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A Bridge Too Far.rar

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About This File

We have succeded in destroying almost all the heavy bridges, and slowed the enemy advance, but at a very heavy cost, but there is one more bridge large enough for the enemy to move equipment necessary for it to substain an offense. Amongst heavy debate, HeadQuarters has decided to take a gamble, and attempt an attack at this last bridge. Resouces are slim, but considering the stratigic importance of this target, we have pooled an impressive force. The bridge MUST be destroyed. Escort the bombers, and DO NOT leave them unattended


Notes: The Bristols are considered "props" in this mission. They are there to give you something to Escort, and do have the function of bombing the bridge. I could not find a way to slow them down in mission builder, so to get them to fly in a manner that the escort fighters did not fall far behind, I gave the bombers "zig-zag" waypoints.


The Bombers with an "*" next to them when you are selecting your planes in the mission are flyable, if you want to selct a bomber.


To keep the size of the mission down, none of the axis planes are flyable.


All of the Se5a's have cockpits, and are flyable.








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