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Sound pack FEG(ONLY)Sopwith Camel Engine.

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About This File

Sound Mod for First Eagles Gold(ONLY).


I have made custom engine sound for the 3 variants of Sopwith Camel, the sound is recorded engine sound from a real Camel.

You may or may not like these so i urge you to backup your original files before install.


I have included the originals of all files that will be overwritten by this mod(sound files)but you should still back up just in case.:)




1- Put the 3 aircraft.DATA files in their respective folders inside Objects/Aircraft.........

2- Put the sound files in the /Sounds Folder.


The weapons files are made by Nixarass and i've included them because they go very well with the new engine sounds. Also i have made a new Windloop sound,

This is an essential file to get the most out of the engine sound.


Thank You!



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