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  1. Canvas Knights Full Game


    Notes From The Developer:

    First I would like to say, if you are looking for a hard core simulation then please go look else where, as Canvas Knights was never meant to be a hard core simulation. Canvas Knights is a modder friendly game, it is meant for creating and having fun with while being rapped up in a WW1 environment.

    Canvas Knights is a casual W.W.1 game.

    If you are looking to just try out the CK game this setup will run as a demo for 5 minutes then it will close and you can restart it for another 5 minutes and as many times as you like you can even put in all add-on's and take them for a try with the demo setup and once you put in your paid for key then the demo box will no longer come up and you will have unlimited game play time.

    Okay here we go, REMEMBER you need to use your real name and e-mail when purchasing the Canvas Knights game from Pay-Pal and the same name and e-mail when asking for your game key, this is so we can match up your Pay-Pal purchase when you ask for the game key and if they don't match on our end then you don't get a game key.


    First is to purchasing the Canvas Knights game from Pay-Pal for $30 USD

    Purchasing Canvas Knights game from Pay-Pal Here:  CLICK HERE TO BUY

    To Install Canvas Knights Game:

    Unzip with folder names on inside the ( CKFULLGAME ) folder you will find the Canvas_Knights folder, just drag and drop that folder on to any hard drive it does NOT need to be on your C drive, then go inside the Canvas_Knights folder and find the Canvas Knights EXE and click on it up will come a window like this:

    After install game will run in demo mode for 5 minutes and can be restarted as many times as you like. Longer use requires registration.

    Registering Your Game:

    Click on ( Email Support ) and up will come a e-mail like this:

    Put your name and e-mail that you used to purchasing the Canvas Knights game from Pay-Pal under where it say ( My name is ) and send the e-mail.
    Within 48 hours you will receive a e-mail back with your key, put your key into the box where it says ( Enter your key here ) and click on ( Activate Key ) you now have a full registered Canvas Knights game and you will only need to do this once.

    Note: On some web based e-mail the E-mail will not come up if this happens this is what to do:
    1. Copy all of ( Your serial number ) in that box.
    2. Put it on a E-mail along with your name and the e-mail that you used to purchasing the Canvas Knights game from Pay-Pal and send it to; john ( at ) modelartbymarco ( dot ) com

    Review The Tutorials and Game Information:

    Go to the ( How to use the game ) folder in your Canvas Knights game there is lots of info in there for you to get to know.

    Update Additional Game Files:

    You'll need to update your vehicles. You only need to do this once and only after you have put in all vehicles, but it needs to be done this way this is how:
    1. Go to the New Vehicles Download here
    and here
    2. Download ALL air, land and sea vehicles and install them. Use the install that you download for each vehicles.
    3. Once that you have done that then download the vehicle update here [ Link Removed - Needs Replaced ]
    Vehicle Update:
    To install Vehicle Update unzip with folder names on the CKVEHICLEUpdate somewhere, then go inside the CKVEHICLEUpdate folder and take the Vehicles folder and drag it over to your (Canvas_Knights) folder and drop it right on top and when asked to overwrite say yes to all.
    Finish Your Install and Enjoy:
    That's it your all done and you have all the latest CK vehicles in your game and updated and any new vehicles from here on can just be added without any updates needed.
    Now if you like you can add any of the new skins from here just follow the install information: http://combatace.com/files/category/856-aircraft-skins/ And any of the off line missions here: http://combatace.com/files/category/859-missions/ If you would like to discuss the CK game you can do that here:http://combatace.com/forum/320-canvas-knights-ww1-game-general-discussions/ Thank You:

    We thank you for your interest in the Canvas Knights game.

    Terms and Agreements:

    Now for the legal stuff, end user license agreement terms and conditions.

    Terms and conditions of this software and other modders models, textures and sounds.

    There have been some discussions about the issue of re using models, textures and sounds made by other modders or the software itself and re uploading them as your mod or even porting them over to another software / game.

    These are our guidelines about these issues, these guidelines should be respected by all add-on makers for benefit of protecting your work:
    1.  No one is allowed to disassemble, reverse engineer or copy the work done by us or another author / modder, this includes:
    a)  Models in the form of x file in whole or part, made in part of any add-on or the software itself.
    b)  Decode models in the form of xx files in whole or part, made inside any add-ons or the software itself.
    c)  Re use textures in whole or part found inside any add-on or inside the software itself.
    d)  Re use sounds in whole or part found inside any add-on or inside the software itself.
    2.  Any add-on made, should contain clear copyright information detailing its origin and copyright permission of the model, texture or sounds used.
    3.  Files without copyright permission and clear origin cannot be accepted as official add-ons, and cannot be hosted on this website or related repositories sites.
    4.  The makers of this game are against any form of copyright violation and will not host work based upon unclear origins and will remove such work from this website or related repositories sites should it be determined as a copyright violation.
    5.  Any proven copyright violation should be reported to us directly, please provide link to the original and re used files so we can trace the origin and remove the offending file.
    6.  We do not allow the use of these so called free model site models as there is to much controversy that surrounds them, therefor they will not be allowed on this website or related repositories sites and will be removed.
    7.  No one is allowed to use in whole or part any modders addon models, textures and sounds and port them over to another software / game violation of this will be dealt with at the fullest extent of the law.

    Additional Details:

    About the Canvas Knights software stock game models, textures and sounds.
    1.  Any modder can use them for making a Canvas Knights mod / addon only!
    2.  No one is allowed to use in whole or part the Canvas Knights software stock game models, textures and sounds and port them over to another software / game violation of this will be dealt with at the fullest extent of the law.

    Canvas Knights © 2013, is a product from Ilan Papini and John Marco.

    If you click to download this Canvas Knights software you then have agreed to the end user license agreement terms and conditions above.


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