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4 files

  1. P-3C vs AkulaI and AGI

    More involved Barrier Mission, P-3C setting a barrier for an Akula I Improved. Random surface traffic and additional tasking for a photo qual on a target of opportunity (AGI), has triggers for scoring.


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  2. Beer P3CvsAkulaIIbarrierops

    Two Star Mission with Triggers and scoring for the aspiring P-3C TACCO, this one is Barrier operations. Included are screenshots to help the Newbie through the mission.


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  3. BrettDez_Demo_Scenarios.zip

    New missions for the Demo.
    1. MH-60R Seahawk ASuW Demo:
    Scenario has pretty much the exact same stuff, only now your OHP Frigate is hostile towards you and is no longer your base. The goals are modified for the killing of the OHP. So hunt it out, approach and see if you can nail that sucker. If you want, you can still hunt the Victor III afterwards... Be careful! The FFG is MORE than capable of knocking your little seahawk out of the sky! It will not be easy! Have fun though!
    2. MH60R-Seahawk ASW: Convoy Defense (HUNT DOWN 2 KILOs!!!)
    A convoy of two cargo ships and a super tanker is being escorted by a US OHP Frigate with SH-60R Seahawk. You are the helicopter and must protect the convoy from two Kilo-Class Diesel Submarines attempting to attack the convoy!!! Let the convoy reach the goal line and resupply American troops! It is slightly buggy, one Kilo sometimes surfaces by accident.....not horrible though.THERE IS A BUG! YOU MUST HAVE LINK DATA TURNED OFF IN OPTIONS BEFORE YOU START SCENARIO!
    3. Kilo-Class Diesel Submarine ASuW: Convoy Attack
    A convoy of two cargo ships and a super tanker is being escorted by a US OHP Frigate with SH-60R Seahawk. You are one of two Kilo-Class Diesel Submarines and must DESTROY the convoy!!! DON'T let the convoy reach the goal line and resupply American troops! It is slightly buggy, the AI Kilo sometimes surfaces by accident.....not horrible though.
    4. Kilo-Class Diesel Submarine ASW: Sub Hunt
    You must hunt down a Viktor III-Class SSN that has gone rogue and is attempting to attack shipping in the waters south of us. We must stop him. Hunt down the Viktor III and attempt to torpedo him without giving him a chance to fire back. Locations of the Viktor have been slightly effected from the original canned scenario this was made from.


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  4. P3CactivevsKilo

    Kilo in a 100x100nm box, surfaced for first 5 minutes of exercise. Use Radar and ESM to determine which contact is likely a sub and procede to datum. Sub will go sinker and you are to prosecute the Datum. Active is authorized. Include screens and how too should help be needed.


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