12 files
Mister Mulligan
Hi all, This is my Mister Mulligan. I made this model back in 2011 and I have upgraded it to my level of work of today. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( MrMul18 ) folder and drag the ( Mister_Mulligan ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt Mister_Mulligan and save it. That's it your done. This Mister Mulligan can be used in Vehicle Simulator and Canvas Knights games. Hope you all enjoy the Mister Mulligan.
Deutschmark18 downloads
Hall Bulldog
Hi all, This is my Hall Bulldog. I made this model back in 2011 and I have upgraded it to my level of work of today. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( HlBdNe ) folder and drag the ( Hall_Bulldog ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt Hall_Bulldog and save it. That's it your done. This Hall Bulldog can be used in Vehicle Simulator and Canvas Knights games. Hope you all enjoy the Hall Bulldog.
Deutschmark11 downloads
Gee Bee Z Sportster
Hi all, This is my GeeBee Z Sportster. I made this model back in 2011 and I have upgraded it to my level of work of today. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( GeBeZe ) folder and drag the ( GeeBee_Z ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt GeeBee_Z and save it. That's it your done. This GeeBee Z can be used in Vehicle Simulator and Canvas Knights games. Hope you all enjoy the GeeBee Z.
Deutschmark13 downloads
Antoinette VII
Hi all, This is my Antoinette VII. I made this model back in 2016 and I have upgraded it to my level of work of today. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( ANTVII ) folder and drag the ( Antoinette_VII ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt Antoinette_VII and save it. That's it your done. Hope you all enjoy the Antoinette.
Deutschmark12 downloads
Hi all, This is my Demoiselle. I made this model back in 2016 and I have upgraded it to my level of work of today. This Demoiselle can be used in Vehicle Simulator and Canvas Knights games. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( DEM ) folder and drag the ( Demoiselle ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt Demoiselle and save it. That's it your done. Hope you all enjoy the Demoiselle.
Deutschmark15 downloads
AVRO Tri-Plane
Hi all, This is my AVRO Tri-Plane. I made this model back in 2016 and I have upgraded it to my level of work of today. This AVRO Tri-Plane can be used in Vehicle Simulator and Canvas Knights games. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( ROEIV ) folder and drag the ( Roe_IV_Triplane ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt Roe_IV_Triplane and save it. That's it your done. Hope you all enjoy the AVRO Tri-Plane.
Deutschmark15 downloads
Bristol Boxkite
Hi all, This is my Bristol Boxkite. This Bristol Boxkite can be used in Vehicle Simulator and Canvas Knights games. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( BRSBOK ) folder and drag the ( Bristol_BoxKite ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt Bristol_BoxKite and save it. That's it your done. Hope you all enjoy the Bristol Boxkite.
Deutschmark14 downloads
Curtiss Flyer
Hi all, This is my Curtiss Flyer. I made this model back in 2007 and I have upgraded it to my level of work of today. This Curtiss Flyer can be used in Vehicle Simulator and Canvas Knights games. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( CGF ) folder and drag the ( Curtiss_Flyer ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt Curtiss_Flyer and save it. That's it your done. Hope you all enjoy the Curtiss Flyer.
Deutschmark10 downloads
Bleriot XI
Hi all, This is my Bleriot XI. This Bleriot XI can be used in Vehicle Simulator and Canvas Knights games. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( BlXI ) folder and drag the ( Bleriot_XI ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt Bleriot_XI and save it. That's it your done. Hope you all enjoy the Bleriot.
Deutschmark17 downloads
Beechcraft Staggerwing 17R
Hi all, This is my Beechcraft Staggerwing 17R. This Beechcraft Staggerwing 17R can be used in Vehicle Simulator and Canvas Knights games. To Install; Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( BSWM17R ) folder and drag the ( Staggerwing ) folder into your VSF & CK game vehicles folder, if putting it into CK game then add the line in the allied.txt Staggerwing and save it. That's it your done. Hope you all enjoy the Staggerwing.
Deutschmark21 downloads
Boeing Model 83
This is the Boeing Model 83 was a prototype and a state of the art bi-plane of its time and what later became the Boeing P-12's ARMY Air Core and Boeing F-4B's US NAVY fighter planes of the USA in the early to mid 30's.
This prototype was made without guns and was just made for fun flying and testing of the planes airframe it was actually called a ( production prototype ) as more then 3 where made of it and they where given to the US ARMY Air Core, US NAVY and even some of the top racing and stunt flyers of 1930 for testing and feedback of the plane. This model can be used in Canvas Knights. To install;
Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( BM83 ) folder and drag the ( Boeing_Model_83 ) folder into your CK game vehicles folder, then add the line in the allied.txt Boeing_Model_83 and save it.
Hope you all enjoy the Boeing Model 83.
CK MOD First Flight
This mod needs the CK configuration app to work!, you can get that in tools.
Here we have the first CK Mod that will change your CK WW1 game into 1903 Kitty Hawk North Carolina for the first successful sustained powered flight of the Wright brothers.
The First Flight pack includes the Kitty Hawk scenery, the Wright Flyer and the Horseless Carriage.
To Install;
Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( CKFFW ) folder and take the ( First Flight ) folder and drag it over to your CK game, backup folder and drop it inside.
First Flight scenery made by Python.
First Flight 3D models made by Deutschmark.
We hope you all enjoy First Flight.
Deutschmark, Python
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