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IL2: Forgotten Battles / Pacific Fighters by Ubisoft

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All IL2 Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Bell P-63-C

      Bell P-63-C This set contains 4 paint jobs, Brown, Desert, Navy and Olive all wit US insigs.
      As far as I know the United States Navy never used the Bell P-63-C but this navy repaint is for those of you that want a Navy P-63.
      52Zebra out.


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    2. Lockheed P-38 Lightning

      The Lockheed P-38 Lightning
      All these re-paints will fit over the J model the L and L-1944 Late.
      There is also a cleaned up void file for all the P-38’s , I took out a lot of the lines that I deemed unnecessary but if you think you need them you can always put them back. The folder also contains a Besert paint Me-323.
      Drop the ME-323 bmp into the skins/ ME-323 folder.


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    3. BF 109 G6-trop

      BF 109 G6 - trop
      Uffz. Georg Amon - "Seemann"
      7./JG 53 Sciacca - Sicily 1943
      Template : Revolver


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    4. Fw 190 A5/U3

      Focke Wulf A5/U3
      III/SKG 10 - Yellow B
      Werknr. 01440 Pattern RLM 74/75 - 76
      Template Revolver


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    5. America's Ace of Ace's Richard Bong 40 kills with a P38 Lightning

      Can you match the exploits of America's Ace of Aces? I have portray as accurately as possible the circumstances faced by Dick Bong in his 2 year onslaught of the Japanese armed forces in the Pacific. All of Bong's successful missions have been recreated.
      America's Ace of Aces
      Richard Ira Bong
      Just over the Wisconsin border from Illinois is the most stolen sign in America. It reads "Bong Recreation Area". 99% of the people you ask will have no idea who or what the area is named after. It's a shame that the greatest fighter pilot America has ever produced is all but forgotten and his name has become a joke.
      This is just my attempt to educate a small number of you as to the life and times of Richard Ira Bong, America's Ace of Aces. His record 40 kills will never be surpassed. This unlikely farm boy from tiny Poplar Wisconsin became a super star and then faded into the history books. He deserves more than 15 min of fame.
      I have recreated all of Bong's successful missions. If you equal or surpass Bong's record with all the realism options turned on without do overs and without using the auto pilot you have accomplished a major feat and should be proud of your simulated flying skill.
      I have tried to portray as accurately as possible the circumstances faced by Dick Bong in his 2 year onslaught of the Japanese armed forces. I have had to use different maps because many of the areas that Bong fought in are not represented in the game yet. Areas such as Northern New Guinea, Rabal, Borneo, the Philippine Islands of Negros, Mindoro and Leyte have not been modeled yet. I have found very similar areas on other maps that fit the bill however. By using the southern part of New Guinea I was able to recreate the Lae area farther to the north; by using the Singapore map I could recreate similar conditions to the Philippine islands etc. I think you will get the feel of the historical area and conditions.
      The folder BongCampaign goes in the US folder that is in the Campaign folder that is in the mission folder.
      The folder BongSingle goes in the US folder that is in the Single folder that is in the mission folder.
      The P38J, P38L and P38L_Late folders go in the skins folder that is in the PaintSchemes folder.
      This campaign is complex and requires a powerfull computer and video card. It was done with IL2FB+PF Combined Install version 4.04.
      Mission Bong29 (Rivals Together) is very complex. You might want to try out your computer on this one first if you plan on doing the campaign. I was having fun trying to make a realistic invasion scene and it got out of hand. Feel free to tone it down if you know how. Much of what is going on is not relevant to your mission as a pilot. Just invasion craft, bunkers, BB and CAs shelling each other etc. It's a hoot. Look around using the Cnt F2 command as I have placed some fixed cameras.
      Three books were instrumental in providing the historical facts for this endeavor...
      Ace of Aces, The Dick Bong Story - Written by Carl Bong and Mike O'connor
      Dear Mom So We Have A War by Carl Bong
      Dick Bong Ace of Aces by Gen. George Kenney
      I had unique access to these books being from Wisconsin. There are many quotes directly from Dick's letters home to his mother. They provide an extrodinary window as to the thoughts and concerns of a farm boy a long way from the farm but making the best of it.
      Carl Bong is Dick Bong's brother and Gen. Kenney was Dick's commanding officer. I have copied major parts of the "descriptions" from these books. I am not a writer but I do know how to copy well. The first mission is from the Kokoda Campaign for Pacific Fighters by VBF_80 and the skins are all modifications of other people's painstaking work the most notable being "Marge" by Richard Mutt or RMutt. I couldn't have done this project without the jump start these artists provided.
      I wish to apologize for the racial epithets used to describe the Japanese race. This was the language of the times and the quotes are verbatim. I'm sorry if they cause any discomfort. I do not mean to offend, just to be historically accurate with my quotes. Because of the 3 books mentioned I believe these missions to be very accurate, sans the proper maps of course. The conditions, land forms, forces encountered are as historically correct as can be created. Any additions or corrections would be appreciated.
      There are a few fun missions. One where you take off at night and try and get Washing Machine Charlie as Bong tried to do a few times... Another where you get into a dogfight in a SBD against a float plane... One where you have a mock dog fight with a P47 as Bong did while on leave... and the last one where you try and complete the only mission that Dick Bong could not.
      Feel free to add a video or awards etc. I have no idea as to how to go about doing that. Add all you want but please dont change the basic facts of the missions. The research is pretty good. If you do put the plane on autopilot, you will encounter all the bogies that Dick Bong shot down.
      P.S. Oh yeah, by the way, did you know who Bong was before you read this?


