Sci-Fi Simulations
Sub Category
All Sci-Fi Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Consolidation
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Consolidation 5/3/2017
This is the 15th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from just before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
In this set the Loyalist forces, under the Secret Order, have established a base in the Delya system, out of sight of prying eyes. Here, they hope to consolidate what they have collected, and establish themselves as a safe haven for Imperials fleeing the New Republic. Your task is to maintain the security of the system, and that of nearby 'buffer zones' to keep Alliance forces away from the civilian population. It will not be an easy task.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Please note that this mission set =WILL= require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patchs.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Gathering the Remnant
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Gathering the Remnant 4/16/2017
This is the 14th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire.
The Empire has fallen!
In this set, surviving Loyalists under the command of the leader of the Secret Order are trying to gather other forces and collect information as to what has happened, and IS happening in the Core sectors (Coruscant) of what once was Imperial space. You will be tasked with protecting Imperial assets, and collecting whatever is available to allow your forces to escape the "New Republic" and form a new base of operations. What the future holds for those loyal to The Empire, is not knowable at this time.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critical craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Please note that this mission set WILL require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patches.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: The Fall Begins
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: The Fall Begins 3/29/2017
This is the 13th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire.
The set begins to chronicle the events as they unfold in the time frame directly after the Battle of Endor. It has Loyalist Imperial forces trying to defend and collect themselves before the Rebel Alliance (re)takes the Galaxy. You will be assisting the Secret Order, now out in the open, to maintin some semblance of Imperial order in the face of the total collapse of the Empire.
Follow on sets (still to come) continue this tale of woe, as Loyalist forces try to pull themselves together, and maintain some form of cohesion, while striking back at the Alliance, and other disloyal parties, whenever possible.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Please note that this mission set =WILL= require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patchs.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Traitor's End
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Traitor's End 3/12/2017
This is the 12th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to just after the Fall of the Empire.
With the end of the Uprising, and the destruction of it's leaders, things have (almost) returned to normal in these outlying sectors. In this set, you'll be resuming normal duties protecting Imperial interests, and running down the last remenants of Zaarin's forces in concert with Admiral Thrawn's efforts in several nearby sectors.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonsense. There's also, for the first time, a "Hints" section. Don't read unless you want to cheat...remember the Secret Order WILL know this!!
Please note that this mission set =WILL= require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patches.
When flying the Missile Boat, pay attention to the notation in all briefing descriptions:
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Uprising's Ending
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Uprising's Ending 3/3/2017
This is the 11th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire.
In this set, continuing the story from NTB10, Imperial forces have finally cornered the leaders of the Uprising. Having fought them back and forth across these Outer Rim sectors, they've been run to ground.
You will be tasked with the usual missions - interception, scouting and finally, the destruction of the leaders and their command ship. Once this is accomplished, the local Fleets can return to the business of putting down that annoying "Alliance to Restore the Republic".
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Please note that this mission set =WILL= require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patchs.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: TROJAN SQUADRON
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: TROJAN SQUADRON 11/11/2015
(works with original CD version and new GoG version)
For XvT =w/Bop= Addon, or GoG version (as the B-Wing is needed, & missions are saved in BoP format)
Operating from a secure base deep in Alliance held territory, Trojan Group conducts highly specalized infiltration missions. With several ex-Imperial or Old Republic starships, it is a highly mobile force ready to strike deeper into Imperial space than any other unit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: while this is a Rebel Alliance mission set (and labeled as such), because of HOW it's set up, you'll =ONLY= be able to fly this with your Imperial pilot. While I'm sure you could add these to the rebel.lst, during testing I experienced MAJOR failures of the game. So, for saftey's sake, be an Imp for these. Create a new pilot if necessary (reccomended).
These missions are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
Most of these missions have additional goals, LOTS of radio messages (which are often used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. They have been converted & almost completely rebuilt from their TFCD origins. Several use classic Sci-Fi Easter Eggs. See if you can find them!!
As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Notes" & "Story" sections a read too for notes and background information!
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
original mission set by Eric Jensen circa 1997
Updated 2/24/2017:
corrected mission listing numbering sequence
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Give and Take
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Give and Take 2/21/2017
This is the 10th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to just after the Fall of the Empire.
In this set, the combined Uprisal/Traitor/Rebel forces have gained the upper hand, and are out to increase the size and capability of their space forces. This cannot be allowed. You'll be doing everything possible to stop them, and if they've succeed in their plans, turning the tables and destroying them. You'll be defending Imperial assets, harrassing the enemies, and eventually forcing them out of anyplace they've gained.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Please note that this mission set =WILL= require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patchs.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
We've reached the half-way point!!
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Defense Against Traitors
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Defense Against Traitors 2/9/2017
This is the 9th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to just after the Fall of the Empire.
