu-16K-10-26


Tu-16K-10-26B with BOMBBAY, also has MER (for bombs only) on wings.


Tu-16K-11-16 1962, 2 KS-11 or 2 KSR-2 «Rubin-1KV» & «Kobalt-P» Radars (Converted from Tu-16KS, Tu-16K-11-16, Tu-16S)


Tu-16K-26 1969, 2 KS-11 or 2 KSR-2 or 2 KSR-5 «Rubin-1KV» & «Kobalt-PM» Radars (Converted from Tu-16K-11-16)


Tu-16K-26 mods:


Tu-16K-26P (Plot weapon system) Since 1973


Tu-16K-26PM (Plot-M weapon system) Since 1975, 2 KSR-5M


Tu-16K-26-07 Tu-16K-26P with ECM LO-07


Tu-16K-26PB - with BOMBBAY, also has MER (for bombs only) on wings.


Tu-16KSR-2-5-11 since 1973 2 KS-11 or 2 KSR-2 or 2 KSR-5, converted from Tu-16KSR2-11, «Rubin-1M» Radar - 155 planes


Tu-16KSR-2-5 since 197~ converted from Tu-16KSR-2A 2 KSR-2 or 2 KSR-5 «Litsa» Radar - 110 planes


Naval Mine & deep changes carrier, anti-submarine planes:


Tu-16PM Converted Tu-16R, Tu-16SPS, Tu-16-Elka IGDM-500M, 12- IGDM-500, 12 UDM-500,4 – AMD-2M, 4 «Lira», 4 «Sepei», 4 APM, 4 RM-1 or 4 UDM-2).

since 1962


Tu-16PL - Nuclear Deep charges 1962


Tu-16SP - converted Tu-16S (~1970)



Rescue planes:


Tu-16S "Fregat" Converted Tu-16R 1965 rescue bot Pr.347 «Ersh».


Recon planes


Tu-16R in production 1956-1958 SRS-1 E-recon system (in fuselage), SRS-3 E-recon system (on wing pylons), some photo cameras engines RD-3M (AM-3M), RBP-4m RBP-6 radar bombs up to 9000KG 7 AM-23 guns 75 planes


Tu-16R Mods:


Tu-16R(ZA) - added refueling system


Tu-16RN - night recon plane (use NAFA-75 cameras)


Tu-16RE - ECM plane (added SPS-2 on bombbay), SRS-1 removed


Tu-16RP - ECM plane (added SPS-2 on bombbay), SRS-1 keeped


Tu-16RM converted Tu-16R since late 197~ 5 types recon cameras, Rubin-K radar SRS-4 E-recon system (in fuselage), SRS-3 E-recon system (on wing pylons), no bombs, nose gun removed 6 AM-23 guns 75 planes


Tu-16RR radiation control plane, converted Tu-16R(ZA), two RR8311-100 pods, 1969 - 8 planes


Tu-16RM-1 (converted Tu-16K-10D) 2 types recon cameras, EN-R radar SRS-4 or SRS-1M E-recon system (in fuselage), SRS-3 E-recon system (on wing pylons), ~1960 11 planes


Tu-16RM-2 (converted Tu-16K-10-26) 2 types recon cameras, EN-R radar SRS-4 or SRS-1M E-recon system (in fuselage), SRS-3 E-recon system (on wing pylons), ~1960 12 planes


ECM planes:


Tu-16SPS in production 1955-1957- ECM plane SPS-1,2 on bomb bay - 144 planes (102 planes with SPS-2, 42 planes with SPS-1)


Tu-16P-Buket (converted Tu-16) 1962 SPS-22N, SPS-33N, SPS-44N, SPS-55N) on bomb bay. SPS-22N - 34 planes, SPS-33N – 9, SPS-44N – 28, SPS-55N - 20


Tu-16P-Fikus (converted Tu-16P) -1972 Fikus system +SPS-22N, SPS-44N - 10 planes


Tu-16-Elka in production 1957 ASO-16 & APP-22, SPS-4 «Modulatsia». 52 planes + 19 converted Tu-16, on late 197~ ECM SPS-151,152,153 was mounted


Tu-166-Elka mod:


Tu-16-Elka-1 SPS-100А and SPS-100M RWR SPO-15 «Berioza»


Tu-16E in production 1957-59 ASO-16, SPS-1, SPS-2 или SPS-2K «Pion» - 89 planes, on late 197~ ECM SPS-151,152,153 was mounted


Tu-16E mod:


Tu-16E-Azalia SPS-61, SPS-62, SPS-64, SPS-65, SPS-66, SPS-6 «Los'» or SPS-5 «Fasol» tail,nose guns removed


Tu-16ER ECM+recon plane ECM SPS-1 changed to SRS-1 recon system




Tu-16Z Tanker (wing-wing system) since 1955 (converted Tu-16), 19000 kg fuel loadout - 114 planes


Tu-16N Tanker (cone system) since 1963 (converted Tu-16), 15000 kg fuel loadout - 46 planes


Tu-16NN Tanker (cone system) converted Tu-16Z since 1969 -20 planes




Tu-16U (U-1,2,3,4)

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