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    6. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 Creation

      This is a launcher for IL-2 and a campaign getter and many more. Took a while to make and it works well. Something that IL-2 1946 needs.


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    7. F6F-5 Skin "THE LDOLM@STER"

      Add to your X: \ IL2-409(&1946,PF) \ PaintSchemes \ Skins \ F6F-5(F6F-3) folder inside
      Thank you everyone's support
      Produced by the Insky-313-F-16CJ
      -----------------------------------------Insky Groups 2009


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    8. America's Ace of Aces sample video tracks.

      If anyone is interested this small campaign is just a sample of the video tracks I am adding to the campaign.
      Unzip the folder Bong Tracks into the missions/campaign/us folder.
      Choose new pilot career and then USAAF then Bong Tracks.
      Set the difficulty on easy so you can finish the missions by pressing ESC and then Quit Mission and Apply.
      The missions are all the same one and are just there to separate the videos.
      There are 8 video tracks that highlight some of the missions in the real campaign "American's Ace of Ace's Richard Bong.


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    9. Makin atoll map beta

      Need new wrapper
      Install instruktions in archive
      Ридмик в архиве. Нужен новый враппер, однако если Вы уже используете какие-либо новые кокпиты или карты, ставить его не надо, просто распакуйте в корневой каталог игры.


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    10. P-51 Mission Pack

      Built on version 4.08 standard.
      Copy the folder to Ubisoft/Il-2 Sturmovik 1946/Missions/Single/US.
      Then start your game and click "Single Missions", Air Force "USAAF", then select
      P-51 Pack, and select a mission.


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    11. PTO_P-51 Missions Pack

      Copy files from "Missions" folder and paste them into
      your Il-2 sturmovik Missions/Single/US folder. Then, start your game, click "Single Mission", select "USAAF" air force and select PTO_P-51 Pack.
      Includes briefing images and Arts.


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    12. America's Ace of Aces 3.0 Video Enhanced