In this set, you are tasked with protecting and defending assets from reprisal raids by the enemies of the Empire. They are out to either capture, steal or destroy supplies, materials and craft necessary for them to continue their subversion of the lawful government. With limited resources, your Task Group must engage and pursue these galactic criminals to their deserved end.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectiveness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critical craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
BE ADVISED: a ship/craft patch =IS= required for this mission set, due to the addition of several craft only found within one.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Hunters and Hunted
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Hunters and Hunted 2/5/2017
This is the 8th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to just after the Fall of the Empire.
In this set, while starting out rather simply, rapidly changes to a fight for survival, as enemy forces have singled out YOU for extermination. After escaping multiple attempts on your life, you join with the Secret Order to turn the tables on your would-be assasins. But, the tables get turned again, and once more you and your companions are in a fight for your lives...
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
BE ADVISED: a ship/craft patch =IS= required for this mission set, due to the addition of several craft only found within one. Balance of Power is also required, as the B-wing is used as well
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Pursuit of Traitors
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Pursuit of Traitors 1/25/2017
This is the 7th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to just after the Fall of the Empire.
Following closely on the heels of NTB6, you will find yourself fully involved in repulsing, pursuing and attempting to end the activities of the Upraisal and Imperial Traitors, and of course those pesky Rebels. Working closely together, the Imperial Navy and the Secret Order will strive tirelessly to chase them to their ultimate end.
BE ADVISED: a ship/craft patch =IS= required for this mission set, due to the addition of several of the smaller craft (SCT), some additional cargo ships (CNTRNS) and a new fighter (although only seen in one mission). Balance of Power is also required, as the B-wing finally makes it's appearence.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectiveness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critical craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. Within the notes is a link to the DSP, for use with the GoG version, also available here at CombatAce.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Technological Pursuits
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Technological Pursuits 1/20/2017
This is the 6th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to just after the Fall of the Empire.
In this mission set, you will be tasked with ensuring the Empire remains on the technological edge, with the development of a new starship. You will also be involved with maintaining pressure on tratorious forces within the Imperial Navy and those allied with them.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Rebel Pursuit
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Rebel Pursuit 1/5/2017
For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version
This is the 5th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to just after the Fall of the Empire.
In this mission set, in the aftermath of suppressing the Scavanger pirate group, you will be tasked with running down any of their remaining forces, and joining with the Secret Order and other Imperial Naval units to eliminate the Rebels. This set will have you tasked with craft inspection, blockade, and various other actions against enemies of the Empire; external and internal.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectiveness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critical craft.
Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT-BoP Draconis Ship Patch
By Wrench
XvT-BoP Draconis Ship Patch 1/2/2017
This ship patch was originally for old versions Win95/98 versions, the instructions herein are moddified for use with newer GoG version of XvT-Bop.
It is VITALLY important that this document be read all the way through before attempting installation of ANY of the files included herein. The files provided are "as is", as they originate circa 1997. You will be copying and pasting the various files and folders, as the original install bat file no longer works in Win7 and higher operating systems (well, at least for me).
For those that remember the "old days", this ship patch will add various and sundry ships to BOTH XvT and BoP, fighter types, crago craft and starships for use by both sides of the Galactic Cival War. See the enclosed original SPReadMe.txt for a more detailed listing.
Most, if not all, of the upcoming mission set conversions by me will =require= several of the ships in this craft patch set.
To make things even safer, it is required that you ==BACKUP== your entire original XvT game folder, with everything inside, to a safe location BEFORE INSTALLING ANY OF THESE FILES. Seriously, I really mean it! Do the safe thing!!
I've written, what I hope to be, fairly simple but detailed install instructions. Included are several images (jpgs) to help illustrate the install proceedures.
Any questions, comments, or issues, please post in them here at CombatAce, in this release announcement thread. We'll try to get any problems ironed out. But it's a fairly straight forward install proceedure.
So, PLEASE read it all the way through before attempting the install!!
Happy Flying!!
Kevin J. Stein
DSP by Draconis, circa 1997
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Scavenger Suppression
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Scavenger Suppression 12/25/2016
For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version
This is the fourth of 20 full battles for Imperial players, covering the time frame from before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire.
In this set, you are now attached to ISD Commandant. You have been tasked to track down and destroy a group of pirates known as "The Scavengers", who are most likely in colusion with the Rebels. Under Admiral Malp's command, FRG Skylark, CRV Astra and his ISD, have been ordered to clean up the mess this sector has become. See to it that order is restored, and Imperial commerce can thrive.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added lots of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
For Carrie
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Pursuit of Brightness
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Pursuit of Brightness 12/11/2016
In this set, your Task Group will be chasing down and destroying the Rebel Cruiser Brightness, seen escaping in the previous missions (NTB 02).
