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  1. CAC Boomerang Skin for Re-2000

    This is the closest I could come to providing a Boomerang for Il-2 1946. In the 4.09 version that i use it is A.I. only. In 4.10 it should be flyable. Choose the Re-2000 as an Allied plain. This is ment to be flown with markings off.
    The Boomerang was a homegrown fighter based in part on the US NA-33. It first flew in May 1942. It was a highly agile fighter, with a maximum speed of 305 mph.. Actual armament was 2 20mm cannon and 4 30 cal. machine guns and 500 lb bomb load. For the game of course you are limited to the Re-2000's load out.
    Another approximation of the Boomerang is to choose the plain green Italian skin under the RAAF.
    If you want to make any enhancements let me know and I can provide the Gimp xcf. file.


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