      This is America's Ace of Aces 3.0
      I promise that the video tracks will work now.
      A huge thank you to WheelsUp_cavu. I had screwed up the videos so royaly that they didn't play and he took the time to set things straight. Thank you Wheels!
      It's time to fly the Lighting again.
      This is version 3.0 of America's Ace of Aces enhanced with video tracks. Hopefully the videos add to the historical feel and accuracy of this campaign following in the footsteps of America's greatest pilot and greatest plane.
      Just over the Wisconsin border from Illinois is the most stolen sign in America. It reads Bong Recreation Area. 99% of the people you ask will have no idea who or what the area is named after.
      It's a shame that the greatest fighter pilot America has ever produced is all but forgotten and his name has become a joke.
      This is just my attempt to educate a small number of you as to the life and times of Richard Ira Bong, America's Ace of Aces. His record 40 kills in the Pacific Theater will never be surpassed. This unlikely farm boy from Poplar Wisconsin became a super star and then faded into the history books. He deserves more than 15 min of fame.
      I have recreated all of Bong's successful missions. If you equal or surpass Bong's record with all the realism options turned on without do overs and without using the auto pilot you have accomplished a major feat and should be proud of your simulated flying skill.
      This campaign is complex and requires a powerful computer and video card. It was done with IL2FB+PF Combined Install version 4.09.
      Mission Bong29 (Rivals Together) is very complex. You might want to try out your computer on this one first if you plan on doing the campaign.
      I was having fun trying to make a realistic invasion scene and it got out of hand. Feel free to tone it down if you know how. Much of what is going on is not relevant to your mission as a pilot. Just invasion craft, bunkers, BB and CAs shelling each other etc. It's a hoot. Look around using the Cnt F2 command as I have placed some fixed cameras.
      I have tried to recreate as accurately as possible the circumstances faced by Dick Bong in his 2 year onslaught of the Japanese armed forces. I have had to use different maps because many of the areas that Bong fought in are not represented in the game yet. Areas such as Northern New Guinea, Rabal, Borneo, the Philippine Islands of Negros, Mindoro and Leyte have not been modelled yet.
      I have found very similar areas on other maps that fit the bill however. By using the southern part of New Guinea I was able to recreate the Lae area farther to the north; by using the Singapore map I could recreate similar conditions to the Philippine islands etc. I think you will get the feel of the historical area and conditions.
      The folder BongMissionTracks goes in the US folder that is in the Campaign folder that is in the Mission folder.
      The P38J, P38L and P38L_Late folders go in the skins folder that is in the PaintSchemes folder.
      Three books were instrumental in providing the historical facts for this endeavor...
      Ace of Aces, The Dick Bong Story - Written by Carl Bong and Mike O'connor
      Dear Mom So We Have A War by Carl Bong
      Dick Bong Ace of Aces by Gen. George Kenney
      I had unique access to these books being from Wisconsin. There are many quotes directly from Dick's letters home to his mother. They provide an extrodinary window as to the thoughts and concerns of a farm boy a long way from the farm but making the best of it.
      Carl Bong is Dick Bong's brother and Gen. Kenney was Dick's commanding officer. I have copied major parts of the "descriptions" from these books.
      I am not a writer but I do know how to copy well. The first mission is from the Kokoda Campaign for Pacific Fighters by VBF_80 and the skins are all modifications of other people's painstaking work the most notable being "Marge" by Richard Mutt or RMutt. I couldn't have done this project without the jump start these artists provided.
      It has been so long since I started this project that I forgot where all but one of the skins came from. If you recognize you work let me know. I would sure like to give you credit.
      I wish to apologize for the racial epithets used to describe the Japanese race. This was the language of the times and the quotes are verbatim. I'm sorry if they cause any discomfort. I do not mean to offend, just to be historically accurate with my quotes.
      Because of the 3 books mentioned I believe these missions to be very accurate if not the most accurate ever recreated, sans the proper maps of course. The conditions, land forms, forces encountered are as historically correct as can be created. Any additions or corrections would be appreciated.


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    13. WWIII 1946 USAAF Fighter Pilot Campaign Chapter One