For this, you have been transfered to the Nebulon-B Frigate Skylark, under command of Admiral Malp. CRV Astra has been assigned to Malp's Task Group.
See to it that this Rebel ship never returns to it's base!!
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: The Balesh-T'Lanat Conflict
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: The Balesh-T'Lanat Conflict 4/25/2016
For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version
This is the second of 20 full battles for Imperial players, covering the time frame from before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire.
After completing it's Tour of Duty in the Tatooine system, CRV Astra and it's fighters have been transfered to the Balesh sector. There, a conflict that has been simmering between the Balesh and T'Lanat has boiled over, and threatens the security and commerce of all the neighboring systems and sectors. In concert with the Balesh Fleet, Imperial forces will help restore order and prosperity to the region. But, as always, be prepared to deal with other subersive elements...
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save yourlife or your mission critcal craft.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven, circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Tatooine Patrol
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Tatooine Patrol 1/25/2016
For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version
This is the first of 20 full battles for Imperial players, covering the time frame from before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire.
In this set, you are a newly graduated pilot, and are assigned to the Tatooine Patrol Fleet, monitoring commerce to and from this desert planet. It's a very quiet duty, almost boring, with little action with the exception of the occasiional smuggler or other scoundrel violating Imperial Law. As has been said, "if there's a bright center to the universe, this place could be the farthest from it".
But as always, things beyond your control are happening...
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense.
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael Raven, circa 2000
XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set: "The Shieldtech Resarch Project"
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set: "The Shieldtech Resarch Project" 1/12/2016
(works with original CD version and new GoG version)
For XvT =w/Bop= Addon, or GoG version (must have the BW available, hence the need for BoP)
Imperial researchers have begun testing a newer, smaller shield generator for use on TIE class starfighters. It is up to YOU to begin field testing under actual combat conditions. You will fly your shielded TIE Interceptor (and other craft) in various real-world scenarios. But, as always, there are forces working against The Empire, conspiring to end the project...
This 6 mission set is to be used/placed into your ...Balence of Power/Combat folder.
Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are used as in-game hints and information), and "eye candy" added. Some are QUITE difficult, but all are winnable.
As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Notes" section a read too, for well, notes!
Good Luck and Good Huntng!
Kevin Stein
original set for TFCD by Michael 'Vyper' Stauber, 1995
XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: Lost Missions, Part 3
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: Lost Missions, Part 3 12/18/2015
A New Task Force:
Alliance Intelligence has gathered information about a new Imperial operation. A Star Destroyer is rallying starships together to form an alternate task force against the Alliance. Despite Darth Vader’s opposition to this, the plan is being implemented by the Imperial Admiralty. While the main part of the Imperial Navy focuses on hunting the Alliance elsewhere in the Galaxy, Red Squadron is assisting a small fraction of the Alliance in surviving Imperial attacks, and is carrying the battle to them.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. The original readme is included for historical purposes, and contains short descriptions of the mission (some of which have been changed) and the original backstory. Unfortunately, there was no name attached to these, so proper credit can't be given. My apologies to the original author.
Kevin Stein
original set for XWCD by ??? circa 2001 or 2014??
XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: Lost Missions, Part 2 Movement of Justice
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: Lost Missions, Part 2 Movement of Justice 12/8/2015
For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version
Part 2 - Movement of Justice:
The Alliance has survived many brutal attacks by Imperial Forces. But the Empire has found itself depleted of resources and war material. The Alliance is now intent on destroying numerous Imperial stations, ships and depots in order to continue to survive. Red Squadron must carry the brunt of the load against these vital Imperial resources.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. The original readme is included for historical purposes, and contains short descriptions of the mission (some of which have been changed) and the original backstory. Unfortunately, there was no name attached to these, so proper credit can't be given. My apologies to the original author.
Kevin Stein
original set for XWCD by ??? circa 2001 or 2014??
XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: Lost Missions Part 1
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: Lost Missions Part 1 12/8/2015
For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version
Part 1 - Nowhere to Run:
The Alliance has been forced to abandon Hoth after it's discovery, and subsequent invasion, by Imperial forces led by Darth Vader. With the Alliance on the run once again, they find they have nowhere to hide, and nowhere to run with the Empire in hot pursuit, determined to destroy them. Just as after the Battle of Yavin, With Alliance forces scattering throughout the Outer Rim, many units are standing alone, but standing firm against The Empire.
In the midst of this chaos, Star Destroyer Warrior and it's task forces are determined to exterminate Red Squadron, whose exploits are known throughout the Galaxy. The Alliance =will= fight back in order to survive.