      Storyline for 1946 WWIII
      January 23, 1946
      Stalin's former allies have demobilized entire armies and have sent many of their armed forces home. The US and England have a fraction of their former forces stationed on the European mainland and have shown no backbone in resisting Soviet incursions. The only thing holding Stalin back from his vision of a communist Europe dominated by the USSR is the fear of the American nuclear bomb.
      He has seen the devastation it has brought to the Empire of Japan. Although he has no doubt that his armed forces can storm through the blasted hulk of the former Germany and France he is held in check by the fear of nuclear destruction from the skies.
      Stalin's former Allies have made a fateful blunder and the world shudders at the prospect of another World War. There have been a series of confrontations over Manchuria, Turkey and the Soviets "liberation of Eastern Europe. In a huge miscalculation the US decides to base a squadron of B29 Super Fortresses in West Germany in an attempt to intimidate Stalin. The B29 is an offensive weapon not a defensive weapon. It is a first strike weapon. This only fuels Stalin's paranoia about the West using their A Bomb in a sneak attack.
      In addition his former allies are gathering far too many of the German scientists and their wonder weapons and stealing them away to work on even more destructive weapons and delivery systems.
      Comrade Stalin needs to create a buffer so that the motherland is never subject to attack again. His vision is that all future wars will be fought in the no mans land that is the former Nazi homeland and he is convinced that there will be more wars despite the American atomic bomb. It's all a matter of where and when these wars will be fought because Capitalism and Communism cannot occupy the same space.
      Some say the second atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki was a demonstration for Stalin's benefit and to reinforce the power of the atom bomb in his mind. In addition it was to demonstrate that America has not only one but many bombs and is ready to use them. The plan has worked until today.
      Today Stalin receives word through his spy master and massive network of agents that American has a total of only 6 nuclear bombs. Previously he believed that they had many more and this fear is the only thing that kept his paranoia and ambitions in check. With this news the plan for the domination of Western Europe begins.
      No longer will the West be allowed to dictate it's will on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Stalin. He will once and for all remove the threat to Mother Russia. No longer will there be a gun pointed at his head from West Germany.
      A massive and very well concealed mobilization begins.
      As a Major in the USAAF you have flown over 100 combat missions in both Europe and the Mediterranean. Because of your special status your official victory score is top secret due to the nature of you assignments.
      You have been assigned to a special unit that is working on former German Wonder Weapons that are in our possession. Your specific assignment is to assess the combat capabilities of the various weapons platforms. As such you will be helping to design and test in any future combat situations, America's newest weapons systems.


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    14. MiG-3

      The first five aircraft in a series of modifications of the MiG-3 ...
      MiG-3 16 series
      MiG-3 19 series (in the game designated as the UD)
      MiG-3 27 series (2xUBS) (in the game designated as 2xUB)
      MiG-3 34 series (2xShVAK)
      MiG-3 AM-38
      Work is continuing to build a new cabin, but in the meantime using the old ...
      Project team/working:
      Molva - 3D-model
      Ivan750 - 3D-model, template, skins and textures, testing
      Ilyshin - armament, testing
      KarabasBarabas - advice on 3D and export classes, FM, testing
      deSAD - counseling, testing
      Epizikl - testing, assembly production
      In the assembly works of the Author:
      Vert - Fashion for open canopy
      Additional Information:
      1. 3D-model aircraft are brand new, so that previously created skins do not fit!
      To create your own skins for the new models are included in the Templates ...
      2. The new aircraft replace the default, so I do not need to modify or add/prescribe
      3. Testing conducted on Windows XP and Windows 7 in versions 4.09 and 4.10
      Composition of the issue:
      - MiG-3 16 series + background (1600x1200), together with the mat-file
      - MiG-3 19 series + background (1600x1200, 1920x1080) with mat-file
      - Set of 2 extra skins (MiG-3 end MiG-3UD)
      - MiG-3 27 series
      - MiG-3 34 series
      - MiG-3 AM-38
      - Template MiG-3 (all versions)
      The development team AviaSkins
      Not for commercial use!


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    15. A6M3Zero32_204th_Kokutai_1943

      Hi to all.
      This two skins is for A6M3 Zero 32 of 204th Kokutai, saw in combat in Rabaul during
      the summer of 1943.


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    16. Nothing Phoney About This War, Mate

      Can you beat Cobber Kain in the race to be Britain's first ace of WWII?
      Nothing Phoney About This War, Mate is an historically based portrayal of RAF fighter operations from Spring 1938 until Spring 1940. Missions are set in Egypt, Palestine, England, and France. You will fly scrambles, intercepts, strikes, and patrols in Gladiators and Hurricanes, facing Bf-109s, Bf-110s, He-111s, and Ju-88s, among others. You might even encounter the elusive He-113. While all missions are based upon historical circumstances, certain episodes explore plausible alternatives.
      You won’t fly the same missions every campaign, either. Random variants present the opportunity of facing variable opposition, even during actions where RAF pilots did not actually encounter enemy aircraft, such as routine patrols. There’s also a chance that you might not face any opposition, depending upon which variant mission the campaign engine selects at random -- this is the Phoney War, after all. Nearly every mission in the campaign has at least one or two alternatives. This offers a new prospect with each restart. Every campaign you play should be slightly different. You will fly 40 sorties, with a pool of some 130 alternate missions to draw upon.
      This campaign is intended for IL2: 1946 with the UltraPack 2.01 mod installed. No additional mods need be enabled other than those active by default in UP201.


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    17. SBD-5 Atlantic 1944 Scheme

      In 1944 the SBD-5s used in Marine Scout units in the Caribbean. This is my first skin, originally done in Gimp. 2.6.8. If you want to make any enhancements let me know and I could send you the original .xcf file


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    18. Me262A-1a_U3_I._NAGR6-5_1945.zip

      Skin historically, this aircraft was flown in May 1945 on the base of the Munich-Neubiberg.


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    19. P-39Q, 4^Stormo Caccia, ICAF

      Bell P-39Q Airacobra, 4^ Stormo Caccia, ICAF
      Skin resolution: 1024x1024
      Unmarked included
      Generic skins for P-39Q in service with Regia Aeronautica/Italian Co-Belligerant Air Force
      between June 1944 and May 1945.
      In June 1944 the Regia Aeronautica/ICAF received 149/170 P-39s from the storages of 15th Air Force.
      The majority of them where P-39Q (mainly from blocks -15 and -20), with few P-39N (used for training),
      and a single P-39M (the s/n 42-4741, P-39M-1-BE).
      During three months of training, 11 accidents occurred and three pilots died.
      One of them was Sergente Maggiore Teresio Martinoli, top-scoring ace of R.A. with 22 victories (he died on 25 August 1944).
      The 4th Stormo Caccia was entirely re-equipped with the Airacobras and, from September '44 until April '45, was involved
      in a very intensive tour of duty over North-Western Greece, Albania and Yugoslavia.
      Under the colors of the newborn Aeronautica Militare, the Airacobra flew for the last time during 1951.
      Unzip into P-39Q-1 skins folder.
      Template: Pavlac (http://www.pavlac.fr/)
      Markings: Max_TheHitman (roundels)
      ------------------Legal Stuff--------------------------
      This skin is release under Freeware Licensing aka Fair User Terms.
      For more informations, check this topics: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131
      Somewhere in North Sardinia, Italy.
      October 2011


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    20. Swiss campaign, 2011 version

      Hi there. This is a complete redo of my old Swiss campaign, which I made in 2003 or 2004. It is now using correct map and planes.
      A look to the readme file :
      Thierry Duruz aka Gaston


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    21. A6M2 Strike Witches (Mio)

      This file is ready to use as A6M2 o A6M2-21
      Under the Freware Licencing Agrement:It is forbiden a redistribution as payware, you must give proper credit in a readme file or included in the description of the file as property of Red Dragon Designs
      Own restrictions
      Do not remove the logotype placed in the file, under any circunstaces you cant inlude it into a mod or be alterate without my permision
      the addition of victory markins is allowed only when the file is used as personal skin
      File Background
      This skins is basen on the strike unit of Sakamoto Mio from stike withhces who is the archetype of Saburo Sakai


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    22. El Alamein

      A campaign of 50 missions during the battle of El Alamein. You'll fly Italian's planes of the 90e Squadriglia. Skins are from the game. For Il2 1946 ver 11m with Hsfx 6.17. Description are in french, sorry.
      Good hunting over egypt and Lybia.
      I expect your comments at manuel.prego@wanadoo.fr


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    23. Westland_Lysander Air Corps (Ireland) SkinsPack

      To the Friends of the Irish.
      Thank you, "Deutschmark and Texx" for the template!
      Have Fun.


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    24. Skins Pack Gloster Meteor Air.Corps.Ireland

      A small packet of skins for a small tribute to the Air. Corps.Ireland.
      We thank Ranwers for the mod, Texx for the template, and all of you for sharing
      As I have already said in many of my posts, you are free to modify, how, where, and how much you want the Skins, but as a non-profit now that I'm on the net, it is a good of the entire community Il2Sturmovik.
      Have Fun!


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