This is part 1 of a 3 part series chronicling the adventures of Red Squadron in the post-Hoth time frame. The other "Lost Missions" will follow as they are completed.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. The original readme is included for historical purposes, and contains short descriptions of the mission (some of which have been changed) and the original backstory. Unfortunately, there was no name attached to these, so proper credit can't be given. My apologies to the original author.
Kevin Stein
original set for XWCD by ??? circa 2001 or 2014??
XvT/BoP Independant Operation: A Star Is Born
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Independant Operation: A Star Is Born 10/10/2015
A short 5 mission TOD for XvT/Bop. (Works with original CD and 'new' GoG versions)
(There was no original 'readme text' for the original set, so this will have to suffice.)
It is some years before the story chronicaled in "A New Hope". At this time, the Rebel Alliance is still flying Y-Wings and Z-95 Headhunters. Although, Incom Corp is testing the first of it's new starfighter prototypes...the T-65 X-Wing. One of those lucky enough to be involved with the project is Siranno DelSol, know as the 'Starry Knight' to his friends and family on his home of Marek Prime. Marek is a neutral planet, aligned with neither the Empire nor the Rebels. The political climate on Marek is a 'wait and see' policy with the both of them; shakily sitting on the fence between the waring factions.
And the future of it's inhabitants is about to be decieded....
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.
Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added.
As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes!
Kevin Stein
original set for XWCD by ??? circa ???
XvT/BoP Alliance Operation: Revolt on Draketh V & Return to Draketh
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Alliance Operation: Revolt on Draketh V & Return to Draketh 12/01/2015
For XvT -with- BOP add on (both original CD & new GoG version)
This package contain 2 sets of 12 mission each, in chronological order.
Revolt on Draketh V:
One of the major systems (Draketh V) that the Alliance had hoped would join the Rebellion against the Empre, has just fallen into Civil War. The dissidents that started this dispute are a group of Drakethians who refuse to live by Draketh V's governmental laws. This is a new group with few resources at their disposal; much like the early Rebel Alliance. Known as the Chasekk Directive, this group has begun to attack many vulnerable Alliance convoys in order to obtain supplies and weapons for their own use...
Return to Draketh:
The Alliance, successful in resolving the dispute between Deaketh V and the Chasekk Directive, has now gained the support of the Drakethians. However, the Chasekk Directive (who was secretly working on advanced shield generators during the Draketh V Tour) remains Neutral. They have not yet decided if they will join with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, or the Galactic Empire...
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. Each set has it's own folder (part 1- drak, part 2- chas) and the lst reflect a chronological order.
Most of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. To get the maximum points, stay 'in mission' until all goals are achieved.
As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! The original readmes for both sets are in their respective folders.
Good luck and good flying!
Kevin Stein
Original mission set for XWCD by Jeremy Lee, circa 199?
XvT/BoP Independant Operation: Privateer Assault
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Independant Operation: Privateer Assault 11/20/2015
For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD**) or the new GoG version
This 6 mission set centers on a small group of privateers, working for the Rebel Alliance at the borders between Imperial, the Corporate Sector Authority, and Alliance controlled/contested space.
You are tasked with harrassing Imperial and Corporate assets and disrupt shipping vital to the Imperial war effort. And to make a profit all at the same time! You'll be attacking said assets, capturing shipping (and reselling said ships), and so forth.
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balence of Power/Combat folder.
All missions have been edited for fairness & balance, due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions where needed. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may (will) be quite funny.
As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense, for the backstory and further details. The original reamed is included for historical purposes.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
original mission set for TFCD by Eric Jensen, circa 1996
** may not work on original CD version, as you have access to Rebel craft to fly
XvT/BoP Alliance Operation: Exeter TODs
By Wrench
XvT/BoP Alliance Operation: Exeter TODs 12/2/2015
(works with original CD version and new GoG version)
For XvT =w/Bop= Addon, or GoG version (as missions are saved in BoP format)
This package includes 2 sets, of 12 missions each, converted from XWCD for use in XvT/BoP.
Exeter TOD 1:
The Death Star has been destroyed.
Many pilots have been lost, and the Alliance is working hard training replacements. You are one of those replacements, and have just completed your training.
You've been assigned to A-Wing Fighter Squadron F-114 on board the Calamari Cruiser Exeter. Now its up to you to complete the 12 missions that lie ahead.
Can you do it?
Exeter TOD 2:
Your performance in the first Tour of Duty proved your true abilities. You have now been assigned to F-54, the highest decorated X-Wing fighter/attack squadron in the Rebel Alliance. Can you make it?
These are to be used/placed into your ...Balence of Power/Combat folder.
Most of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added.
As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! The author's original docs are included, for historical purposes.
Good luck and good flying!
Kevin Stein
Original set by Glenn Price, for XWCD circa 1993
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